AUGUST 2019 | VOL. 96
GOED: The Wheel Spoke of Economic Development
A question we get asked a lot is: who does GOED work with? The work GOED does wouldn't be possible without our dedicated experts, leaders and professionals in what we've taken to calling, the "Economic Development Ecosystem."

Our community development team has been out blanketing the state, meeting with local and regional leaders, civic organizations, non-profits and many other groups, to talk openly about what's happening in economic development, all the way from local to federal. We all play a vital part in putting our communities, not just on a level playing field, but a step above, to give us a competitive advantage.

From zoning to housing and consulting to financing, GOED and our partners help advance South Dakota for generations to come.
GOED Regional Roundtables: What You're Saying
The Community Development team hosted two Regional Roundtables in July, one in Pierre and one in Gregory. Check out what Jim Protexter, COO of PEDCO (Pierre Economic Development Corporation), had to say:

If you subscribe to a regional approach to economic development, what's good for Onida or Eagle Butte or Kadoka is good for Pierre.

It's true, and that's why I was happy to help the state pull together my counterparts from this region for a rare but hopefully ongoing regional roundtable discussion a few weeks ago. "Our" area was well represented, including Campbell County, Gettysburg, Onida, Fort Pierre, Eagle Butte, Faulkton, Kadoka, Miller and Kimball.

The event was coordinated by Scott Amundson, a Community Development Representative with the Governor's Office of Economic Development. Scott worked to get the good turnout, and sweetened the pot by offering educational sessions from the local Small Business Development Center, Department of Labor and Central South Dakota Enhancement District staff as well as GOED and the Small Business Administration out of Sioux Falls.

And as Scott predicted - because he's been to these before - the highlight was the three minutes each community got at the end to talk about what they're doing, what's working and what's not. It was great to meet some of these community representatives for the first time, and to learn what challenges we have in common.

Of course we all want to focus on the positives, so we heard about the new hospital plans in Gettysburg, the new high school and middle school in Faulkton, the wind project in Campbell County and the new office incubator space in Eagle Butte. Onida is proud of their new ethanol plant, Fort Pierre has their Casey's, Kadoka and Miller have made several small business loans and Kimball is getting their zoning issues organized.

The challenge as reported by every community is housing and workforce. It was valuable to hear how each community is addressing these common concerns.

My positive to share centered on the pulse processing plant near Harrold. When we developed that facility it was with a regional approach in mind. What's good for Harrold is good for Pierre, and for Blunt and Miller and Onida as well.

Since PURIS Foods took over the plant in January, they have been conditioning seed and bought a lot of the stored peas from area producers to supply the pet food market. They have several thousand acres of peas under contract that will go into their protein products for human consumption, and are contemplating an additional building and adding workers in the near future. In fact, we are anticipating an exciting announcement from PURIS about growing their market in the coming weeks.

The regional roundtable was a success thanks to Scott and presenters Marcella Hurley, Lisa Claassen, LaJena Gruis, Jessica Falk, Mark Anderson and Paul Mehlhaff. We hope to make it an annual affair.

Register Today! Opportunity Zones: Their Role in Economic Development
Our next webinar is right around the corner, Opportunity Zones: Their Role in Economic Development. Join Alex Smith from the Economic Development Administration (EDA) on Wednesday, August 14 at 10:30 a.m. CDT, as he discusses Opportunity Zones in South Dakota, what they mean for you and how they're changing the footprint of economic development. Register today here.

Get to Know Us!
Scott Amundson, Community Development Representative

Q: How many years have you been in economic development?
A: I’ve been in economic development directly for 12 years. 9 ½ at the local level serving Marshall County as the economic development director and 2 ½ years with GOED in Community Development. Prior to that, I worked indirectly as a volunteer on chamber boards, committees, and as a banker.

Q: What do you enjoy most about your job in economic development and what's the most challenging aspect?
A: I enjoy engaging and working with small to mid-sized communities in South Dakota. They are always hungry for information, resources and connecting to partners that can help advance their communities in various capacities. The communities with active, full-time directors and an engaged board with local leaders, get good traction and make things happen. It’s fun and rewarding to see all the good things happening in my region. The biggest challenge to me is winter driving conditions. It seems to follow me around.

Q: What is misunderstood about economic development, especially in South Dakota, and what can we as a larger unit do to change that?
A: I think it’s especially important for community leaders and stakeholders to realize that economic development is a marathon, not a sprint. Sometimes it takes significant time to make a splash or have a win for your community. It’s like spinning plates. It’s all a delicate balance in business retention and expansion, workforce development, housing, and youth engagement. Positioning your community for future success takes a village and a committed circle of influence from a variety of residents and leaders. Creating and saving good paying jobs, growing and diversifying the tax base, and enhancing the quality of life for our residents is ongoing and critical to developing core values.

Q: If you were a baseball player, what would your walk-up song be?
A: Of course it would be Shoot To Thrill by ACDC. The version from the Iron Man II Soundtrack is the best. Crank it up and prepare to feel energized!

Q: 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, which is your favorite decade and why?
A: The 70’s for its music, its food, a less hectic time with emerging technology and cool cars.

Q: What movie never gets old no matter how many times you've seen it?
A: I can list three. Shawshank Redemption, Saturday Night Fever, and Grown Ups.
News From Across the State
Have something you want to share with our partners? GOED launched a new feature in its "Partners in Progress" e-newsletter. Share best practices, trainings and good news in economic development by clicking the button below!
Herreid grocery store gets second chance

Small town grocery stores often struggle to keep their doors open. But there are opportunities through different grants to help keep many of these stores open. That's exactly what happened in Herreid .

Original story from KSFY.
Mt. Vernon Farmer's YouTube Channel Gaining Momentum

It’s been a tough year for farmers. But one farmer is giving everyone a glimpse of what it’s like from his farm in Mount Vernon. It’s a behind-the-scenes look at the good and the bad and thousands of YouTube followers are along for the ride. 

Original story from KDLT.
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