October 2019 Newsletter
Announcing a NEW Program ... Crystal Kids !
Parents , do you have a child between the ages of 4-12 who has gifts or who is just a little more "aware" than other kids his or her age? Would your child benefit from increased confidence, focus or connection to others?  Perhaps you are searching for natural practices to support your wellness goals for your child?

Crystal Kids gives parents the opportunity to create an individualized natural wellness approach, selecting only the services which may be most beneficial for your child. 
How we can help

Some of the challenges which can be
helped include:
* Inability to focus or concentrate on studies
* Low confidence or self-esteem
* Nightmares or difficulty sleeping
* Fears or inability to calm mind
* Headaches or other physical discomforts
* Extreme empathy or sensitivity
* Easily distracted or a “day dreamer”
* Social ineptness
* Anxiety
* Increased awareness

All programs and services are similar to The Reiki Center’s comprehensive therapies offered to adults, but especially adapted for our youngest visitors. 

Cheri Roof, a Reiki Master, is the Director of our Crystal Kids Program. She has an early childhood and elementary teaching background. Cheri is a highly sensitive empath and intuitive. She uses her gifts to bring peace and healing to others.
For more information click here! or call The Reiki Center at 614-486-8323
or email us at office@thereikicenter.net

All new clients to The Reiki Center receive a 20% discount on your first visit.
Do you need proof? It's coming!

Have you ever tried to share your experience about a Reiki treatment with a skeptic? You excitedly talk about the relief from anxiety and pain. The amazing insights you received. The peace. How much different you feel. But to your chagrin, the skeptic responds “That stuff doesn’t work. Where’s the proof?”

Finally there are serious studies that help point towards clinical validation.

The Center for Reiki Research notes that 84 percent of hospitals indicated patient demand as the primary rationale in offering Reiki and other complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) services. 67% of those surveyed stated “clinical effectiveness” as their top reason. Internationally-recognized hospitals offering Reiki includes The Cleveland Clinic, Duke University, New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University and Yale-New Haven Hospital.

Evidence-based research is being developed by The Touchstone Process, with 25 studies already published. The Mayo Clinic is studying the feasibility of offering and providing Reiki Therapy in hospitalized hematology/oncology cancer patients. “Reiki in the Operating Room: Breast Cancer & Beyond” was presented jointly by Reiki Master Raven Keyes & Sheldon M. Feldman, MD, Chief, Division of Breast Surgery at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center.

A study published in the National Institutes of Health concludes that “…. the emphasis on biochemical treatment over quantum/energy-based technology is creating adverse
events in today’s health care. The healing of a patient must include more than the biology and chemistry of their physical body; by necessity, it must include the mental, emotional, and spiritual (energetic) aspects. EM (energy medicine) is on the forefront of accepting this challenge.”

Bottom line … while clinical studies may satisfy the skeptic’s need for proof, the countless believers who have already experienced Reiki’s benefits need look no further than their last experience.

Linda Haley, RMT
Journey Through The Chakras
with Kelly Bisson
Saturday, October 5, 9a-2p
Cost: $50

Theres's so much our chakras have to tell us!

The chakras are your "energy centers", and keeping them balanced and working at their best is what we all strive to do.
The biggest question is: Which methods work best for you?

This workshop will be an in-depth look at the chakras and the many various ways of healing and balancing each one, from sound to crystals, color to essential oils, meditation and more!

Maxiumum students for this class is 8 - so sign up early!

For more information, click here!
To register for class click here!

* * * * *

All new clients receive a 20% discount on their first session!
Beginning Mediumship
with Lisa Noland-Shalosky
Saturday, October 5, 9a-6p
Cost: $125

Have you ever wondered if you’re receiving a message from the afterlife?
Would you like to learn how to connect with your loved ones and Spirit Guides?
Come join in the fun as Lisa takes you on a journey to answer these questions and so much more! 
This is a one-day course for those who are just curious or want to learn how to expand on their own gifts.
This course will cover:
Brief History of Spiritualism
Psychic vs Mediumship
Different types of Mediumship
What is Energy and how does it affect us
The Aura and layers of the Auric Field
The Chakra System
Understanding Spirit Signs and Symbols
Connecting with your Senses
How we get Information (Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance)
The Different Stages of Grief
Levels of Spirit
Spirit Guides and their communication
Information you will get during a Mediumship Reading
Do’s and Don’ts of Mediumship
Mediumship readings using Psychometry

Come and join in the fun and see what your loved ones want to share with you!

