South Coast Sailing Adventures Newsletter
Get out on the water!
With cooler days on the horizon, join us for all your sailing desires. We've got classes, club sails, charters, and flotillas to maximize fun and learning on the water. Click on the links for any of the upcoming classes and events for more information and to register, or give us a call! We'd love to hear from you!
 British Virgin Islands Flotilla 
December 5-15, 2019
Only two cabins remain! 
We have one cabin left in the 50' catamaran and one cabin in our 51' mono-hull.

    Fly out to the BVI and sail among the islands. Some ASA certifications will be available (ASA 103, 104, & 114). 

Don't miss the boat! Call us today to reserve your spot!
Call Flotilla leader Capt. Lucy at 281-334-4606 or click here for more information. 
Sail & Sip Day Sail and Social
Saturday Nov. 9, 2019
Join fellow sail and wine enthusiasts for a day sail in Galveston Bay followed by a wine tasting at our patio. Bring your favorite bottle of wine to share and we will provide the charcuterie board. The best tasting wine will take home a prize!
Public: $80 pp
Club Member: $65

Add to your sailing resume and register to sail  here !

November Day Sail & Chili and Craft Beer Social
Saturday Nov. 16, 2019
Join us for a day sail and practice your sailing skills, or simply sit back and relax.  Afterwards, head over to our patio as we serve up some savory chili (provided by the club). Please bring a side dish, appetizer or dessert to share. Homemade creations will be entered into the Culinary Delight contest, as judged by all. Don't forget to BYOB! Bring your favorite craft beer or adult beverage to enjoy responsibly.!

Add to your sailing resume and register to sail here!
Turkey Day Regatta
Saturday Nov 23, 2019

The annual Turkey Day Regatta featuring one-design and pursuit race action on upper Galveston Bay is the last large regatta for the year and it's a GREAT way to usher in the holiday season! Join the South Coast Sailing Adventures team at this Houston Yacht Club (HYC) sponsored event and take advantage of a great opportunity to perfect sail trim and navigation techniques while maximizing boat speed.

Sailing Instructions will be available at the Competitors' Briefing. 
Registration deadline is November 17.

Add to your sailing resume and register for the race by calling us at 281-334-4606.
Black Friday Sail
Friday Nov. 29, 2019
Need to escape the chaotic shopping crowds? Come out for a day sail and enjoy the serenity of the bay. Pack a picnic lunch to enjoy on-board! 

 Add to your sailing resume and register to sail here!
Small Business Saturday Day Sail and Dinner Social
Saturday Nov. 30, 2019
After you've stuffed yourself on turkey, come work some of it off by trimming sails! Enjoy an afternoon out on Galveston Bay. This relaxed environment is perfect for all sailing skill levels. Plus you'll be supporting South Coast Sailing Adventures on Small Business Saturday! Bring your out-of-town guest and show them what it's like to sail in Galveston Bay. After the sail, come back and join us for a dinner! We'll provide the main dish. We ask that everyone bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert to share. All homemade dishes will be entered into the Culinary Delight contest, with a prize being awarded for the winning recipe. BYOB.

Add to your sailing resume and register to sail  here !

Combine the experience of traveling to new places with the fun of sailing!  Flotillas really are the best of both worlds:  All the freedom of a bareboat charter combined with the comfort, security, and camaraderie of group travel.

December 5-15:  British Virgin Islands

February 1-15: French Polynesian Islands
June 4-14:     British Virgin Islands
Join The Club!

Become a club member today and enjoy 20% off discount on weekend charter sails, 40% off discount on weekday charter sails, discounted Club events including day sails, dinner socials, and races, discount on ASA courses, and be part of the comradery with fellow sailors. Club membership includes family members within the same household. Upon sign up, you will receive a South Coast Sailing Club burgee and bumper sticker.  
$499 per year, and a one-time $100 initiation fee paid at sign up. 
Call us to become a South Coast Sailing Club member!    
The Holidays are among us!
Give the gift of sailing and purchase a gift certificate for your friends and family to use towards classes, charters, club events and sailing gear. Call us to complete your holiday shopping list! 
November 2019 
 Reservation required

Every Saturday
9:30 am - 12:30 pm

To be announced

Two Day Course
Offered Every Weekend

November 23

November 1 
To be announced

November 14
November 28
December 12
December 26

Coastal Navigation (ASA 105)
December 7

To be announced

November 9 (Sold out)
December 14

( ASA 119)

November 23-24

To be announced

Upcoming November Events
9: Sail & Sip Day Sail and Social
16: November Day Sail & Chili and Craft Beer Social  
23: Turkey Day Regatta (HYC)
29: Black Friday Sail
30: Small Business Saturday Day Sail and Dinner Social
Upcoming December Events
 5-15: BVI Flotilla
14: Boat Parade Day sail
21: Jolly Jibe- Day Sail and Holiday Dinner Social 

 ....more to come!

Special Occasions
Congratulations on your engagement! Thank you for choosing us to help celebrate your upcoming nuptials  and we wish you all the best wishes!

We offer all sorts of special occasion packages on our fine vessels. Proposals, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, bachelor parties, bridal showers, and more!

Call us and schedule great memories for a lifetime!
Like us, follow us, or review us!

"Wind is to us what money is to life on shore."
- Sterling Hayden