April 14, 2020

Good Morning friends!! Oh we miss you so!

Did you catch this week's Facebook challenge?? We want to know what you are cooking! maybe a kid friendly recipe, maybe something that everyone in the family loves....all of this cooking at home, we need new ideas! We will draw a name on Friday...to participate leave a comment in the challenge post. This week's prize will be your choice of a Barnes and Noble giftcard or a package of goodies (books & art supplies) in the mail.
Click HERE to go to the challenge post.

Have you tried listening to a children's story podcast? A great way to slip some literacy in, work on listening skills and a great way to wind down after a long day!
Circle Round is produced by a local Berkshire family...very cool!
Click HERE.

How about some yoga....a great way to stay active with your kiddos! We are loving the very simple poses found here: . www.kidsyogastories.com