SCAEA August 2018 Newsletter |
President's Palette
I love the start of a new school year and the possibilities of inspiring and fostering the love of creativity and art making with my students. This week as
I unpacked boxes of paints, glazes, markers, scissors and more, I considered the work that my young artists will create this school year. I love new art supplies now as much as I did as child. A fresh start is good. As you begin this new school year, I hope that you will not only think of the materials that you need for your students, but also what you need to be the most equipped, qualified and fulfilled art educator. SCAEA can support
you. Our fall
conference is packed with opportunities: networking, hands-on sessions, incredible artist speakers, vendors and an artists bazaar. This year's conference is Friday, November 30th through Sunday, December 2nd at the Hyatt in Greenville. Take time now to plan to attend: talk to your administrator about a professional day, ask your PTA to assist with conference expenses, does your school or district have a grant for which you can apply? I hope that you can find a way to be there.
Your SCAEA board has been working hard to create an inspiring and fun conference for you!
Look for the launch of our new website this week, until then stay in touch on facebook.
Save the Date
Hyatt Regency
Greenville, SC
November 30th - December 2nd, 2018
NAHS State Conference
USC-Columbia McMaster School of Art
Columbia, SC
March 2019
Important News
Secondary Division News from Jennifer Fox
The 2019 SC NAHS State Conference is *tentatively* scheduled for Saturday, March 2, 2019 @ USC-Columbia. More details to come!
Middle Division Information from Joshua Powell
Please be sure to register for National Art Honor Society or National Junior Art Honor Society. Se the link below for details.
Elementary Division News with Mollye Spitler
Be on the look out for an email from me, Mollye Spitler, coming later this week. If you would, please take a few minutes to fill out this survey about what you would like to see in the coming months and years for elementary art teachers in SCAEA: click HERE.
We want to hear from all of our elementary members! Thank you!
Lower Region Information from Elise Stuck
Be an advocate for the arts and grow in your leadership skills by serving as our next SCAEA Lower Region Coordinator. The coordinator position is a two year term with the primary responsibilities of organizing a Lower Region mini-conference and the Youth Art showcase. If you are interested in running for the position, please
send your bio and a head shot to Josh Keiper, jkeiper@richland2.org
Important Western Region Dates from Sandi Carson
January 26, 2019: Mini-Conference at Converse College
February 28-March 10: YAM Show at SC Governor's School of the Arts and Humanities
March 10: YAM Reception at the Governor's School Lipscomb Gallery
Youth Art Month News from Randall Clamp
Thank you to all of the teachers and coordinators who participated in the 2018 Youth Art Month (YAM) events sponsored by the SCAEA.
The winners of each Regional YAM show were advanced to the 2018 South Carolina YAM Show which was held at Edventure in Columbia. Sargent Art, our corporate sponsor, awarded student and teacher prizes for the state winners including: Elementary School Division, Middle School Division and High School Division. Each winning student received art supplies worth $100 and each winning teacher received classroom art supplies worth $300. The Overall winning student received a cash prize of $1,500 in the form of a check and the Overall winning teacher received classroom art supplies worth $2,000. Thank you to Sargent Art for their continued support of the SCAEA and the South Carolina YAM Show. In addition, the SCAEA awarded $20 to each First Place Winner and $15 to each Second Place Winner. Congratulations to all participants.
Please plan on participating in your Region's YAM show next spring. If you have any YAM questions, please contact your Regional Coordinator or Randall Clamp at randall.clamp@richlandone.org.
For a full list of the 2018 Youth Art Month Winners and teacher participants, please click HERE.
Higher Ed Division News from Tracey Hunter-Doniger
The Higher Ed Division position is up this year. If you're interested in running, speak to a board member!
Three members have books that came out in the past two years.
Dr. Minuette Floyd
University of South Carolina
A Place to Worship: African-American Camp Meetings in the Carolinas.
Published through USC Press.
Tracey Hunter-Doniger
College of Charleston
Experiencing the Arts: Creativity in Education
(2018) 2nd edition, Publisher Kendall-Hunt
Dr. Karen Hope Goodchild
Chair, Department of Art and Art History
Wofford College
by Karen Hope Goodchild; April Oettinger; Paul Barolsky;
Publisher: Chicago The Bard Graduate Center [2017] © 2017
Several SCAEA members have also had articles published recently.
Chang, E. (in publication process). Museum for everyone: Experiments and probabilities in telepresence robots. In Garner, R (Eds.), Art Education, Disabilities, and Technology Book. NewYork: Rutledge.
Chang, E., & Lee, B. (in publication process). Investigating STEAM education both in the U.S. and South Korea as a Practical Case Study for the 21stCentury. In Teresa E. & Glen, G. (Eds.), Learning through art: Lessons for 21stCentury(pp. NA). InSEA Publications.
Lee, B., & Chang, E. (2017). A cross-cultural study on STEAM education in Korea and United States.
Korea Science & Art Forum, 30
(3), 277-288.
Chang, E. (2017). Nam June Paik: Looking, thinking, and talking about his life and works. In Shin, R., Lim, M., Bae-Dimitriadis, M., & Lee, O (Eds.), Pedagogicalglobalization: Traditions, Contemporary art, and popular culture of Korea(pp. 129-140). Viseu, Portugal: InSEA Publications.
Hope Goodchild, K. (2018).Bizarre painters and Bohemian poets : poetic imitation and artistic rivalry in Vasari's biography of Piero di Cosimo
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2018). "But he looks like me": Social Justice in Art Education. Art Education Journal special edition on Social Justice. 71
(1), 17-19.
