South Carolina Art Education Association
SCAEA January 2019 Newsletter
President's Palette

Please mark your calendars to attend our fall professional development conference at the Hyatt in Greenville, SC. The dates are Friday, November 22nd through Sunday, November 24th. Even though it is nine months away, we are already working hard to make it great! Thom Knab, who will be NAEA's president by conference time, is one of our featured speakers. Several other artists, art educators and advocates are in the works. Not only will we have fantastic speakers, we will also have a conference app! The app will allow you to access presentations and resources shared by presenters. The app will also allow us to share updates in real time, making room changes and other news easier for you to access.  We hope it will make your conference experience better than ever. Have you presented at a conference? If not, please consider presenting this year. If you do not want to present alone, find a colleague with which you can work.  The call for proposals will be coming out soon! 


Cynthia Caraway Hudson
Save the Date
NAHS State Conference
USC-Columbia McMaster School of Art
Columbia, SC
March 2nd, 2019 

Eastern Region Youth Art Month
Florence County Library 
Florence, SC
March 27 - March 30 

Western Region Youth Art Month
Lipscomb Gallery at the SC Governor's School of the Arts and Humanities
February 28th - March 10

Converse College Young Women in Art Exhibition
Milliken Art Gallery
580 East Main Street, Spartanburg SC
March 9, 1:30 pm
Important News
Secondary Division News from Carolina Doughty 
The NAHS Conference will be held on Saturday, March 2, 2019.  It will be at USC in the McMaster College School of Visual art and Design.  A sign up form will be sent out next week.  The Cost is $10 per student.  This includes a box lunch and a t shirt. Sign up will end on March 1, 2019.

Middle Division Information from Joshua Powell
Introducing the formation of the middle level committee for SCAEA.   If you're interested in assisting with planning for our conference break out session, welcoming at the conference, and possibly helping as a mentor to other middle level teachers in our state, I would love to have you on the middle level committee.  Please complete the Google Form linked HERE to receive more information.   
Elementary Division News with Mollye Spitler
If you missed the letter about SCAEA offering support for losses during the flooding from the hurricanes last fall, please be sure to check out that information!  If you need help with that, please email me!

We really want to connect with our PACE teachers out there!  If you are a PACE teacher or know someone who is, could you please get in touch with me?  We want to provide support, encouragement, and help to keep you going in the hard moments!  We need you art teachers!! :) 

If you missed my recent email following up from the conference with screenprinting info, let me know!

Eastern Region Information from Amber Harar
Eastern Region YAM show will be held at the Florence County Library from March 27-March 30 (Show will be taken down on March 31). Winners will be announced on March 30th at 3:00.

Important Western Region Dates from Sandi Carson
The Western Region Youth Art Month Exhibit will be held at the Governor's School of Arts and Humanities in the Lipscomb Gallery from February 28th to March 10th.  Please d eliver art to the Governor's School Welcome Center between the days of February 18th and the 22nd.  The  Youth Art Month Reception will be on March 10th in the Lipscomb Gallery.

Election Process Update from Secretary Elise Stuck
SCAEA will be transitioning to online voting beginning fall of 2019.  The voting will take place prior to the SCAEA Annual Conference.  This change is being made to expand members' access to the polls. 
A call for 2020 candidates will be shared in the SCAEA newsletter this summer.

A Word from Pre-service Teacher Representative Amber Aylesworth
Thank you to all of the colleges and pre-service students who were able to come to the SCAEA conference! It was a blast getting to meet and speak with you all. Currently, I am reaching out to college professors to address the needs of their pre-service students. Please reach out to me anytime through email at Thank you for everything that you do.

Higher Ed Division News from Kimberly Wilson
As serving Higher Education Division Chair, I will strive to provide the "essential communications and responsibilities" (May 2018 SCAEA newsletter) in order to achieve the goal set forth by our board last year. Any goal, however, does require the efforts of many. Therefore, I charge our Higher Education members to increased communication and participation through the following actions:
  1. Add me ( to your email contacts. Email will be my primary source of communication with our community, including announcements on upcoming events and requests for actions, ideas, and feedback. Adding me to your contacts will possibly prevent missed communication due to security filters.
  2. If you have not done so, please read the email sent by me on Feb. 4, 2019, complete the survey, and carefully review the SCDE Certification Guidelines document contained within the shared Google folder link.

