Advent Reflections on Peace
As we light the candles on our Advent Wreaths, we focus on four core values of our Christian faith: Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Over the years, we have assigned slightly different significance to each of these candles, but they have become pillars of our faith in God through his word that became flesh and dwelt among us 2000-plus years ago. This year, we invite you to spend extra time on the second candle, the Peace candle. Through reflection, prayer, and discussion, we will dive deeply into what it means for Jesus to be called the Prince of Peace—in our hearts, homes, communities, and the world.
Click to join us online Monday evenings - December 9, 16, 23 at 7pm.
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The synod office will be closed for the Christmas and New Year holidays beginning Monday, December 23, and will re-open on Thursday, January 2. A bishop's staff person will be on call each of those days. Emergency? Call 830-379-9900, ext. 21.
The eNews publication schedule for December will be:
December 4—Synod eNews
December 11—Synod eNews
December 18—Synod eNews
- December 25 and January 1—no eNews
The first Synod eNews of 2025 will be published on Wednesday, January 8.
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Why we visit soul friends for Advent
A common suggestion for celebrating Christmas is to spend time with a child. Children readily embody awe and wonder, joy and delight and this season’s lights, parties, and giddy gift-giving intensifies their contagious glow.
But what do we do to honor Advent, the expectant time of reflection we also need every year? How do we add meaning through this often frenzied race from Thanksgiving to Christmas? How do we make it a pilgrimage of hope, a sacred time for nurturing the beliefs, virtues, and values that sustain us throughout the year?
What if we find time for our mentors, our soul friends that help us craft a life well lived? What if we set aside one-on-one time with that person who gives us hope, supports our faith, helps us see God’s presence in our lives? Like Jesus’ mother Mary who visited her cousin Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-56), we can schedule time with that someone who comfortably prays for us and with us; someone who tells us their faith stories, and helps us form and tell ours. Is there someone who asks questions we never considered and listens to our dreams, our songs?
These are our soul companions, the ones who leave us more open-hearted, generous, and joyful as we move through the preparations of Advent. They help us become the incarnation, the embodiment of God’s healing, hope, peace, love, joy, and more that Jesus first gave human form.
After time with them, our presence also becomes a twinkly light, the kind of light one soul recognizes in another. We become glimmers of hope for others, naturally, effortlessly like children on Christmas Day, like the small child we meet again at Christmas, born with an irresistible star above his manger in Bethlehem.
Future issues of this e-newsletter will curate stories about churches' effective efforts to study and address neighborhood needs through "holy curiosity." Send your ideas to
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Southwestern Texas Synod Assembly Offering In Honor of Camp Chrysalis’ 75th Anniversary
In honor of the Camp Chrysalis’ 75th Anniversary and in recognition of the impact the camp and retreat ministry has on faith formation and leadership development, the offering for the synod assembly will go toward kitchen equipment for the new Dining Hall at Camp Chrysalis.
The Cross Trails Board of Directors recently voted to begin raising funds for a new Dining Hall that will allow the entire camp to eat indoors, and offer improved gathering space, accessibility and food service options. Gathering for meals and fellowship is integral to the camp and retreat experience. The current Chrysalis Dining Hall was built over 50 years ago.
This new Dining Hall will enhance the Camp Chrysalis summer camp and retreat experience for generations to come! With this offering, when the building nears completion, these funds will be readily available to help purchase all of the kitchen equipment at once! Click here to give now.
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Items Needed for Nuevos Vecinos
Nuevos Vecinos is an organization helping immigrant families settle in San Antonio.
Here are items they are always in need of:
- clothes and shoes
- new toiletries
- towels, linens, and blankets
- toys
- kitchen items
- working phones and computers
They also accept and need larger items such as:
- beds and mattresses
- furniture
- bicycles
Nuevos Vecinos also accepts monetary donations. Please visit their website for information on how to donate and other ways to help.
For more information or if you can help deliver items contact Deacon Lisa Diana at Thank you for your willingness to help our neighbors in need.
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Called and Sent Videos
As part of this year's Called and Sent theme, we created videos showing how congregations live out their calledness and sentness. If you have a story from your congregation, we'd love to work with you on it! Email us at
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Gather: Austin Featured in Leadership Circle
Gather:Austin was recently featured in the ELCA Leadership Circle Newsletter. Click here to read it!
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Congregations In Transition:
In Transition:
Gethsemane, Austin
Abiding Love, Austin
Holy Cross, Austin
St. Paul, Nordheim
St. Paul, Mason
Christ the Victor, Victoria
Faith, Beeville
St. John, Marion - Pastor
First English, Austin - Pastor
Galilean, Corpus Christi - Pastor
Primary Candidates Named:
Zion, San Antonio - Associate Pastor
Christ, Elm Creek - Pastor
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Of Healing
Prayers of healing for Pastor Rosemarie Doucette.
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Of Celebration
Congratulations to St. John in San Juan Texas on the occasion of their 100th anniversary of mission in the Rio Grande Valley.