Hunter-Doniger, T., & Herring, A. (2017). The Perceptions of Art in Non-Art Pre-Service Teachers. Studies in Art Education: A Journal of Research. 58(4), 279-291.
Hunter-Doniger, T. (2018). Art Infusion: Ideal Conditions for STEAM. Art Education Journal. 71(2), 22-27.
A Few Words from Past President Catherine Campbell
We are still accepting applications for the R. Scot Hockman Teacher Grant.
Applicants must be active members of SCAEA for at least one year prior to the year of application: For this application, applicants must be a member of SCAEA/NAEA by December 2017 (must be a member for a full year prior to applying).
Applicants must teach in a K-12 setting Grant funds must be used to support instruction during the regular school day. The grant amount awarded may be up to $750.
Teachers that are awarded grant funds must present a session at the SCAEA State Conference following grant implementation. This presentation will include an overview of the their grant program or unit, a description of the impact on student achievement, the impact on the teacher's instructional practices, and examples of student and/or teacher products created through grant funds.
Grant activities must be founded on the National Visual Art Standards and provide effective, innovative art instruction.
Applications and letters of support must be submitted by
5 PM on
Friday, January 11, 2019
Application Link: Click
mportant Information from Carrie Ann Power at the State Department of Education
The 2017 South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Proficiency were APPROVED for final reading by the State Board of Education on June 13, 2017.
As a result, the 2018-2019 school year marks the full implementation year of these new standards which can be accessed via the link below:
Crosswalk (Bridge) documents for your arts content area will be posted on the Visual and Performing Arts website soon. The crosswalks will help you find where the 2010 content can be found in the new 2017 document.
Professional Development
Carrie Ann Power will be offering three regional professional development opportunities this fall for all Visual and Performing Arts Teachers. This professional development series is being offered to provide a deep dive into the NEW 2017 Standards. Regional locations include Greenville, Lexington, and Bluffton. Registration will stay open until August 30th or until a location is full. Limited spaces are available. If interested, please e-mail me (Carrie Ann Power
cpower@ed.sc.gov ) for the link to register.
Best Practices Manuel for Gifted and Talented
The best practices manual for gifted and talented education has been undergoing revisions this past year. The updated manual will contain revised rubrics for the identification of artistically gifted and talented learners. The new format will include a series of documents on best practices in gifted education. Check for the release of the new Best Practices Manuel to be posted this fall via
Thank you for your commitment to your students and the field of Arts Education. I hope to see you this year at one of the many professional development opportunities being offered in our state.
Carrie Ann
Opportunities, Contests, Scholarships, and More
R. Scot Hockman Teacher Grant
Applicants must be active members of SCAEA for at least one year prior to the year of application and
teach in a K-12 setting.
Grant funds must be used to support instruction during the regular school day. The grant amount awarded may be up to $750.
Teachers that are awarded grant funds must present a session at the SCAEA State Conference following grant implementation. This presentation will include an overview of the their grant program or unit, a description of the impact on student achievement, the impact on the teacher's instructional practices, and examples of student and/or teacher products created through grant funds.
Grant activities must be founded on the National Visual Art Standards and provide effective, innovative art instruction.
HERE to access the application.
Converse College Young Women in Art Juried Exhibition
High School Grades 9-12
March 1-9, 2019
Deadline to submit:
February 22, 2019
March 9, 1:30 pm
Milliken Art Gallery
Arts Curricular Innovation Grants:
Arts Curricular Innovation Grants:
Grant Awards for FY19 have been released! New grant award winners for FY19 will be posted on our website in September. We awarded Arts Curricular grant funds to 81 schools and districts this year. Writing an Arts Curricular grant is a great way to get the needed materials and professional development to implement the new
2017 South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Proficiency. The SCDE provides grant funds to schools and districts that propose arts initiatives that will support quality arts education programs that significantly improve student achievement in the arts.
The new request for proposal (RFP) is released in January every year and deadlines for applications are in April. If you are interested in writing a grant, watch the SCDE website in late December/early January for the release of the new RFPs.
National Young Arts Foundation
The registration deadline for this program is in October every year.
How do students apply for US Presidential Scholar in the Arts?
Young Arts, the core program of The National Young Arts Foundation nominates up to 60 candidates for consideration as US Presidential Scholars in the Arts following participation in Young Arts week. Young Arts can be contacted directly for specific questions at 1 800 970 ARTS or via email at
The registration deadline for this program is in October every year.
As an Arts Educator, please go online to view the student application process and get familiar with the program prior to next fall. You may have some students you want to encourage to participate.
Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) is announcing the Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program. This annual program offers public school twelfth-grade students the opportunity to compete for a scholarship worth approximately $2,000 in creative writing, dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. The purpose of the competition is to encourage and recognize academic and artistic excellence. Watch for the new applications to be posted on the website this fall.
Help Wanted/Needed
The SCAEA started a hashtag on instagram and twitter. When posting videos or images of student work, personal work, or general art education themed information, please use #scARTedu
SCAEA has a NEW Instagram page
SCAEA has a Facebook Page - LIKE US!
SCAEA has a Twitter - FOLLOW US!
Please check your spam folders for SCAEA emails. We often times send out information between newsletters about awards, membership, contests, etc. If you are an SCAEA member, you should be receiving something monthly in your email.
Inspiring Art |
In her beautiful new series, Speculations, Sarah Meyohas uses mirrors, pastels, delicate fabrics, and floral arrangements to create ethereal and surreal tunnels. Meyohas intentionally selects elements and objects that seduce the viewer, pulling them in for a deeper exploration of each piece. To learn more, click
If you would like to include relevant information in the next SCAEA newsletter, please email Lane Jordan at ljordan@richland2.org.