For more information click here!
To register for class click here!
Are You an Empath.. And More?
with C Bean
Saturday, October 19, 1-4p
Cost: $30

- are affected by others’ energies and are often not aware of the influence from others wishes, thoughts, moods, desires and emotions.
- often feel physical symptoms, earth movements and the pre and post responses of major man-made tragedies.
- may ignore their own needs, isolate and may come across as detached and uncaring… you prefer to be with nature and animals, not people.
- are Wayshowers, Intuitives, have varying Paranormal, Near Death and Out of Body Experiences; and if these are not understood you may suppress these talents.
You, the Empath, the Wayshower, chose to bring your talents and gifts into the world at this monumental time.
You are valuable and needed. Love is yearning to be known in our world through you!
If you are curious or if this rings familiar join us with the exploration!

To register for class click here!

Lunch and Learn Series:
Guides and Helpers
with Linda Haley
Wednesday, October 16, 12-1p
Cost: $11

Have you ever wished you had a Guardian Angel to help with life's challenges? Do you often get hunches, have a "gut instinct" or perhaps rely on "women's intuition?"

What if you knew that you that there are Guides and Helpers who are with you every minute of day, dropping hints, helping you avert accidents and giving you the bursts of insight that you interpret as luck or just coincidence? What if you could actively work with those Helpers to navigate questions and concerns?

We all have support that have been with us since birth and will stay with us until we leave our physical bodies. Learn how to connect with your Guides to help your life flow with more ease and grace. Meditation will include an opportunity to meet your Guide and begin to get answers.

Come join us for a light lunch and learn about your Guides and Helpers. Note: in the Lower Level, so will need to use stairs.

To register for class click here!

Children's Reiki Class
with Cheri Roof
Sunday, October 27, 2-4p
Cost: $60

Children between the ages of 6 and 12 are at the perfect age to learn how to develop self-confidence, appreciate their uniqueness, and understand how they can have an important role in their own wellness.

Does your child have gifts or an awareness that seems a little more developed than his or her peers? Is he curious and perhaps wants to learn a technique that helps to bring focus and calm to help with schoolwork or association with others? If so, the Children's Reiki class offers the ideal opportunity to empower his young life.

Cheri Roof will present the basics of energy healing techniques in this 2-hour class in a way that kids will easily understand and be able to use.

This class will include one hands-on attunement. One adult permitted to observe.

To register for class click here!

Healing Trauma: A Body, Mind, Spirit Journey (A 3 Part Series )
with Jessica Starr
Sunday, October 20, 10a-1p
Sunday, November 17, 10a-1p
Sunday, December 15, 10a-1p
Cost: $225/ $200 if paid by Oct. 13

I n this experiential three part series, we will explore the impact of, and more importantly, the healing of, trauma from a holistic perspective. There will be education, experiential practices, and processing for each aspect of being (body, mind, spirit). Come prepared to learn, connect, move, and express!
The class includes:
Body:  Understand how the body processes, stores, and responds to trauma and incorporates movements to increase resilience and regulate stress physiology.
Mind:  Explore the ways trauma impacts our brains, thoughts and emotions including the role of shame and compassion.
Spirit:  Learn about the energetic and soul perspective on trauma across belief systems as well as ways to reconnect to and express your highest self.
We will have seating options available on the floor or in chairs.
Please wear something comfortable and bring a notebook or journal.

To register for class click here!
Moving Medicine:
Trager for Couples (Trager Approach Introductory
Hands-on Workshop)
with Judy Fasone
Sunday, October 27, 12-6p
Cost: $95

Touch is an important part of a healthy relationship. Intimacy demands presence. Learn to touch your partner in a loving, non-sexual and caring way. The rest is up to you!

