outh Bay Cities Council of Governments
South Bay Green Business Assist Program
Winter 2019
Happy New Year! We hope your 2019 is off to a good start. The Green Business Assist Newsletter will now be published on a quarterly basis, with Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall editions. This newsletter includes an update on the California Green Business Network Program, articles on packaging alternatives, bringing nature indoors to improve productivity, and classes and events in which you may be interested so please make sure to scroll to the bottom for those dates. Please let us know if there are additional topics you would like to see in future newsletters.
8 Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternatives for Your Business's Shipping Needs
(Cory Levins, Air Sea Containers)
We all know how important it is to reduce our impact on the environment. Many businesses are now improvising with new ways of designing and producing their products, attempting to lessen their carbon and environmental footprint, while simultaneously saving on costs. The concept of "cradle-to-cradle" - taking responsibility for a product's impact from the sourcing of the materials to its ultimate disposal - is also becoming increasingly popular.
One of the biggest culprits when it comes to an industry's impact is packaging materials and accessories. The cradle-to-cradle concept needs to take into account the shipping of a product from the producer, through the retailer, and onto the consumer-a process which often involves significant quantities of expensive packaging materials. This has led to a wave of innovative new eco-friendly alternatives to traditional packaging materials. From recyclable plastics to biodegradable containers, there is seemingly no end to the options available to the environmentally conscious business. Here are a few your business can consider:
How Bringing Nature Indoors Improves Office Productivity
(Michael Burnett, Midwest Tropical)
In the agrarian days of the pre-industrial world, just about everyone worked outdoors. We've come a long way since then. Today, the majority of people work indoors in an office environment. Although this has its advantages - protection from the elements, comfort, etc. - it has the side effect of leaving most people somewhat disconnected from the natural world. By spending so much time in a climate-controlled, indoor environment surrounded by artificial lighting and recycled air, the amount of time most people spend in the fresh air and sunshine is minimal.
 That might not seem like a problem to many people, but the truth is that keeping a connection to nature can be highly beneficial. Human beings aren't machines - we need to maintain at least a small connection to nature in order to feel our best. Research has shown that offices featuring more connections to nature had a more positive impact on workers' well-being than offices without those connections to nature. For property owners or employers interested in creating a more hospitable office environment, adding a touch of the outdoors can be a highly effective way to do so. Workers who feel more comfortable and happier at work also tend to be more productive, so a hint of nature indoors can be a great way to boost productivity in an unobtrusive way.
Update on the California Green Business Network Program in Hawthorne and Torrance
As was highlighted in a previous issue of this newsletter, the cities of
 Hawthorne and Torrance are participating in the California Green Business Network (CAGBN) Program, a certification program that includes implementation of best management practices that address energy efficiency, waste reduction, water conservation, along with other "green" practices that will help businesses become more sustainable while also saving money. The CAGBN, with over 3,000 certified businesses, leads the state and nation in working with small to medium-sized businesses to grow a vibrant and healthy green economy, resulting in more livable communities with healthier environments, conservation of resources, and money saved.
SBCCOG staff has been very busy identifying and assessing businesses in both cities. Currently, in the City of Torrance, 10 businesses are in the process of becoming certified, and in the City of Hawthorne, 8 businesses are in the process of becoming certified. Both cities have provided green business "starter kits" that include eco-friendly cleaning supplies, recyclable paper products, and a blue recycle bin. If you know of a small to medium-sized business in Hawthorne or Torrance that may be interested in participating in the CAGBN, please let us know 310-371-7222.
West Basin Offers FREE Landscape Transformation Classes & Rain Barrel Distribution Events
West Basin Municipal Water District has partnered with the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) to offer homeowners a free class designed to help transform your lawn into a more water-efficient landscape.
During the class, residents will learn how to:
- Remove existing grass
- Plan a sustainable garden design
- Prepare a healthy soil for plants
- Incorporate a water-efficient irrigation system
- Plant climate-appropriate plants
- Maintain a new, drought-tolerant landscape
Please share this with your employees. And, for more information, or to register for classes, please click here.
And don't forget...MWD is offering a rebate of $1 per square foot of turf
removed from residential and commercial landscapes.
West Basin is also holding their annual rain barrel giveaway program at various locations throughout the South Bay. You must be a resident in West Basin's service territory to be eligible to receive one.
Click here
for more information and to register.
SBCCOG's 20th Annual General Assembly:
Celebrating the Past - Shaping the Future
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Please join us for this FREE event.
Historians will review changes in the South Bay since WWII while experts will discuss future issues such as:
- History of the South Bay
- Changes in demographics, aging, diversity
- Workforce of the future
- Civic well-being: coping with change
For more information and to RSVP, please click here.
SBESC's Food Waste Workshop
A workshop on "Food Waste: What Is It and What Can We Do About It?" will be held at the South Bay Adult School Mira Costa campus in Manhattan Beach. Experts from the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and Waste Management will be discussing what's being done about food waste on the commercial side, and what residents can do to reduce their own food waste.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
7:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M.
Manhattan Beach
For more information on how to register,
click here.
California Friendly Landscape Training
Saturday, February 23, 2019
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
For more information on how to register,
click here.
The SCE Energy Education Center offers classes, workshops, seminars, demonstrations and technical consultations to help your business find cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions. For more information, visit
SCE Energy Education Center
The SoCalGas Energy Resource Center (ERC) offers seminars, demonstrations and consulting services to help your business find cost-effective and energy-efficient solutions. for more information, visit
this link