SC Launch Inc. Portfolio Company Featured by Nasdaq |
Nasdaq recently featured Hook Security Co., an SC Launch Inc. Portfolio Company, as a guest contributor. The article explores the intersection of human behavior, psychological security, and its implications for the future of cybersecurity. Read the article.
| Kiyatec and AstraZeneca Announce a Multifaceted Research Agreement |
AstraZeneca and Kiyatec, an SC Launch Inc. Portfolio Company and leader in clinically correlated functional precision oncology, have entered into a multifaceted research agreement to assess therapeutic efficacy of undisclosed preclinical assets using Kiyatec’s 3D spheroid screening platform, KIYA-PredictTM. The agreement to utilize Kiyatec’s spheroid platform aligns with AstraZeneca’s leadership and track record of successfully implementing novel, cutting edge oncology solutions with outside partners to productively develop and commercialize novel cancer therapeutics. Read more.
| SC Launch Inc. Portfolio Company Featured on NPR Radio Show |
Angela Ortiz, co-founder of New Forge, an SC Launch Inc. Portfolio Company, was recently featured on NPR's SC Business Review. Listen as host, Mike Switzer, and Angela discuss New Forge, augmented reality, and their recent $250,000 investment from SC Launch Inc. Listen to the episode.
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JUN 15 @10:00 a.m
How do you tell the world about your innovation without giving up your “secret sauce”?This webinar will help you figure out what info is truly risky, and what you should be shouting from the rooftops.
Learn more.
i4Series: Copyright, Contracts & Software: Protecting Your Business in a Digital Age
JUN 21 @5:00 p.m
Buying or selling software is complex. Join i4Series for legal insights to secure your business in this ever-changing digital era. Learn more.
SCbio: Brews & Bio, Charleston Meet Up
JUN 22 @5:00 p.m
Join SCbio in Charleston for connection and networking. Learn more.
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Looking Back
2023 SCRA Summit
Jeremy Stuart, Chief Scientific Officer at Precision Genetics, accepted the Diamond Level Industry Partnership Fund (IPF) Contributor award at the 2023 SCRA Summit.
SCRA's grant funding is made possible, in part, by IPF contributions that fuel the state’s innovation economy. Contributors to the IPF receive a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit, making it an easy and effective way to help one of the fastest-growing segments of the South Carolina economy. Learn more.
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Thank You to
our Visionary, Diamond, Platinum, & Gold IPF Contributors
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- Ameris Bank
- Atlantic-Pacific Express, Inc.
- Blair Cato Pickren Casterline
- BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
- Carolinas Dermatology Group
- Comporium, Inc.
- Charleston ENT Associates
- The Dermatology Group, LLC
- Dominion Energy South Carolina, Inc.
- Great Southern Homes, Inc.
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- Herndon Chevrolet, Inc.
- Home Telephone ILEC LLC
- IO Bright Path, LLC
- Low Country Physician Consultants, LLC
- Precision Molecular Solutions LLC and Precision Genetics
- Retina Consultants of Carolina
- Trident Construction, LLC
- United Community Banks, Inc.
- Yarborough Applegate LLC
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South Carolina Research Authority
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