South Church Bulletin

For Sunday, November 5, 2023

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Sunday Services

Balanced Service

9:30 AM - Worship Center

Creative Service

11 AM - Chapel

Evening Service

6 PM - Chapel

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Worship Information
There are many ways you can continue to give. Read more on how you can give by clicking the button below. 

Budget Update:

Offerings through October: $1,806,689         

 Budget through October: $1,975,010

Adult Bible Communities Schedule

9:30 AM

Crossroads - Room 205

College Hour – Fireside Room

Student Ministry – SMC

Rooted – Room 204 (9:50)

10:55 AM

Homebuilders – Room 111

Journey – Room 205

New Horizons – Room 202

Christian Families – Room 201

God’s Potpourri – Room 228

We will celebrate baptisms on Sunday, November 5 during our evening service. Our Board of Deacons has recommended candidates for membership. Their pictures are displayed in the west hallway on the bulletin board so you can connect a name with a face. A congregational meeting has been called for November 5 after our baptismal service to accept these candidates into membership:

Brad and Stephanie Atchison

Laura Boyd

Jeffrey Carlson

Emmanuel Chima

Laverne and Mary Jane Davenport

Brandon Davey

Kris and Theresa Dayton

Ashish and Preeti Gollapalli

Tory and Jessica Harrington

William and Jeanne Hartsuff

Kathleen Hawkins

Beverly Mayhew

Todd and Noelle Melton

Eddie Naranjo

Tracy Pfromm

Gamaliel and Jennifer Poplar

Kathy Watkins

Dan Zanetti

Thanksgiving Service/Pie Social


Come to a special church service to worship the Lord and give thanks for all He has done for us on Tuesday, November 21 at 7:00 PM. We have much to be thankful for. A pie social will follow in the South Life Center. Please bring a pie and deliver it to the kitchen prior to the service.


Church Family Dinners on Wednesday Nights

PAY IN ADVANCE TO REGISTER. Time: 5-6 PM; cost: $4 for adults/teens, $3 for children (3-12), children under 3 eat free, $16 max per household family. Go online to register.

MENU: chicken enchiladas, refried beans, corn

Register for Dinner

Day Daylight Savings 

Next weekend, November 5 is daylight savings time. Set your clock back one hour and enjoy that extra hour of sleep.

South Church presents the dramatic musical:

This allegorical presentation is based on the book by John Bunyan, entitled "The Pilgrim's Progress."

Christian's life is not fulfilling. In fact, after realizing his dissatisfaction with life and a run-in with someone who offers him hope, he develops a burden that leads him to begin a journey from his home in search of something more.

Guided by a king who cares for him, Christian meets many characters along the way - a wise old interpreter, a hopeful friend, and a girl from his own village. He is distracted from his journey by many misguided people, is trapped by a giant, and must fight the prince of his village for his very life.

Will he make it to the end of his journey? You're invited to find out! As Christian experiences joy, struggles through grief, and fights for hope in the midst of despair, you'll be moved by this relatable and engaging story. 

Shows are at South Church on Dec. 1 at 7 PM, Dec. 2 at 1 PM and 6 PM and Dec. 3 at 6 PM. No tickets necessary - it's a free event. Invite friends and family and watch Christian as he journeys toward the Celestial City to make his way home.

I Will Survive and Thrive Cancer support group will be meeting on Monday, November 6th at Noon in the Fireside Room. We will have caring and sharing time and will finish making our pillows to donate to Sparrow and McLaren's cancer centers. We hope you are able to join us. For more information, please contact Alice Hayward (517) 525-1739.

Tuesday evening, December 12th

Visions of Christmas is an outreach opportunity for the Women of South to invite their friends who need to hear the gospel message centered around the birth of Christ. Join us for dinner and dessert with author, biblical counselor and conference speaker, Sue Heimer. Tickets may be purchased beginning November 19th ($14). 

Saturday, November 11th from 10 AM to 12 PM in the Commons

This lovely brunch and workshop are especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death. Prepare your minds for the coming holidays. Keep steadfast, standing firm in the true grace of God. Rsvp by texting Tami 517-281-7631 or Jackie 517 622-0024. November 11th, 10 AM to 12 PM.

Gather with other women Saturday, November 11th (and the second Saturday of every month) at 8:30 AM as we pray for the ministries of our church, community, and world. We will meet in-person at the church in the Board Room.

For more information, contact Kim Dalman by email

Youth Basketball

The first three practices for the PeeWee team are: Tuesday Oct. 31st, Tuesday Nov. 14th and Monday Nov. 20 th. Practice times are 5:30 to 7:00 PM in the South Life Center(gym). Age eligibility is 7 1/2 to 11(if 11th birthday is after 9-1-23. Contact Jeff Adams at 517 676-9202 or for additional information.

Business executive by day. Musician by night. That’s John Cheney.


Please join us at 6:00 PM on November 19 for Lansing Talks to hear the story of how music shaped John’s life.


John’s adoptive-mom fanned the flame of music that still burns today. From the early days of their courtship, Heidi and John discovered they were both adopted as infants and shared similar paths. Both had loving parents who nurtured their spiritual lives and love for music as they grew, and encouraged them to pursue music even into their college years.


