January 2025
News and Events
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Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday
from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00p.m.
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Important Phone Numbers:
Senior Activity Center 410-222-1927
Nutrition 410-222-1521
BusTrip/Travel Desk 410-222-1478
Transportation 410-222-0022
Department of Aging & Disabilities
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
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Senior Activity Center Staff:
Suzie Antkowiak, Director
Amy Colhoun, Senior Center Associate
Lori Litke, Senior Center Plus
Rosailyn Shannon, Nutrition Site Aide
Angelique Harrison, Security Guard
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Happy New Year!
New Year's reflections are a time to look back on the past year and consider the future. This reflection helps us to identify our successes and challenges, and helps us set goals for the coming year. When you think about the new year, keep South County Senior Activity Center in mind when you are making your resolutions!
Meet New People: Join the Senior Activity Center and learn about our activities at New Kids on the Block on Fridays, January 10 at 9:00 a.m. You could also sign up for lunch with the Nutrition Program and make some new friends.
Become More Active and Get In Shape: Register for fitness classes such as Cardiovascular Conditioning, Functional Conditioning, Yoga, Tai Chi and Chair Exercises or dance classes such as Line Dance, Belly Dance, Tap or Jazz or join a group sport like Pickleball. On Friday, January 17 from 10:15 a.m.-2:00 p.m., stop by the dining room and kick up your heels at our Line Dance Party.
Develop Good Habits: Update your membership form at the front desk and sign in daily at the touchscreens.
Read More: Read The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann and discuss it at Book Club on Monday, January 27.
Be Creative: Come sing with the Chorus for Fun group on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, create a painted masterpiece in two hours at Scott's Painting workshops on Friday, January 10 or 24 or learn about and create your own terrarium on Tuesday, January 21.
Volunteer: Help out at the front desk or snack bar, become a member of the Friends of South County Senior Center, Inc., help at special events, tend the gardens, teach a class, work in the flea market or decorate the center for the holidays. Ask a staff member how you can help.
Travel More: Pick up a copy of our Bus Trip Booklet and see where you can travel to in 2025.
Declutter Your Home: Consider donating unwanted household items,
decorations, artwork, kitchen items or books to the center’s flea market.
Learn Something New: Learn about ebooks with the Edgewater Library on Thursday, January 9 or discover the secrets of Artificial Intelligence at a lecture on Monday, January 13.
Reduce Stress: Join us for musical performances on Wednesday, January 8, 15 and 22 at 11:45 a.m.
BE HAPPY AND HEALTHY: Drink more water, get better sleep, spend time with family and friends, do what you love, be a part of your community, laugh more, be kind to yourself and each other, be grateful!
Details about all of the programs we are offering in January are in this newsletter. Don't miss out!
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AARP Tax-Aide Program
South County Senior Activity Center will be offering the AARP Tax Assistance Program in 2025. This free service is coordinated by AARP. Appointments are required for assistance with tax preparation. You may call or come to the center in person to schedule an appointment beginning Tuesday, January 21. Appointments will begin on Tuesday, February 4. Appointments are limited, so make yours early!
For more information about the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide program, click here.
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Inclement Weather Policy: Click HERE for detailed information about closings and delays due to winter weather. | |
Friends of SCSC Corner
- The Advisory Council officially merged with the Friends of SCSC, Inc. Board at their meeting in December. Friends voted to increase the number of Board members to nine, so several of the former Advisory Council members joined the Board of Friends. Friends welcomes Ron Buck, Joe Davolio and Joey Sollenberger as new members at large. All of the members of the Advisory Council were invited to join the Advisory Committee, a standing committee of the Friends Board, that will offer advise and provide input about center programs, events and Friends endeavors. Friends also elected Peter Johnson to serve as Vice President.
- Thank you to all of the previous Advisory Council members for their service to the center: Mike Bast, Carol Best, Marie Brault, Ron Buck (Chairperson), Joe Davolio, Martha Jessie, Russ Jones and Joey Sollenberger (Secretary). Friends hopes that you will remain involved with the Advisory Committee and Board projects going forward!
- Thank you to Renee Babicki, Dawn Porter, Dot Ricci and Joey Sollenberger for their hard work putting together the Silent Auction baskets. We had a very successful auction, making over $1200 for Friends!
