Wake County

Solid Waste Management Division

January/February 2016
Next Meeting
Date Change

The next South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, April 12, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Holly Springs Cultural Center , 300 West Ballentine Street, in Holly Springs, NC.

To be sure there is enough seating, please notify us ahead of time if you are planning to attend this meeting.
Odor Issues
Odor Control Update
NCM Odor Control Mister at South Wake Landfill
A reduction in landfill odors is anticipated due to the completion of the landfill gas collection system, a change in predominate wind direction, and use of odor neutralizing devices. 
The expansion of the landfill gas collection system was completed in November. The landfill gas collection system helps to control odors by capturing and destroying landfill gas and preventing it from entering into the atmosphere. 
This area also enters a change in wind direction from December thru July. The predominate wind direction is now from the south to the north - away from the Town of Holly Springs. Wind direction is monitored daily on  Weather Underground .
In addition, two types of odor neutralizing devices are being trialed at the South Wake Landfill. The first unit is a SWAT Odor Control Fogger and went online on November 13. It is a forced air system that blows an odor neutralizer using fans. The second unit is an NCM Odor Control Mister and went online on December 23. It delivers a low pressure mist of odor neutralizer across a widespread area. Both technologies use odor control products that are safe and environmentally non hazardous. Based on the results of the trials the site operator is planning to move forward with the purchase of the best performing unit in the New Year. 
If you experience odor problems please  notify us . This quickly enables us to identify the source of the odor and determine the best course of action to take. With the recent change in predominate wind direction odors from the Town of Holly Springs Water Reclamation Facility  (located less than a mile due south of Holly Springs Towne Center) can be confused with landfill odors. If you do notice objectionable odors (not faint) notify us immediately and please include the date and time the odor was first noticed, the street address and the weather conditions in your message (hot, cold, wet, windy, calm). 
Stay Connected
Join us on Facebook
Wake County Solid Waste Management Division is on Facebook sharing information on waste reduction, reuse, recycling and waste disposal services in Wake County. To stay up to date on the latest news and events connect with us on  Facebook .
Get Involved
Stay Informed
We are all citizens and we understand the importance and value of receiving citizen feedback. The South Wake Landfill Citizen Committee was established in 2006 prior to the opening of the Landfill. The purpose of the committee is to:
  • Provide a forum for neighbors of the landfill to have a voice in its continuing development
  • Provide feedback to Solid Waste staff with regards to the operations at the landfill 
  • Provide a conduit for information between Solid Waste staff and the neighboring community regarding activities at the landfill
  • Bring together people who live in the surrounding areas of the landfill
If you are interested in becoming a member of the South Wake Landfill Citizens Committee email your request here
Landfill Tours
2016 Tour Dates
Wake County residents board the landfill tour bus to learn about where their trash ends up

The upcoming tour dates are:

  • Wednesday, March 16
  • Saturday, April 23
  • Wednesday, May 25
  • Saturday, June 18
To register for a free public tour of the South Wake Landfill click here .
Wake County Recycling Day
Wake County Celebrates America Recycles Day 
Hundreds of residents participated in the first annual Wake County Recycling Day, held on November 14, 2015  at the Multi-Material Recycling Facility on Old Smithfield Road in Apex . Over 10,000 pounds of paper was shredded and recycled and hundreds of electronic devices and other items were dropped off by residents  to be recycled  for free. Residents also got the chance to tour the local landfill and learn about ways to reduce their waste
Waste Facilities Holiday Schedule
Convenience Centers Open New Years Day
Convenience Centers will be open as usual on Friday, January 1, 2016 for New Year's Day. Multi-Material Recycling Facilities and  Household   Hazardous Waste Facilities will be closed on New Year's Day.  View Wake County holiday schedules here.
Happy Trails 
Wake County residents can recycle their Christmas  trees for free and help enhance trails at County parks from Saturday, December 26, 2015 through Sunday, January 24, 2016. Trees will be collected at the following Wake County Convenience Centers and Wake County Parks only: 

Convenience Centers
· 10505 Old Stage Rd, Garner
· 6025 Old Smithfield Rd, Apex
· 3600 Yates Mill Pond Rd, Raleigh
· 5051 Wendell Blvd, Wendell

County Parks 
· Blue Jay Park: 3200 Pleasant Union Church Rd, Raleigh
· Harris Lake County Park: 2112 County Park Dr, New Hill
· Lake Crabtree County Park: 1400 Aviation Pkwy, Morrisville
· North Wake Landfill District Park: 9300 Deponie Dr, Raleigh

Please remember the trees will be chipped and used to mulch park trails and must be undecorated to be accepted.
Got More Trash?
Remember to Recycle
According to the EPA the volume of household waste in the United States increases 25% between Thanksgiving and New Year.  Here are some ways to keep it out of the landfill:
  • Most holiday waste can be recycled at any of the Wake County Convenience Centers, including wrapping paper, gift boxes, holiday cards, cardboard packaging and more 
  • Wake County Multi-Material Recycling Facilities also take items such as unwanted toys, old electronics, cell phones, used cooking oil and more
Click on the above links to find your nearest sites, opening hours and acceptable items.
Eagle Makes Amazing Recovery
Injured Bald Eagle Found at South Wake Landfill
"HOLLY" the injured Bald Eagle found at the South Wake Landfill on December 20 is making an amazing recovery thanks to the compassion of a landfill employee who found the bird crouched over, weak and unable to stand and quickly took him to  Avian and Exotic Animal Care where vets went to work to save him.  Holly was treated with antibiotics, fluids, food and warmth and is recovering at the American Wildlife Refuge. Vets are  optimistic about a new year release date. To learn more about Holly's progress click here.
Got Questions?
Telephone: 919.856.6424
Address: Wake County, Solid Waste Management Division, P.O. Box 550, Raleigh, NC 27602
Director: John W. Roberson,  PE