I am pleased to report that the 2019 SC Arts Higher Education Forum, hosted by ABC Project, was a success with 48 registered guests, representing 17 higher education institutions, four state agencies and three statewide arts organizations. Several SCAEA Higher Education members were in attendance and Cindy Riddle, SCAEA President-Elect, was a featured panelist. The Google folder shared in my Feb. 4 email provides the presentations of the day and resources pertaining to issues addressed. Please be sure to watch for emails from me addressed to the entire SC Arts Higher Education community for upcoming opportunities and get involved! 

Finally, I wish to highlight one specific webinar, hosted by NAEA on  Design Thinking in the K-12 Art Room. Click the embedded hyperlink to read the full description and register. NAEA webinars are free for members, but you will need your membership number in order to register. This webinar is of particular interest due to the fact that South Carolina is the first state to implement Design Thinking standards.  

Thank you for your time and involvement. My contact information is:; 149 McLaurin Hall, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC 29733; (803)323-3010.

A Few Words from Past President Catherine Campbell
Congratulations to Elise Stuck, who is the 2018-19 recipient of the R. Scot Hockman Teacher Grant.  
Be on the lookout for ways you can apply for both the R. Scot Hockman Grant for 2019 and the Mary Whyte Teacher award.  Applications for these will be coming out soon!

I mportant Information from Carrie Ann Power at the State Department of Education
Professional Development 
I am currently offering a professional learning series in Design Thinking at the Columbia Museum of Art from February through May 1 st and two standards implementation professional learning series starting in February- March.  Registration for this current series has been closed.  Check on the release for future professional learning (summer/fall 2019) on our website via 

South Carolina Arts Assessment Program
The mission of the South Carolina Arts Assessment Program is to provide standards-based evidence that informs instruction and program development in the arts to increase student achievement and promote teacher growth.

The current 4 th grade arts assessment has been revised based on our new state standards.  We have also created a program evaluation survey that will be administered to all schools K-12 who receive the DAP grant to establish baseline data concerning the effectiveness of the ACIG over time.  We will piolet the new survey this year. The survey contains questions based on the following topics: Instructional Time and Planning, Teacher Certification, Arts Program Offerings, Funding and Budget, and Access to Arts Specific Professional Learning Opportunities.

Thank you for your commitment to our students in South Carolina and I hope to work with you during one of the many professional development opportunities being offered in our state.

Opportunities, Contests, Scholarships, and More

Converse College Young Women in Art Juried Exhibition
High School Grades 9-12
March 1-9, 2019
Deadline to submit:  February 22, 2019

Reception:  March 9, 1:30 pm
Milliken Art Gallery

Arts Curricular Innovation Grants
The services and activities of the Arts Curricular Innovation grants are going as planned with 81 grants awarded to schools and districts serving close to 3,000 teachers and over 62,000 students.  

We held a Grants Management Workshop for all awardees at the CMA on November 5th.  This workshop was for grant managers, school bookkeepers and district grants accounting to work together on best practices in managing grant funds. 

Registration information for the summer arts institute programs went to DAP grant managers with a December 8th deadline to register. If you want to be placed on a waiting list for one of the summer institutes please contact Cheryl Taylor with the ABC project.  Cheryl handles the registration for these courses.  We still have spaces available for the Strategic Arts Planning Institute, Arts Assessment, and SCALSA. 

The new request for proposal (RFP) for IAW and DAP grants have been released. Please e-mail me if you need the link to the recorded Technical Assistance training sessions.
Deadline for IAW applications are April 2nd.
Deadline for the DAP applications are April 16th.
Help Wanted/Needed
The SCAEA started a hashtag on instagram and twitter.  When posting videos or images of student work, personal work, or general art education themed information, please use #scARTedu

SCAEA has a NEW Instagram page

SCAEA has a Facebook Page - LIKE US!

SCAEA has a Twitter - FOLLOW US!

Please check your spam folders for SCAEA emails. We often times send out information between newsletters about awards, membership, contests, etc. If you are an SCAEA member, you should be receiving something monthly in your email.
Inspiring Art
Kehinde Wiley has been soaring through the contemporary art scene for many years.  His recent presidential portrait painting of Barack Obama brought even more notoriety to his complex and beautiful paintings.  His most recent work is housed in the Saint Louis Art Museum where he painted Northern St. Louis and Ferguson locals into compositions inspired by eight other works found at the museum.  To read more, click on this link.

If you would like to include relevant information in the next SCAEA newsletter, please email Lane Jordan at