- Much appreciation to everyone who filled a bag from our Holiday Giving Tree! Donations were given to Bethany Air in Edgewater for their pantry. Your generosity helped to make the holidays a little brighter for others.
- Donations of items for the Flea Market are gladly accepted during center operating hours. We are currently in need of jewelry for our Jewelry Sales. Receipts for donations are available upon request.
- Everyone is invited to attend the Friends meeting on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m.
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Are You A Friend?
The Friends of South County Senior Center, Inc. (Friends) is a non-profit,
tax-exempt organization that incorporated as a 501(c)(3) in 2011.
Friends' mission is to support the goals and objectives of the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities as they relate to the South County Senior Activity Center.
The organization secures funding through volunteer-led activities and events to support the center's programs and advises on how to allocate those funds. The Friends gives priority consideration to requests received from the South County Senior Activity Center's Advisory Council.
Members of the center may become a member of Friends. To qualify for membership, an individual must be:
- A resident of Anne Arundel County
- A member of South County Senior Activity Center
- At least 55 years of age
- A volunteer providing at least 5 service hours annually to South County Senior Activity Center
Anyone interested in learning more about Friends is invited to attend their monthly Board meeting the second Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Applications to join Friends are available at the front desk.
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Services at South County
Senior Activity Center
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The South County Senior Activity Center offers free membership to individuals 55 and over who are active, self-sufficient, and able to function independently. For more information, visit us in person or give us a call at 410-222-1927 for additional information about classes and activities.
Senior Center Plus
Senior Center Plus is a specialized four-hour program for older adults needing some assistance in navigating the senior activity centers. The mission of the program is to provide older adults with opportunities for socialization and recreation that enable them to remain engaged in the community. This group meets at South County Senior Activity Center on Tuesdays. For more information on the Senior Center Plus program, please contact the Senior Center Plus Program Coordinator Lori Litke at 410-222-1483.
Lending Library
The center has books available for members to borrow. Books are located on the bookcases in the dining room. Individuals may borrow books at their leisure. No sign-out is required.
Public Use Computer
Two computers are available for public use in the Dining Room. They are available during normal center hours of operation on a first-come, first-served basis. Printing is not available.
Senior Nutrition Lunch Program
Meals are served at the center Monday-Friday at noon. Reservations are required one week in advance of the meal service and must be made in person. Lunch participants must complete an annual Nutrition Screening Form. Cancellations must be called in at 410-222-1521 between the hours of 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Voluntary donations for the meal are encouraged. No eligible person will be denied a meal if unable to donate. Each congregate meal costs $5.25.
Fitness Room
Our fitness equipment room is equipped with treadmills, a recumbent bike, a rowing machine, a weight bench, and free weights for members to use. The equipment will be available for use daily. Center members may sign up for half-hour time slots to use the equipment. You may sign up for two consecutive half-hour time slots at a time. Sign-up sheets will be available at 8:30 a.m. on a daily basis and will be located at the front desk. Time slots are first come, first served. Every person using the equipment must take the fitness room orientation first. The orientation is offered twice a month. Upcoming orientation dates are listed below under Programs and Activities.
Grief Support
Individual and Group support options are available. If you would like to know more, please contact Beth Mucciacciaro, RN, Grief Counselor with the Department of Aging and Disabilities, at 410-222-0263.
Anne Arundel County Office of Transportation
Provides rides to older adults 55+ and individuals with disabilities to senior activity centers, nutrition sites, medical appointments, and other needs. Wheelchair vans are available. Advance reservations of one to two weeks are required. To schedule transportation, call 410-222-0022. There is no set fee for this service, but donations are accepted and appreciated.
Wi-Fi Service
Free Wi-Fi service is available in the center. Look for "Guest@Anne" on your mobile device. No password is needed.
SHIP (State Health Insurance Assistance Program)
A representative from the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities is available to answer your questions about Medicare Part D Open Enrollment, Medicare & Medicaid eligibility, long-term care insurance, supplemental health insurance, medical claims management, and more. Call 410-222-4257 to make an appointment.
