South Carolina Art Education Association
SCAEA September 2016 Newsletter
President's Palette
Greetings, and Happy September!  I hope each and every one of y'alls school year is off to a great start!

Can you believe that the Fall Conference is almost here?  We are so excited about all of the sessions and events that we have lined up so far!  For those of you who need to get the ball rolling with your school bookkeepers...the registration fee is $100.  This does not include any ticketed classes or events.  

Here are some highlights for our upcoming conference:

  • Lots of hands-on workshops
  • Pre-conference opportunities/sessions
  • Learn about the New State Standards and Media Arts Standards in one of our General Sessions and in break-out sessions
  • Learn the ins and outs of how to write grants
  • Cool vendors
  • Friday Night -- Artist Bazaar -- buy some incredible things from your fellow art teachers!  Go ahead and get your Christmas Shopping done early!  You can also sign up to participate in this and sell your art/jewelry/items.  As well, the vendors will be open late that evening.
  • Breakfast with the Vendors on Saturday morning
  • Keynote speaker -- Robin Vande Zande -- Kent University -- she is the expert on Media Arts!  
  • Saturday Awards Ceremony -- celebrate and recognize our award recipients!  As well, we will be recognizing the Mary Whyte Award Winner and grant recipients!
  • Open Studio location where you can work on finishing up your projects from hands-on sessions.
  • Student Film Festival
  • Cool swag bags
  • It is in GREENVILLE... such an artsy and cool venue....restaurants, galleries, museums!

Registration will be up and running once all of the proposals are in.   We will send out a Cvent registration and will have the link on both Facebook and the website!  The Greenville Hyatt Regency Hotel is only $139 per night... share a room with your friends... it is very affordable!

Please share this with your fellow art teachers in your district!  We can't wait to see you November 18th through the 20th!  Get ready to CREATE & COLLABORATE!

Catherine Campbell

Save the Date
2016 SCAEA State Conference
Greenville, SC
November 18-20, 2016

2017 NAEA National Convention
New York, NY
March 2-4, 2017

Important News
Higher Ed Information from Tracey Hunter-Doniger
Higher  education  is working towards a literacy course geared specifically for visual arts educators.  More information will be provided at the SCAEA conference. 

Secondary Division News from Jennifer Fox
SAVE THE DATE!  The SCAEA NAHS State Convention is *tentatively* being scheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2017 at the Columbia Museum of Art.  More details to come!

News from Carrie Ann Powers at the Department of Education
I hope everyone had a great summer and your school year is off to a fabulous start.  It has almost been one full year since I started my work at the South Carolina Department of Education.  I have learned so much in the past year and have had the opportunity to work with some amazing art educators around the state. I'm looking forward to seeing you at the State Conference in Greenville.

Online database: Please go to the SCDE visual and performing arts webpage and register to be a part of the visual and performing arts data base.  Carrie Ann Power would like to be able to send you information regarding grants, scholarships, standards revision, and unique visual arts opportunities that are available to you and your students.  

Standards State standards provide the basis for decision-making and educational policy development as well as the foundation for the development of curricula at the local level. Periodic review of standards affords us the opportunity to realign South Carolina's academic standards for the visual and performing arts based on current research and best practices in the field, while at the same time ensuring high quality college- and career-ready standards exist.
Standards writing teams met in June and July to begin the revision process. Revisions will be sent to an editor in October to finalize the draft of the new standards document, once the draft is approved at the South Carolina Department of Education it will be available online for your review.  
If you have an opportunity to come to the conference this November, Carrie Ann Power will be leading conference sessions on how the new draft of the standards were developed and you will get the first sneak peak of what the visual arts, media arts, and design draft standards will look like. YES, DESIGN! South Carolina will have new standards in design and we will be talking about the important role design plays in STEAM.

Grants Thanks to the good efforts of all the people who read and rated grants in a timely manner this year, I am happy to report that Arts Curricular Grant award letters were sent out to schools and districts before school started this year.  If you are interested in writing an ACIG grant, I will be available to speak with at the annual state conference or you can always e-mail me at  with your questions.  