This series of one-day workshops will enhance your capability for self-healing through movement. In addition to experiencing a greater awareness of your body, opportunities for gentle touch and self-care will be built into the day. (Just one of these classes will partially fulfill the requirements for entering the Trager® Approach Training program,)

All classes are 12pm-6pm      
6 CE’s available for LMT’s, 4.5 for Nurses
Each of the classes will introduce you to the Trager® Approach, and you will learn and experience a  hands on gentle and effective way of taking care of yourself. Take one class or the whole series for greater health and happiness. Self-Care IS Health Care!

To register for class, click here .

Integrative CranioSacral Therapy
Certification Series: Level 1
with Matthew Howe
November 8 - 11, 2019, 9a-6p
Cost: $600, early bird $500
till Oct. 12

4-day workshop for health care and wellness-minded people. Focus is listening to the body and blending approaches. Includes 16 specific
techniques designed to incorporate with your current practices. Hands-on, placing importance on mechanical side of work.
24 NCBTMB Approved CE.
Lunch will be on your own.


Bodywork for PTSD 1
with Matthew Howe
November 12 - 13, 2019, 9a-6p
Cost: $350, early bird $300
till Oct. 12

Trauma-informed 2-day workshop for health care and wellness professionals who want to integrate
healthy touch. Learn language of the nervous system, interoception and facilitating change.
Hands on and interactive class.
16 NCBTMB Approved CE.
Lunch will be on your own.

Instructor: Matthew Howe , BCMTB, LMT, ICST is owner of Touch Education, Orlando and teaches nationally and internationally.

Information: TouchEducation.com

To register for class, click here!
October Specials
Hand Massage
with Lisa Feldman
Cost: $20 for 30 min session

Be transported to a wonderful world of relaxation through hand massage. Using her strong, intuitive nurturing hands, Lisa Feldman will help you reduce your stress and tension. Many satisfied customers report greatly improved circulation, range of motion and cessation of pain in their fingers, hands, head, neck and shoulders in addition to feeling calm, peaceful and relaxed.

A great value at only $20 for 30 minutes!

To schedule an appointment, click  here !

CBD Oil Massage
with Angel Moon, LMT
Cost: $85 (Usually $90) 60 min. session

CBD Massage is now available! Enjoy a massage for your tired, achy muscles, and add a bit of CBD Salve to specific areas in order to enhance pain reduction and release of muscle tension. This is a "regular" massage enhanced with targeted application at trouble spots.

Discover the benefits of a CBD Oil Massage today.

For more information, click here!
To schedule an appointment, click here ! .

25% off Intuitive Counseling
with Melody Jenkins
Cost: $45 for 60 min. session (usually $60)

During your Intuitive Counseling session, you will have the opportunity to connect with Spirit. You will have the freedom to confidentially express yourself with your questions, your concerns and your fears.

Intuitive Counseling can help you define your Life Path, set & achieve goals, gain insight on challenges & difficulties, and much more.

For more information, click here!
To schedule an appointment, click  here !

** NEW **
Sound Bath Healing
with Cheri Roof
Cost: $60 (usually $75)

The gentle tone of Tibetan singing bowls has traditionally been used to invoke meditation, produce deep relaxation and promote general wellness. Sessions are especially helpful for those who wish to release stress, pain and/or anxiety.

When combined with Reiki, an energy medicine is produced which is said to re-align the broken frequencies of the body, mind and soul. As each of the seven bowls skillfully activate your primary chakras, a centering effect is created and the left and right side of the brain are softly synchronized and balanced. The larger bowl at your feet brings grounding and a greater sense of safety and manifestation. While lying comfortably on a massage table, your experience can produce an amazing sense of peace, calm and balance.

This modality or a modified version of this modality is appropriate for all ages.   

To schedule an appointment, click here ! .

20% off Guided Release
with Kaye Smith
Cost: $60 (usually $75)

Memories and answers are often accessible when the mind is in a state of deep relaxation. Guided Release combines Reiki energy with visualization & guided imagery to help bring answers from the subconscious into awareness and understanding.