Maryland Access Point (MAP)
This service is provided by the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities. MAP is the "one stop shop" for older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers to both private and public resources. An Options Counselor is available to help you access resources. Call 410-222-4257 for more information.
Anne Arundel County Public Schools Event Cards
These school event cards grant free admission for one person (age 60 or older) to cultural and athletic events sponsored by and held at any Anne Arundel County Public School. The card is free and does not expire. Cards are available at the front desk during the school year.
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Friends of South County Senior Center, Inc.
Fundraising Activities
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Flea Market
Flea Market items are on sale daily. Flea Market tables are located in the dining room. Payments may be made at the front desk. Periodic flea market sales are also held throughout the year and are advertised in our monthly newsletter. Donated items are accepted at the front desk daily. We do not accept clothing/shoes, electronics, VHS/audio cassettes, computers/printers, furniture or used cosmetics/toiletries. All proceeds benefit Friends of SCSC, Inc.
Book Sales
Periodic book sales are held at the center. All sales will be advertised in the monthly newsletter. Volunteers run the sales. Donated books are accepted at the front desk daily. We accept all kinds of books, with the exception of encyclopedias and textbooks. Please make sure books are in decent/clean condition when donating. All proceeds benefit Friends of SCSC, Inc.
Snack Bar: Paul's Snack Shack
Snacks, coffee, water, and sodas are available at our snack bar. The snack bar is open from 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Limited items are available at the front desk when the snack bar is closed. All items cost $1.00. You may purchase a punch card from the snack bar for $10. The punch card can be used in place of cash. Each card has 12 punches on it; that's two FREE items from the snack bar on each card. All proceeds benefit Friends of SCSC, Inc.
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Pennies for Posies
To help with the costs of maintaining the beautiful garden areas around the center, the Friends of South County Senior Center, Inc. have placed a "Pennies for Posies" collection container at the front desk. If you have some spare change, please consider dropping it in the collection. Our gardens thank you for your generous support! All proceeds benefit the Friends of South County Senior Center, Inc.
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Emergency Evacuation Procedures
For your safety and the safety of others, should it become necessary to evacuate the building, please do the following:
- Stay calm and exit the building as quickly as possible through the nearest exit.
- There are marked emergency exits throughout the building. Please take note of the emergency exit nearest your location.
- Do not run. Do not stop to gather personal belongings.
- Assist any individual that may need assistance in evacuating.
- Proceed to the emergency assembly point, which is the flagpole located in the plaza between the center and the Library.
- Check in with the designated staff member at the flagpole and follow all instructions given by authorized personnel.
- Do not re-enter the building for any reason until notified by designated staff or emergency personnel that it is safe to go back into the building.
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Special Program Cancellations
If you sign up for a program and are unable to attend, please let us know. We often have waitlists for programs. If you can't attend, someone on the waitlist will be given the opportunity to attend. This is especially important for special luncheons. The Senior Nutrition Program pays for the meals based on a count of those who have signed up in advance.
Cancellations for the regular Nutrition Program lunches must be called in to the Nutrition Site Aide at 410-222-1521 between the hours of 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
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- The front desk is not able to make change for the snack bar, flea market or payments for events and activities. Please make sure you have exact amounts when paying for workshops and activities, flea market items, etc. Snack bar punch cards are available for $10. Each punch card has two free punches. Checks will be accepted for the flea market. There are no holds or IOUs for the flea market.
- Reminder to everyone that the bread and pastries donations we receive are one item per person.
- So that everyone continues to have an enjoyable experience at the center, please be patient and courteous in your interactions with center volunteers, instructors, other center members, and staff.
- All of our programs and activities for the month are posted on the bulletin board outside the Classroom. Check out the board for programs that are coming up.
- Volunteers, please remember to record your volunteer hours in the binder at the front desk.
- Don't forget to sign in at the computer kiosk in the lobby when you come to the center. Front desk volunteers are there to help you if you need it.
Thank You!!
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Anne Arundel Community College Lifelong Learning Students, if you receive a call from 410-777-2222, please pick up! AACC's registration team is trying to reach you in response to your registration request and if you don’t answer, they move on to the next student. Please help us to assist you by responding. Thank you! | |
Winter Class Registration | |
Registration for Winter 2025 AACC classes continues. Students may register online at noncredit.aacc.edu or at an AACC location. For all AACC students, there is an administrative fee of $80. Students aged 55 to 59 pay the $80 administrative fee plus $40 per class. The list of Winter classes is available at the center. Winter classes begin at the center on Monday, January 6.
