Dear Friends,
I just finished a walk around Trinity Center’s beautiful campus and noticed all the intimations of spring…fragrant jasmine, bright yellow daffodils, Canadian Geese flying north, and t-shirt clad tourists walking on the beach. Signs that Spring 2023 is upon us and with it, the miracle of Easter.
Easter has as its premise the ultimate sacrifice made by God on our behalf...
the ultimate gift, the ultimate blessing. As God has blessed us with this extraordinary gift, we too are called to unselfishly bless and serve the world in which we live.
There is no better advocate for this concept than Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, whose invitation into the "Jesus Movement" calls upon us to follow Jesus into loving, liberating and life-giving communion with God, with God's creation and with each other. Bishop Curry even offers seven "Way of Love" practices for Jesus-centered living: turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, rest.
Camp and conference ministry in general, and Trinity Center in particular, provides a physical framework for living out and experiencing this "Way of Love." Indeed, turn, learn, pray, worship, bless, go, rest is the essence of our ministry.
If those of all ages who are seeking a place of respite and nurture can come to Trinity Center and live something of Jesus' Way of Love, imagine how they might go forth to bless and serve the world! Trinity Center isn’t a ministry supported by the church, but rather a ministry that blesses and serves the church.
I invite you to experience the Way of Love; come and visit this wonderful resource of the Diocese of East Carolina soon and often!
John Koch, Executive Director