In John’s work, in his faith, in his marriage, in his service to others—music underpins it all. Come listen as he plays the songs that influenced his journey, helped him understand the gospel of Jesus Christ, and gave him the assurance to overcome obstacles.


Invite your neighbors who love fine coffee, homemade treats, music, and a captivating story.

Please join us in saluting our veterans on November 9, 5:30-8 PM at South. This event is hosted by our Legacy group, but all are invited. We will have a nice meal, fellowship and a few surprises. The cost for the event is $5. You can register at the Legacy board or contact Terri Bettinger in the Church office or by email at

Mosaic is a group for single senior adults. There are usually a couple per month for fellowship and fun. If you’d like more information on this group, visit the Legacy Information Board in the central hallway. 

Calling all seamstresses, and quilters. We meet the 2nd Thursday of every month. Call Teri Nessia at (517) 485-3359 for more information.


Meets Thursday, November 9 from 9AM to 2PM in Room 201

God is bringing the nations to Lansing on a weekly basis. While sending missionaries to people groups around the world is still a priority, now we all can represent Christ by ministering to the ones God is sending here. Join us Saturday, 11/4 from 9:30-11 AM. for a training seminar to learn how you can befriend and show Christ's love to these precious people.

Men in Prayer will be Saturday, November 4, at 8:30 AM. We will meet in person in the Fireside Room. Find more information on the South Church Men’s Ministry Facebook page or contact Pastor Tim at

The 2024 Men's Huddle will once again be at Camp Barkel October 18-20 with Pastor Don Jackson. Please save the date and then sign up when registration opens in 2024. This is a great opportunity to fellowship with other South Church Men, participate in great chapel services with inspiration preaching and outstanding singing, eat delicious food, and have fun doing various activities the camp has to offer.

To our church artists at South - We will be hosting our next Open Portfolio Night for all our local church artists on February 3rd in 2024. This year's theme will be "The Beauty of His Holiness". If you are interested in participating, begin thinking on this theme as you prepare your pieces for next year. Adhering to the theme is not required. For more information on this event, go to


Here at South Church, The Audio-Visual team is always working behind the scenes, helping to execute our services and events.

And we need more volunteers!

We are looking to recruit two people who attend the Balanced Service and Two people who attend the Creative Service, who are willing to serve once a month, running slides for service. There is no experience necessary for this position, and it needs very little technical knowledge. If you are willing to learn, we would love to have you serve in this crucial role. Contact our AV Coordinator, Ethan Simpson, at to get started.

Operation Christmas Child

It’s time for our annual Shoebox Collection for Operation Christmas Child.

• Collection dates are 11/5, 11/12

• If you can’t pack a box, help ship one!

• Stop by the table in the Gathering for more information. Visit the Website:

Stay updated on different projects happening around our church building and within our church family. Sign up for the semi-monthly Barn Memo newsletter HERE.
On the Calendar
View the Calendar
Next Steps

Are you new to South? Our next Simply South luncheon will be on Sunday, January 7, 2024 from 12:25-1:30 PM in the Student Ministry Center.

RSVP for Simply South

Who is Jesus? Why did He come to earth? And what does it mean to follow Him? Join Pastors Joel and Tim Sunday evenings from 6-7:15 PM in the Fireside Room. Please RSVP: use the connection card on your worship folder or visit the


Baptism Classes are coming up for those who are interested in being baptized at our next baptismal service. Attend both Sunday classes on April 14 and 21, 2024 classes. 9:30-10:30 AM in Room 207. Ways to register: call Terri in the church office at (517) 322-2000, visit the website or turn in a connection card.

The pathway to church membership begins Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 9:30 AM. Come, learn more about membership at South. Enjoy a great discussion, fellowship, and bagels with our pastors and deacons. 3 Sunday sessions will follow at 9:30 AM on April 14, 21, and 28 in Room 207 Please RSVP: use the connection card on your worship folder, call Terri (517) 322-2000, or visit the website.

Weekly Events
Connect with us!
Submit a Prayer Request

Don Denyes - Lead Pastor

Doug Phillips - Executive Pastor for Ministries

Stephanie Atchison - Children's Ministry Director for Elementary

Nancy Bassett - Ministry Assistant

Terri Bettinger - Ministry Assistant, Director of Legacy

Pat Cannon - Ministry Assistant

Shannon DeLap - Director of College Women's Ministry

Jessica Doerr - Ministry Assistant

Corb Felgenhour - Pastor of Worship Ministries

Trevor Harrison - Facilities Manager

Josh Linsley - Ministry Assistant

Andy Luce - Webmaster

Nick Nagy - Pastor of Student Ministries, Sr. High

Neil Odgers - Equipping Pastor

Travis Parks - Pastor of College Ministries

Becky Phillips - Women's Ministry Director

Kathy Risch - Children's Ministry Director for Early Childhood and AWANA

David Seal - Business Coordinator

Ethan Simpson - Audio/Visual Coordinator

Kelly Sites - Connections Director

Sara Sogoba - Ministry Assistant

Keith Sova - Pastor for Small Groups

Tim Van Loh - Pastor for Outreach

Joel Wayner - Lead Pastor of Student Ministries, Jr. High

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