Mark Your Calendars!
Spring 2025 AACC class registration begins on Tuesday, February 18.
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Tips for Students Completing Paper Registration
Forms for AACC Classes:
- The form will be processed when received by AACC; please note that online registration is the best way to ensure that you are registered before a class fills.
- If you do not include your credit card information, you will receive a call from AACC requesting the information via telephone. Your registration form cannot be processed until payment is received.
- Please check that the course number matches the class/times that you wish to take.
- Be sure to include your Date of Birth, then SIGN and DATE your form or it cannot be processed.
- You may not sign up for a class that overlaps another class.
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Instructors Wanted
AACC is looking for adjunct instructors for their Lifelong Learning program. If you, or someone you know, has an interest in teaching classes for AACC, see below for job descriptions for instructors.
Job Description
This part-time position teaches college managed, non-credit Community Education courses that focus on personal interests such as arts, history, politics, humanities and culture, computers, health and wellness, and hobbies and craft topics. Instruction is to students who are 60 plus.
Pay rates for non-credit courses in Continuing Education are commensurate with education and experience qualifications.
Minimum Requirements
Instructors should have experience teaching and have an expert knowledge of the topic they are proposing to teach. Instructors will be required to complete all forms and documentation related to the course and all documentation required by the college.
College degree is preferred, but not required.
Must be a subject matter expert.
Computer competency required.
If interested, email Terry Portis, tdportis@aacc.edu
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January In-Person
Free Exercise/Dance Classes
The classes listed below are free of charge. Class descriptions are below.
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Weight Training with Debbie Halley - Drop-in
Mondays from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
This drop-in class starts with a 5-minute cardio warm-up and then progresses into exercises using bands, weights, a small bar and a chair for abdominal exercises. This class is primarily a standing class, but participants will be seated for abdominal exercises. The class will also focus on balance and coordination. Class ends with seated stretches. Equipment needed: bands, weights, small ball and a chair for abdominal exercises. Class size is limited to 25 people.
Chair Exercise with Debbie Halley - Drop-in
Mondays from 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
Do you have some physical restrictions that make it difficult to exercise? Take this drop-in Chair Exercise class for some Chair Strength Training! Class starts with a warm-up including a seated joint warm-up. You will then be guided through a variety of seated and stationary standing exercises (using the chair for support if needed) that are designed to strengthen every muscle in your body. Suggested Equipment: Weights, bands and a small play ball will be used for a variety of exercises. Class size is limited to 25 people.
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Barre-Lates with Pamela Galligan-Stierle - Drop-in
Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Get the best of two worlds with Barre-lates! This fusion class combines the ballet-inspired movements of barre with the lengthening, strengthening exercises of mat Pilates to increase endurance, strengthen muscles and improve balance, flexibility, and core control. Incorporating music and alternating sequences of both formats offers a unique, challenging, and fun workout opportunity.
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Cardio Dance with Pamela Galligan-Stierle - Drop-in
Tuesdays from 10:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Cardio Dance is a hybrid of dance choreography and cardio exercises set to fun, upbeat music to keep you moving and get your heart pumping! With easy-to-follow routines incorporating a variety of dance styles like hip-hop, ballroom, Latin, and more, this type of exercise feels like a party. Don’t be fooled though…it’s a body burning experience for all fitness levels.
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Beginning Line Dancing with Marie Brault - Registration Required
Wednesdays from 12:45 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
This low impact line dance class is geared toward beginners. Instructor Marie Brault will introduce basic line dance steps, provide guidance through the steps and demonstrate how to perform line dances and other similar dances to various genres of music. This class addresses the needs of beginners with attention to the basics of line dancing.
Intermed. Line Dancing with Marie Brault - Registration Required
Fridays from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
If you have experience in line dancing then this is the class for you! It is geared toward the intermediate level and includes new dances. You will dance a mixture of old and new line dances to various types of music, such as country, pop, swing, rock and roll, disco, rhythm and blues and jazz. New dances are taught step by step.