For more information click here!
To schedule an appointment, click  here !

"Fall Chill Out"
Detox Foot Bath / Reiki / Sound Healing Combo
with Kelly Bisson
Cost: $75
Enjoy a Detox Foot Bath along with seated Reiki and a mini session of seated Sound Healing for an energetic boost!

And 20% off a 60 minute Reiki session
with Kelly $48 (usually $60)

For more information about Detox Foot Bath click here!
For more information on Sound Healing click here!
To schedule an appointment, click here!

Classes and Events for October
For information on classes, please click here . To register, click here .

Make & Take:
Pumpkin Spice & Gingerbread Body Butter using Essential Oils
with Melody Jenkins
Tuesday, October 1
Cost: $20
Maintain a Healthy Immune System Using Essential Oils
with Melody Jenkins
Tuesday, October 15
Cost: $10
Quarterly Chakra Balancing Meditation & Affirmations Using Essential Oils
with Melody Jenkins
Tuesday, October 29
Cost: $10

Healing Drum Circle
with Iggy Garcia
Saturday, October 5
Cost: Donation
Reiki Internship
(6 weeks)
with Linda Haley
6 Wednesdays,
October 9,16,23,30 & November 6 &13
Cost: $350

Reiki 1 Weekday Class
with Kaye Smith
Monday, October 21&
Tuesday, October 22, 9a-5p
Cost: $300
Reiki 1 Weekend Class
with Linda Haley
Saturday, October 19 & Sunday, October 20, 9a-5p
Cost: $300
Free Reiki Clinic
with Kelly Bisson
Monday, October 21
Cost: Free.
Vital Awakenings in Sound
with Erik Wells
Monday, October 14, 6-7:30p
Cost: $20

I Just Took a Reiki Class...
Now What?
with Kaye Smith

Thursday, October 24, 6-8p
Cost: $10

Animal Reiki Class (2 weeks)
with Kaye Smith
Tuesdays, October 3 & 10, 6-9p
Cost: $150

Animal Reiki Class
with Kaye Smith
Sunday, October 6, 9a-5p
Cost: $150

Intro to Animal Reiki
with Kaye Smith
Saturday, October 12, 10a-12p
Cost: $10
Beyond Series:
Teaching on Ascended Masters
 Divination Using I Ching
with Melody Jenkins
Monday, October 14, 6-9p
Cost: $20

Crystal Series: Crystals for the 5th Dimension Shift
with Joseph Floyd
Wednesday, October 2
Cost: $25

Deeksha Oneness Blessing
with Denise Musser
Thursday, October 17
Cost: $10
Did you know that The Reiki Center has gift cards available in any amount?
What a perfect gift!
Crystal Meditation
with Joseph Floyd
Monday, October 7
Cost: $10
The Awakening
with Joseph Floyd
Wednesday, October 9
Cost: $10
Star Origins
with Joseph Floyd
Wednesday, October 16
6-7:30 pm.
Cost: $10

Serenity & Bliss Experience
with Denise Musser, Katrina Jackson & Jennifer Jones
Tuesday, October 22, 5-7p
Cost: $60
Did you know
we offer all these services?

Emotional Freedom Technique (Tapping)
Pranic Healing
Sound Healing with Tuning Forks
Massage Therapy
Trager Approach
CranioSacral Therapy
Akashic Records
Guided Release
Intuitive Counseling
Intuitive Health Assessment
Runic Tarot Readings
Past Life Regression
Restorative Yoga
Spiritual Direction
Crystal Harmony
Eden Energy Medicine
Detox Foot Bath
Animal Wellness Services
Essential Oils
IlluminAura Restorative Experience
Spirit Drawings
Intuitive Readings
Boost by Sounds
Crystal Kids

and there are even more services coming soon!

* * * * * *

Reiki Share
(Practitioners Only)
with Joseph Floyd
Sunday, October 27
6 - 8 pm

We Listen.
We Connect.
We Empower.