SCAAE Conference:   The annual arts integration conference will take place at the downtown Marriott in Columbia on October 20-21. Guest speakers for the conference include, Dr. Robin Vande Zande , Associate Professor of Art,  Kent State , will offer her expertise to extend the conversation.  Dr. Vande Zande's research and publications range from teaching sustainable design and urban planning to design education and brain-based principles, as well as design education as community outreach, the design process of problem-solving, and teaching aesthetics through everyday objects.   Dr. Monique Chism , Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at the US Department of Education has been invited to lend further clarification concerning ESSA.

Whether your school is focused on STEAM, project-based learning, arts integration, or is seeking a new path to deepen student learning, this conference is for you.  It is one of the few conferences that offer something for everyone whether you are a classroom teacher, administrator, or arts educator.

Gifted and Talented Education On behalf of the Consortium for Gifted and Talented Education, I wanted to share with you an exciting opportunity to submit student work for the Gifted and Talented Conference program cover.  The theme is "Forward to the Future!" Each visual art teacher in South Carolina can submit one entry.  The student who is chosen as the winning entry will win a cash prize of $200 and the teacher will who submits the winning entry will receive a complimentary registration for the SCCGE 2016 Conference. 
For more information concerning contest guidelines, please read the attached contest description.  All entries are submitted to Joy Gray and must be received by October 1 st .
This is a great way to promote artistically gifted and talented youth.  Please consider sending one entry to represent your school or pass this information along to someone who might be interested in this art contest opportunity.

Opportunities, Scholarships, Awards, Contests, You Name It, It's Right Here...
Archibald Rutledge Scholarship ProgramThe South Carolina Department of Education (SCDE) is announcing the Archibald Rutledge Scholarship Program. This annual program offers public school twelfth-grade students the opportunity to compete for a scholarship worth approximately $2,000 in creative writing, dance, music, theatre, and visual arts. The purpose of the competition is to encourage and recognize academic and artistic excellence.

Applicants may participate in one of the following discipline areas: creative writing, dance, music, theatre, or visual arts. To compete, students should submit one original composition and a process folio for the visual arts area and an original and two copies of the original composition and process folio for the creative writing, dance, music, or theatre categories. Entries must be received by 5:00 p.m. or postmarked on or before Monday, February 6, 2017.

Send your applications to Carrie Ann Power, 1429 Senate Street, Suite 607-B, Columbia, SC 29201. Applications are available on the SCDE website,

Panels of adjudicators in each area will review submissions and select a recipient and two alternates in each arts area. Adjudicators will base their selections on individual arts discipline criteria and the correlation of the process folio to the finished work. Awards will be announced in May 2017.

For additional information, please contact Carrie Ann Power at 803-734-0323 or

Forward to the Future Program Design Contest:
What:  The 2016 SCCGE Conference Program Cover
Who:  Open to students in grades K-12, 1 entry per school
Prize:  Winner will receive $200  cash prize
Other selected entries will be displayed at the SCCGE 2016 Annual Conference
In addition, the visual arts teacher who submits the winning entry will receive a complimentary registration for the SCCGE 2016 Conference
How:  Each visual arts teacher may submit 1 entry
Criteria:  Entries must...
  1. Be scanned and submitted to by October 1, 2016 .
  2. Follow the criteria listed below.
  3. Winning original entry must be submitted by November 1, 2016 to Joy Gray, 120 East Passage, Columbia, S.C. 29212
  4. A completed application form and parental permission form must be signed and emailed along with each entry.
For more information, go to

Help Wanted/Needed
SCAEA has a Facebook Page - LIKE US!

Please check your spam folders for SCAEA emails. We often times send out information between newsletters about awards, membership, contests etc. If you are an SCAEA member you should be receiving something monthly in your email.

Inspiring Art
If you would like to include relevant information in the next SCAEA newsletter, please email Lane Laney at