Advanced Line Dancing with Marie Brault - Drop-in
Fridays from 12:00 p.m.-1:30 p.m.
If you have experience in line dancing and would like a challenge, this drop-in class is for you! It is geared toward the advanced level and includes new and more complicated dances. You will dance a mixture of old and new line dances to various types of music, such as country, pop, swing, rock and roll, disco, rhythm and blues and jazz. New dances are taught step by step.
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Events and Activities
It is best to sign up in person at the center as space may be limited for some activities and events. You may also sign up by calling the center at 410.222.1927.
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Ongoing Activities And Programs
These activities are drop-in and
no registration is required.
Bingo: 1st & 3rd Mondays from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Knitting and Crochet: 2nd & 4th Mondays from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Pickleball: 2:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Canasta: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Bridge Club: 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Pickleball: 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Open Art Studio: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Mahjongg: 12:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Group Guitar: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Scrabble: 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
China Painting: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Ceramics: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Pickleball: 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Party Bridge: 12:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Drop-in Games: 1st & 3rd Thursdays from 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Cribbage: 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Quilting: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Wii Bowling:10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Trivial Pursuit: 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Pickleball: 2:30 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
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Take Note: Unless otherwise noted in the program description, center members may sign up for January events and activities beginning Thursday, January 2. | |
Happy New Year!
Center is closed on Wednesday, January 1 for New Year's Day.
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Drop In Games
Thursday, January 2 and 16
from 1:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
Join your friends at the center for an afternoon of playing various classic board games, such as Scrabble, Uno, Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Boggle. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you have a favorite board game you'd like to share, bring it along. The more the merrier!
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South County Senior Activity Center's Technology Users' Group
Friday, January 3
from 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Computer, Tablet, and Smartphone users meet to discuss updates, news, and resources in the technology world. This group meets online only on the first Friday of the month. Click the button below to join the meeting.
Winter Classes Begin
Monday, January 6
The winter session of AACC classes begins today. There is still time to register. See registration information in the News from AACC section of this newsletter.
Monday, January 6
from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Play bingo for prizes on the first & third Mondays of each month. No registration is required. Donations of bingo prizes are gladly accepted at the front desk.
There will be no bingo on Monday, January 20 as the center is closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Music with the Grey Legends
Wednesday, January 8 & 22
at 11:45 a.m.
Russ Jones and friends will be here to play some old favorites from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Sing along or just sit back and enjoy the tunes.
Thursday, January 9
from 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Did you get a new e-book reader for the holidays and need some help using it? Come and chat with a representative from the Edgewater Library about all things e-books! Learn about Libby, the Library's e-reader app and get advice on how to download e-books and e-audio to your devices.
Chorus for Fun
Thursday, January 9 and 23
from 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
New Kids on the Block
Friday, January 10
from 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
| Anyone needing accommodations must contact the South County Senior Activity Center at 410-222-1927 or by email at southcenter@aacounty.org at least seven days prior to an event. TTY users please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1. All materials available in alternate formats upon request. | |
January Van Trips
Unless otherwise noted, sign up for January van trips begins on Thursday, January 2.
Partners in Care and Panera Bread
Friday, January 10 from 10:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
A van from Partners in Care, Inc. will take participants to Partners in Care Boutique in Pasadena, followed by lunch at Panera Bread. Participants are responsible for all the costs of their trip. Space on the van is limited, so register early! Sign up at the front desk.
Home Goods and Three Brothers
Friday, January 24 from 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
A van from Partners in Care, Inc. will take participants to HomeGoods in Gambrills followed by lunch at Three Brothers in Odenton. Participants are responsible for all the costs of their trip. Space on the van is limited, so register early! Sign up at the front desk.
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Painting with Scott
Friday, January 10 and 24
from 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m.
Join artist Scott Clarke in making these simple yet dynamic designs! These fun tutorials will help you improve your painting skills, not just with color mixing but with your painting medium. Scott will guide you through the techniques so you can render your own masterpieces, perfect for display. This program is sponsored by the Friends of SCSC, Inc. There is a $5 supply fee due at sign up. All supplies will be provided by the instructor. Please have exact change when paying, as the Friends of SCSC, Inc. are unable to make change for large bills.