Mini Sessions
For information on Mini Sessions, please click here . To register, please click here.
Messages With Spirit
with Cheri Roof
Tuesday, October 1 & Thursday, October 17
Cost: $20/20 min. session
Crystal Reading Mini Sessions
with Joseph Floyd
Monday, October 28
Cost: $20/20 min. session
Hand Massage Mini Sessions
with Lisa Feldman
Thursday, October 3, 4:30-8:30p
Cost: $20/30minute session
Archangel Card Mini Sessions
with LJ Groom
Thursday, October 3, 4-7p
Cost: $20/20 min. session
Animal Reiki Mini Sessions
with Kaye Smith
Monday, October 14, 6-8p
Cost: $20/20 min. session

Upcoming Classes and Events
Animal Reiki, Saturday, November 2, 9a-5p
Healing Drum Circle, Saturday, November 2, 7:00-9:30p
Reiki Review Class, Monday, November 4, 6-9p
Crystal Meditation, Monday, November 4, 6-7p
Messages with Spirit, Tuesday, November 5, 3:30-7p
Aromatherapy Autumn Centerpiece Using Essential Oils, Tuesday, November 5, 6-8p
Archangel Mini Readings, Thursday, November 7, 4-7p
Hand Massage Mini Sessions, Thursday, November 7, 4:30-8:30p
Integrative CranioSacral Therapy Certification Level 1, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Monday, November 8,9,10 &11, 9a-6p
Reiki 1 Class, Saturday,November 9 & Sunday, November 10, 9a-5p
Animal Reiki Mini Sessions, Monday, November 11, 6-8p
Vital Awakenings in Sound, Monday, November 11, 6-7:30p
Bodywork for PTSD Level 1, Tuesday and Wednesday, November 12 & 13, 9a-6p
Sound Healing Mini Sessions, Tuesday, November 12, 6:30-8:30p
The Awakening, Wednesday, November 13, 6-7:30p
Crystal Series: Crystals for Meditation, Thursday, November 14, 6-8p
Animal Reiki Class, 2 weeks Fridays, November 15 & 22, 6-9p
Creating Vision Boards That Work, Saturday, November 16, 9a-6p
Reiki 2 Class, Saturday, November 16 & Sunday, November 17, 9a-5p
Free Reiki Clinic, Monday, November 18, 6-8p
Reiki 2 Weekday Class, Tuesday & Wednesday, November 19 & 20, 9a-5p
Open Your Heart & Intuitive Eye Chakras, Tuesday, November 19, 5-8p
Release Emotional Baggage Using Essential Oils, Tuesday, November 19, 6-8p
Lunch & Learn, Wednesday, November 20, 12-1p
Star Origins, Wednesday, November 20, 6-7:30p
Messages with Spirit, Thursday, November 21, 3:30-7:30p
Deeksha The Oneness Blessing, Thursday, November 21, 7-9p
Reiki 1/Animal Reiki Combo Class, Saturday, November 23 & Sunday, November 24, 9a-6p
Moving Medicine: Helping Ourselves, Helping Others Trager Approach, Sunday, November 24, 12-6p
Reiki Share, Sunday, November 24, 6-8p
Body Tuning for Upper Back and Chest Mini Sessions, Monday, November 25, 5-8p
Crystal Mini Readings, Monday, November 25, 6-8p
Serenity & Bliss Experience, Tuesday, November 26, 5-7p
Certified Reiki Classes
Learn at the only facility in Central Ohio which teaches in the traditional format.
For class details, please click here . To register, please click here.

Reiki 1 Internship (6 weeks)
with Linda Haley
Wednesdays, October 9,16, 23, 30 & November 6 & 13
Cost: $350
Invitation Only Reiki Master Class
with Linda Haley
Saturday, October 26 & Sunday, October 27, 9a-5p
Cost: $500
Reiki 1 Weekday Class
with Kaye Smith
Monday, October 21 & Tuesday, October 22, 9a-5p
Cost: $300
Reiki 1 Weekend Class
with Linda Haley
Saturday, October 19 & Sunday, October 20, 9a-5p
Cost: $300
Open every day,
9 am - 9 pm
by appointment
1540 W. Fifth Avenue
​Columbus, OH 43212
​Phone: (614) 486-8323