Total devastation in Bondeau due to Hurricane Matthew 
Dear Friends of the South Florida Haiti Project,
By now you have heard of the ferocious hurricane that struck the southwestern peninsula of Haiti on October 4th. There is total devastation in the village of Bondeau, the site of the South Florida Haiti Project's partnership with Bon Samaritan Episcopal Church and School. The eye of the hurricane passed within 50 miles of Bondeau. Thankfully the school and church buildings survived with minimal damage. More importantly there are no reports of loss of life. We give thanks for God's presence and care for the people of Bondeau. 

Unfortunately, many homes in Bondeau lost their roofs, and the roads are impassable to the east and to the west of the village. Compounding the problems for the farmers is that virtually all of their crops have been destroyed. This means there will be much les s food available for the people. Because there are no crops to sell there will be no money to buy food. The conditions for the people of Bondeau are dire, and could worsen in the coming weeks and months if help does not arrive.

We are calling on our brothers and sisters in Christ who have supported the South Florida Haiti Project to help the people of Bondeau in two equally important ways. First, we ask for your prayers. Please ask God to bring relief to the people of Bondeau in whatever way God sees fit. We do not know when the road will be passable, but we want to be prepared to deliver supplies whenever it is.

Second, we ask that you make a contribution to the South Florida Haiti Project, designated for hurricane relief. The money you give will be used for the most pressing needs. That may include anything from purchasing food to purchasing roofing materials and labor.

There has never been a more urgent time to help the people of Bondeau. For Bondeau, this hurricane was much more destructive than the 2010 earthquake. Please give as you are able.

May God bless you, and may God bless the people of Bondeau.
In Christ,
The Rev. Andrew Sherman
President, South Florida Haiti Project
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7
"You can always give without loving, but you can never love without giving." 
~Amy Carmichael
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100 NE Mizner Blvd
Boca Raton, FL 33432