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Bay Life
Friday, January 10
Sign up by Thursday, January 9
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Friday, January 24
Sign up by Thursday, January 23
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Maryland Access Point Outreach Visit
Monday, January 13
from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Bonnie Paucar, Certified Consumer Resource Specialist and Options Counselor with the Department of Aging and Disabilities MAP Program, will be here to speak with senior activity center participants who have questions or need connections to resources. MAP links older adults and their families to community resources and educates about available services provided by our department and the community. Drop by to meet Bonnie and ask her any questions you may have about programs and services in Anne Arundel County.
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Unlocking the Secrets to Artificial Intelligence
Monday, January 13
from 2:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Did you know that search engines, facial recognition, computer games and self-driving cars are all types of AI? Join instructor Julian Faulkner as he helps you to unlock the secrets of AI and learn how computers can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. Sign up at the front desk.
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Fitness Room Orientation
Monday, January 13 and 27 at 2:30 p.m.
Anyone who is interested in using the exercise equipment (treadmill, recumbent bike, rowing machine) in the fitness room MUST take this orientation first. Adrienne Collins will be available to provide the orientation. Please sign up at the front desk.
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Friends of SCSC, Inc. Meeting
Tuesday, January 14
Join us at 10:00 a.m. for the monthly meeting of the Friends of SCSC, Inc. Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting.
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Painted Pillow Workshop
Tuesday, January 14
from 1:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Join Lynn Gauthier and Mellen McGowen to paint the other side of the holiday pillow that participants painted in December. Participants can bring the pillow they painted at the December workshop to this class to paint a 4th of July fireworks theme on the opposite side. This program is sponsored by the Friends of SCSC, Inc. If you attended the workshop in December, there is a $5.00 supply fee if you bring your pillow back this month to paint the other side. If you are a new participant this month, there is a $15 supply fee due at sign up. All supplies will be provided by the instructors. Please have exact change when paying, as the Friends of SCSC, Inc. are unable to make change for large bills.
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Music with Travis Widrick
Wednesday, January 15
from 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Bring your lunch and join us for music today with guitar player and singer Travis Widrick. Travis is an experienced music and movement therapist, but he joins us today to entertain.
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Line Dance Party
Friday, January 17
from 10:15 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Line Dance instructor Marie Brault will lead this fun day of line dancing in the dining room. Everyone is invited to drop by and join in at any time during the day to do some of your favorite line dances or learn some new ones with your friends. Even if you haven never line danced before, you are welcome to come check it out. Light refreshments will be served.
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Acrylic Painted Jar Tops
Friday, January 17
from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Join center member Peggy Boccabella and learn how to make acrylic paint poured jar tops for glass jars, perfect for filling with all kinds of things, especially treats! This program is sponsored by the Friends of SCSC, Inc. All supplies will be provided by the instructor. There is a $10 supply fee due at sign up. Please have exact change when paying, as the Friends of SCSC, Inc. are unable to make change for large bills. Space is limited. Sign up at the front desk.
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Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Monday, January 20
Center is closed today.
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Terrarium Workshop
Tuesday, January 21
from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Tired of gray, chilly days and dreaming of warmer, green days? come to this lecture about the history of terrariums and how plants arrived in America from tropical and foreign climes. See a short video and then watch as a terrarium is built. Finally, make a terrarium of your very own to take home. There is no cost for the workshop. All supplies will be provided. Space is limited. Sign up at the front desk.
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Current Events Begins
Thursday, January 23 from 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Join Susann Felton for this ten-week current events discussion group. Participants may come in person to the center for the class, or participate via Zoom. Susann will show videos on hot news topics to discuss during class. Click below for the zoom link for the class.
Zoom Meeting ID: 889 1821 9952
Passcode: .9tXw2U8
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Recycled Book Page Wreath Workshop
Monday, January 27
from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Join Department of Aging and Disabilities staff member, Emalee Crawford, in creating a book page wreath with recycled books. Whether you are an avid reader, or just love to craft, join us with creating this masterpiece. There is a $10 supply fee due at sign up. All supplies will be provided by the instructors. Please have exact change when paying, as the Friends of SCSC, Inc. are unable to make change for large bills. Sign up at the front desk.
