South Carolina Art Education Association
SCAEA January 2018 Newsletter
President's Palette

Happy 2018!  I hope your new year is off to a great start and that you had a relaxing holiday break!

I would like to thank the following board members who are rolling off for their service and dedication to the SC Art Education Association: Jen Pierce (Eastern Region), Grace Smith (Western Region), and Jennifer Neubauer (Elementary).  I would like to especially thank Meg Skow (Past-President and Vice President Elect for the Southern Region of the NAEA) for her years of dedication, fantastic conferences and leadership to the SCAEA!  We are so lucky that she is continuing on and representing us on the National level!

As I roll into the position of Past-President, I have enjoyed working on the past conferences and look forward to assisting our new President, Cynthia Hudson, and President-Elect, Cindy Riddle, on the next few.  As well, I am thrilled and honored to continue working with Meg Skow as her VP Elect for the SE Region starting in March!

I would like to welcome our newest board members: Miranda Roop, who is filling the unexpired term of Central Region, Sandi Carson (Western Region), Amber Harrar (Eastern Region), and Mollye Crowell Spitler (Elementary).  We are looking forward to your leadership rolls with the SCAEA.

The SCAEA has some wonderful upcoming mini conferences (Western Region,  January 27th and Lower Region,  February 3rd) and the National Art Honor Society Conference at USC ( March 3rd).  Information on all of these are on our FB page, constant contact emails and the SCAEA website.  As well, don't forget about the NAEA conference in Seattle,  March 22-24th and all of our YAM activities!

Looking forward to seeing you all in 2018 at all of our wonderful events!

All the best,
Save the Date
2018 Western Region Art Retreat
Greenville County Museum of Art
Greenville, SC
Saturday, January 27th, 2018

2018 Lower Region Art Retreat
Gibbes Museum
Charleston, SC
Saturday, February 3rd, 2018

Lower Region Youth Art Month Exhibition
North Charleston City Hall
North Charleston, SC
February 24th - March 3rd, 2018

Western Region Youth Art Month
South Carolina Governor's School for the Arts
Greenville, SC
March 9th - 18th, 2018

Central Region Youth Art Month
Columbia, SC
March (Dates TBA)

NAHS State Conference
USC-Columbia McMaster School of Art
Columbia, SC
Saturday, March 3rd, 2018

2018 NAEA National Convention
Seattle, Washington
March 22-24, 2018
Important News
Secondary Division News from Jennifer Fox  
SC NAHS State Conference is scheduled for  Saturday, March 3, 2018 at USC-Columbia's McMaster School of Art!  More information is included below
Date:   Saturday, March 3, 2018
Time:   9:00am - 4;00pm
Place:  USC-Columbia McMaster School of Art
Cost:  $10. per person -- includes a box lunch + t-shirt
Registration: HERE
Interested in presenting?  A link for proposals can be found here.

News from the Western Region with Sandi Carson
Western Region Winter Art Retreat
Please join the SCAEA Western Region for a winter art retreat. Choose from a hands-on workshop with encaustic artist Pat Kilburg or "painting" collage with Judy Verhoeven. Sessions are limited to the first 18 participants to sign up for each class. Spend a fun day at the Greenville County Museum of Art seeing the latest exhibits, learning new techniques, creating personal art, and enjoying time with other art educators!
Date: Saturday, January 27, 2018
Time: 10:00-3:00pm
Location: Greenville County Museum of Art
420 College Street
Greenville, SC 29601
Cost: $30 (Non-members $40)
Registration includes a box lunch
Participants will earn 4 hours of Renewal Credit
To reserve your spot, complete the following form and submit payment by Jan. 19th. You will need your NAEA membership number.
Please make checks payable to SCAEA and mail to:
Sandra Carson
203 Berrow Way
Taylors, SC 29687
Contact Sandi Carson, Western Region Coordinator, at
Use the link below to register:

Western Region Youth Art Month
Location: South Carolina Governor's school for the arts
Drop of work February 26th - March 2nd
Exhibit setup: March 5th- 9th
Reception: Sunday, March 18th 1:30-3:30

Central Region News from Miranda Roop
Youth Art Month will be housed at EdVenture in downtown Columbia during March.  Information about the application, work drop-off, and the reception is forthcoming.  If you have any questions in the interim, you can email me at

Lower Region News with Elise Stuck
Don't forget to register for our Lower Region Retreat:
Screen Printing for the Classroom: An Art Retreat hosted by the SCAEA Lower Region   
DateSaturday, February 3rd, 2018
Location: Gibbes Museum
Cost: $25  (Non-members $45)
Registration Deadline : January 19th, 2018  
Contact Elise Stuck, SCAEA Lower Region Coordinator, at 

Entry Form: HERE

Youth Art Month News from Randall Clamp
2017/2018  Youth Art Month: National Flag Design Contest
We are looking for a few good artists to submit flag designs to represent our state at the Youth Art Month Museum next year at the NAEA convention.
  • Incorporate the national theme "Building Community Through Art" into the design.
  • Include the name "South Carolina" somewhere in the design.
  • Submissions need to be in a vertical format, since all flags will be displayed vertically in the Youth Art Month Museum.
  • Creatively use images that represent SC or represent art.
  • Include the words "Youth Art Month" somewhere in the design.
Each art teacher can submit up to three designs. An overall winner will be selected and made into the SC flag.

