Tools for the Selection and Hiring Process
Filling an empty position can be a confusing process, especially in the nonprofit world where money is tight and time is short. However, it is worth taking the time to review your hiring process before your next job posting. Here are a few things to consider before bringing on a new employee:
Before starting the hiring process

Step back and review your needs : What tasks of this position are still important? Is there a better way to accomplish these tasks? Can I rearrange these tasks with existing jobs before posting a job opening?

Update the job description : Do I know what I need? What are the required vs. desired skills and qualifications for this position?

Decide on the pay rate : Can I afford what I want? Do I know what a competitive pay rate is for this job? Remember to consider both internal equity and external equity. Internal equity refers to the pay rate being equitable within the organization, while external equity refers to the pay rate being equitable compared to other organizations that you are competing with for talent. Use salary surveys as a baseline for pay equity but proceed with caution: many jobs, especially those within the non-profit world, are unique and therefore difficult to compare to other organizations.

Decide who else will be involved : Who do I want to “buy in” to the future success of the new hire? Will others be involved in the first round of interviews or only meet the final candidates? Is someone willing to allow a new hire to shadow them in their job?

Resources: Here are several places to find compensation data and advice on deciding pay rates:

During the hiring process

Set up the interview process : What questions will I ask during interviews? How is each question going to help me select the best candidate? In what format will I conduct interviews? Phone interviews are a great way to initially rule out candidates who may appear qualified on paper but are not actually a good fit with the requirements. You can then select 3-5 top candidates to proceed with in-person interviews.

Evaluate candidates : How will I determine who best fits the job? Consider making a chart that lists the job requirements vs. the candidates. Rate how well each candidate matches the requirements.

Do your homework : Did I check references and verify previous employment before making an offer? Have I made my offer contingent on criminal background checks and drug screening? Have I provided a written offer letter confirming title, pay, contingencies, and any other critical details such as work schedule or other agreements?

Finally, remember to hire slowly and purposefully! Yes, you can terminate employment if you make a hiring mistake, but it is painful, stressful and expensive. Take the time to prepare for and think through your decision to hire.
Additional HR Resources:

This checklist was developed by NCAC as a guide for CACs to consider their own HR practices. The checklist is broken into "Essential Practices" vs. "Best Practices" to help you prioritize areas for review. It also addresses compliance issues with key labor laws. This document is not meant to be comprehensive nor to replace legal advice. Employment laws will vary by state and CACs are encouraged to go to one of the resources below for additional information.

Additional resources:

Many thanks to Michelle Krohn for her many contributions to this article. Michelle has been the HR Manager at NCAC for 6 years and has 15 plus years of experience in the field of Human Resources.
Online Training Designed Specifically
for CAC Boards of Directors
The Board of Directors Blueprint is a self-paced, four-module training that is ideal for onboarding new CAC board members as well as for existing board members to better understand their roles and responsibilities. Being a board member of a CAC can have its own set of challenges, unique from other types of boards—whether it be fundraising, increasing awareness and community support, hiring and supporting Executive Directors, or ensuring that the organization is equipped to deal with vicarious trauma/secondary traumatic stress that may affect staff and the CAC’s ability to provide consistent, quality services.
Through SRCAC’s extensive work with boards over the years, these four modules—which make up the course—reflect the areas that have emerged as being most essential for board members to understand in order for them to have the most impact on the operations of their CACs:
  • Module 1: The CAC Model
  • Module 2: Hiring, Supporting, and Evaluating the Executive Director
  • Module 3: Roles and Responsibilities
  • Module 4: Vicarious Trauma and Secondary Traumatic Stress

To learn more about the Blueprint and to access it free of charge, go to

Medical Providers and the MDT
We are pleased to share two new resources from the Midwest Regional CAC :

Medical Aspects of Child Abuse for the Multidisciplinary Team is a new free online course. Navigating through any or all of the nine available lessons, MDT members can learn more about the medical provider's role on the team and increase their knowledge regarding the types of injuries and findings common in child abuse cases.

Orienting Your Medical Provider to the CAC and Multidisciplinary Team helps walk medical providers through their roles and responsibilities at the CAC, not just in providing medical evaluations but also in being an integral part of the team.
Connect With Us
Spotlight is a newsletter prepared by Southern Regional CAC that focuses on current topics, ideas, trainings, and conferences which are designed to further the knowledge and practice of CAC professionals within the region. We hope you find the information helpful! Let us know if you have specific topics you’d like to see in future newsletters.
This publication is funded through grant #2016-CI-FX-K002 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components, operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this publication (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).
Southern Regional CAC | #justtryingtohelpsomekids | Vol. 2 No. 9: Sept 2019