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South County Senior Activity Center Book Club at the Edgewater Library
Monday, January 27
from 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.
This month we will be discussing The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann. This book club is held in partnership with the Edgewater Library. All are welcome.
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Gene Way Book Club
Monday, January 27 from 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
This drop-in book club meets at the center on the last Friday of the month. In January, they will be discussing An Unfinished Love Story by Doris Kearns Goodwin.
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Friends of South County
Senior Center, Inc.
2025 Trip Booklet
2025 trip booklets are available at the center. Make sure you pick one up to find out all the details about upcoming trips for next year. Booklets are limited to one per household. Details about trips, including cost, itineraries, departure and return times may be found in the booklet. Participants may sign up for trips during bus trip office hours. The bus trip office is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Updates to 2025 Trip Booklet:
- The restaurant for both BSO trips has been changed to Sammy's Trattoria
- The Shenandoah National Park trip date has changed to Wednesday, May 28
Click on the photo below to see
the entire trip booklet.
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Important Information for Trip Registrants
- You MUST be a member of an Anne Arundel County Senior Activity Center to enjoy our trips. Please be prepared to show your key tag when signing up for a trip.
- All Bus Trip participants must complete a contact information form and release of liability form when signing up for trips.
- It is YOUR responsibility to know when deposits and final payments are due and to make required payments on time.
- If final payment is not received by the final payment due date, only one reminder call will be made. If payment is not received on time, your trip will be automatically canceled.
- All monies are non-refundable once the final payment is made to the vendor by the Trip Committee.
- Please make note of departure times of the trips you sign up for and BE ON TIME for all departures.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
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In the Community
Events and Activities Coming Up In Your Area
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Water Fitness
Anne Arundel County Rec & Parks
This water exercise program is designed to improve flexibility, mobility, and range of motion, and to boost stamina. Pool temperature is 82 ̊.
This is a drop-in program. A senior punch pass may be purchased for $60 for 15 visits. Individual drop in rates are $6 per class. Passes can be purchased onsite at either pool. Classes at Arundel Olympic Swim Center run Monday through Thursday at either 9 am or 10 am. Classes are 45 minutes long. For more information, please call the facility directly at 410-222-7933.The Arundel Olympic Swim Center is located at 2690 Riva Rd, Annapolis, MD.
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Telephone Reassurance Program
Seeking Volunteers
The Department of Aging and Disabilities Telephone Reassurance Program is seeking volunteers to make well-check phone calls to residents of Anne Arundel County. Volunteers connect with older adults and individuals with disabilities to help them remain independent in their homes for as long as possible. We are currently recruiting volunteers to assist with telephone calls one or more days each month between 8:00-10:30 a.m. Calls can be made at the volunteer's home. Telephone Reassurance volunteers must complete an application, a criminal background check, and required training.
The Telephone Reassurance Program places daily well-check telephone calls to older adults and adults with disabilities who are living alone in Anne Arundel County. These individuals can count on a friendly telephone call every day of the year. Family members, who may live outside of Anne Arundel County, have the assurance that their loved ones are in daily contact with a Department of Aging and Disabilities volunteer. The program helps individuals maintain their independence and their contact with the outside world. It is also a great way for volunteers to support their community and gain a sense of purpose.
If you are a resident of Anne Arundel County and are interested in volunteering for the Telephone Reassurance Program, call 410-222-4339 for an application. TTY users, please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1.
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Durable Medical Equipment
South County Senior Activity Center will no longer be accepting donations of durable medical equipment (DME), or distributing any DME to individuals. If you have items that you would like to donate or are in need of any equipment, the Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use Program can help. See the flyer below for more details or visit the Maryland Durable Medical Equipment Re-Use website.
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Anyone needing accommodations must contact the South County Senior Activity Center at
410-222-1927 or by email at southcenter@aacounty.org at least seven days prior to an event. TTY users please call via Maryland Relay 7-1-1. All materials available in alternate formats
upon request.
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Products and Services advertised in this publication are not endorsed or guaranteed by the South County Senior Activity Center, Anne Arundel County Department of Aging & Disabilities, or Friends of South County Senior Center, Inc. | | | | |