The deadline for submitting ideas is Monday, February 5, 2018.

Submissions can be emailed to or mailed to Randall Clamp, A.C. Moore Elementary School, 333 Etiwan Avenue, Columbia, SC 29205.

Museum Division News from Ellen WestKaemper
The SCAEA would like to support teachers and museum educators in developing programs that help to build a bridge between what museums have to offer and what educators need. You can help us take the first steps-- to get an idea how schools in our state are currently utilizing art museums-- by completing  this form. Thank you!

A Few Words from Past President Meg Skow
Are you attending the NAEA Conference in Seattle? We would love to know which of our members travel to Washington state for the 2018 NAEA Conference.
Also, if you'd like to be in touch with other SCAEA members in Seattle to meet for a meal, explore together, or just find a South Carolina friend, please provide your contact information using this form . This information will only be shared with those that reply.

Opportunities, Contests, Scholarships, and More
Converse College Young Women in Art Juried Exhibition
Converse College is accepting artworks for the Young Women in Art Juried Exhibition through February 23rd. For details and entry information check out
If you have questions, contact Dr. Susanne Floyd Gunter at

iPhone Photography Workshop
"Create Photos Like a Pro With Your iPhone"
Register for the First Two Series of Workshops at the Village Artists Gallery in Sandhills (next to Panera Bread).
Dates: March 6th, 13th, and 20th from 4pm-6pm or March 14th, 21st, and 28th from 6pm-8pm
Other workshop dates are available throughout the year from April - December (call
Village Artists Gallery for schedule and to register).
This workshop is taught by photographer Erdal Caba whose photographs are on display at the Village Artists.
The cost is $75 for each series of 3 two hour workshops; registration is required.
Open link for details on course content, registration and contacts.

Mary Whyte Award 
Established in 2007, the Mary Whyte Art Educator Award is designed to highlight a visual art teacher in a South Carolina public high school who has demonstrated superior commitment to their students and to their craft. The award is accompanied by a cash prize of $2,500 and is administered and presented annually by the South Carolina Art Education Association.
Click  HERE to access the application.

Arts Curricular Innovation Grants:
Grant Awards for FY18 should be released sometime in August. Writing an Arts Curricular grant is a great way to get the needed materials and professional development necessary to increase student achievement in the arts. The SCDE provides grant funds to schools and districts that propose arts initiatives that will support quality arts education programs that significantly improve student achievement in the arts. 
The FY19 grant cycle will be based on the implementation of the NEW South Carolina College- and Career-Ready Standards for Visual and Performing Arts Proficiency.
The new request for proposals is released in January and deadlines for applications are in April.  If you are interested in writing a grant, watch the SCDE website in January for the release of the new RFPs.

National Young Arts Foundation:
How do students apply for US Presidential Scholar in the Arts?
Young Arts, the core program of The National Young Arts Foundation nominates up to 60 candidates for consideration as US Presidential Scholars in the Arts following participation in Young Arts week. Young Arts can be contacted directly for specific questions at 1 800 970 ARTS or via email at
The registration deadline for this program is in October every year.  As an Arts Educator, please go online to view the student application process and get familiar with the program prior to next fall.  You may have some students you want to encourage to participate.
See also FACT Sheet on US Presidential Scholars Program below:

Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program:
The South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) is announcing the Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program. This annual program offers public school twelfth-grade students the opportunity to compete for a scholarship worth approximately $2,000 in creative writing, dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. The purpose of the competition is to encourage and recognize academic and artistic excellence. 
Entries must be received at the SCDE by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, February 5, 2017, or postmarked on or before Monday, February 5, 2018.
Click HERE for application packets.

Help Wanted/Needed
SCAEA has a Facebook Page - LIKE US!

Please check your spam folders for SCAEA emails. We often times send out information between newsletters about awards, membership, contests etc. If you are an SCAEA member you should be receiving something monthly in your email.

SCAEA has a Twitter - FOLLOW US!

Inspiring Art
This series of salt-encrusted items was created by Israeli artist Sigalit Landau.  Inspired by the Dead Sea, the artist carefully selecting meaningful objects to dip into hyper-salinated water, transforming them into beautiful and narrative pieces of artwork. If you're interested in learning more about the artist, her process, or her new book ("The Salt Years"), click HERE.

If you would like to include relevant information in the next SCAEA newsletter, please email Lane Jordan Laney at