Putting 2020 in the Rearview Mirror
As Congress works to finalize the Fiscal Year 2021 budget and negotiate another round of coronavirus aid, Southeast Tourism Society is looking ahead to 2021. This newsletter provides tools and resources to help tourism community leaders advocate for government policies and programs that support the health and growth of the tourism sector.

Note: Congress reached agreement on a stimulus package late Sunday night (December 20, 2021). As soon as Congress approves the legislation and the President signs later this week, we will be sending out more information on this critical legislation.

See latest update from U.S. Travel Association.
2021 Public Policy Goals
 The Advocacy Pillar Committee has set the issue framework that will guide STS’s advocacy work over the next two years of the 117th Congress. The highest priority goal, driven by the event of this year, is to elevate recognition and support for domestic tourism. Tourism is expected to rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic next year but much greater resources are needed to ensure that all tourism communities are able to rebound from this crisis.  
2021 Legislative Calendars
A useful tool for planning advocacy activities are legislative calendars that tell you when Congress and the state legislature are in town and taking votes and when they are back in their communities and holding events. Click here to view the 2021 calendar for the U.S. House of Representatives. As control and leadership of the U.S. Senate is still to be decided, the Senate calendar has not yet been released, although it generally tracks with the House calendar. The National Conference of State Legislatures listing of state legislative sessions for 2021 can be found here.
June 21 - 24, 2021
 The dates for the 2021 Congressional Summit have been set for June 21-24. We’re making some changes to the schedule and the 2021 will also feature a Travel Media Meet Up. Registration and the schedule will post to the website in January. More information on the Summit can be found here.
Shop at the People's House
One of the highlights of the Congressional Summit is paying a visit to the Capitol Visitor Center’s Gift Shop. Due to the restrictions of the pandemic for the first time, the gift shop is going online and offering select merchandise for sale. If you need a Capitol fix or want to buy a special gift for an up and coming tourism advocate, this is your shopping to go.
Contact STS
If you have questions about tourism advocacy or STS’s policy priorities, the STS Advocacy Resource Center offers a wealth of information.