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Of Celebration
Congratulations to the 2024 Grant Recipients (Tiemann Leadership & Transformational) totaling $26,480.
- Renewal & Leadership Development (Retreat for Rostered Leaders)
- Hill Country Conference (Piloting new ways to meet as a Conference)
- Bluebonnet Conference (Small Town & Rural Ministries)
- Parenting in Faith Together (St. Peter, Marble Falls)
- Preaching/Teaching Academy (Cross Trails Ministry/Hill Country Conference)
- Gather, Austin
- Water Stewardship Gratitude Garden (Immanuel, Comfort)
- Southwestern Texas Synod Community Connection Project
- Training for Lay Preachers in the Hill Country Conference
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ELCA Spanish Language Website
The ELCA has launched a new website, Vida Luterana, for the ELCA's Latino community who, at their heart, embrace God's unconditional grace as the foundation of their faith and action. Inspired by this grace, freely given in Christ without any merit of our own, Latino Lutherans commit to living and sharing this transformative love. Click here to visit the website!
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Narrative Mission Spending Plan
As you prepare your mission spending plan (budget) for 2025, consider using a narrative mission spending plan, otherwise known as a narrative budget. It’s not too late! The ELCA’s narrative spending plan webinar can lead you through the process of capturing just what you do and how it’s important to the mission God has given you.
Other ELCA Stewardship resources and recorded webinars can be found here.
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Are you looking for an Advent Devotion? Look no further!
Every year during the Advent season, Christians worldwide experience heightened devotion as they prepare to celebrate Christ's birth and our King's return. As you prepare for Christmas, consider using one of the following devotionals in your daily life to center your heart on the true meaning of the season. And the best part? Almost all of them are free!
Daily Advent Devotionals from ELCA Lutherans:
From Global Refuge
From Luther Seminary
From Wartburg Seminary
From United Lutheran Seminary (it’s from 2023, but that’s OK!)
From the ELCA Homeless and Justice Network (also a year old, but still good!)
From Churches Beyond Borders, prayers for peace in the Holy Land (it’s from 2023, but we still need these prayers!)
From Women of the ELCA (a few years old)
Weekly Advent Devotionals from ELCA Lutherans:
Hear the Stories of ELCA Missionaries around the world (scroll down to events to register for the emails)
From Reconciling Works, focused on the words Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love (it’s found under the section titled “liturgy”)
Join ELCA Young Adults on an Advent Pilgrimage in Palestine, with Sumud for Justice in Palestine and Israel (great for a group conversation)
From ELCA World Hunger
Musical Advent Calendars!
From the Lutheran Summer Music Academy (go to their YouTube playlists to see previous Advent calendars)
From the Lutheran World Federation (they may not be making a new calendar this year, but they have 5 years of archived calendars with great music)
Daily Advent Devotionals from Full Communion Partners:
From Pittsburg Theological Seminary (Reformed)
From Presbyterians for Earth Care
From FaithForward (Reformed)
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ELCA Coaching: Supportive Spaces
Supportive Spaces is a cohort-based program designed to enhance the holistic well-being and effectiveness of church leaders. Participants will engage in a transformative journey, meeting for one hour each week for six (6) weeks. Registration is required, but there is no financial cost to participants. Click here to learn more.
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ELCA Coaching: 3 Free Coaching Sessions
We see you. You are not alone. We are ready to listen. These coaching sessions are for rostered and congregational leaders navigating troubled times and difficult spaces. Click here to learn more.
What to expect:
- Reflect on what happened
- Break through feelings of isolation and helplessness
- Process your grief
- Develop a plan for moving forward
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College of Pastoral Leaders Grant Opportunities
Designed to reinvigorate your vocation, the College of Pastoral Leaders makes two-year, $10,000 grants to small groups of pastors to pursue a self-designed program for renewal, vitality, and pastoral excellence. Gather a small group of clergy colleagues and apply for a grant to fund a self-designed program of renewal. Learn more here.
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Becas Para Renovacion De Lideres Cristianos Latinos / Latinx Clergy Renewal Grants
Como parte del programa CPL, el departamento de Lifelong Learning está ofreciendo tres becas por un monto de $3,500 cada una, para renovación de pastores y lideres de las Iglesias Latinas. Para mayor información, porfavor visite nuestra página aquí.
We offer three one-year grants of $3,500 for the renewal and refreshment of leaders of Latinx churches, particularly for the education, retreat and development of a ministry team. Applications and instructions are available in English and Spanish. Click here for more information.
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School for Lay Ministry
Beginning January 18, 2025. From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, faith leaders, like you, serve their congregations in various roles. Often, you do so without the theological background or seminary degrees your colleagues may have. With the School for Lay Ministry, you'll embark on a transformative year-long journey empowering you to lead faithfully, recognizing the vital role you play in a lay-led, clergy-support ministry model. Learn more and register here.
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You are invited to apply for the pilot cohort of the TLGC Leadership Community!
Coming in February 2025: The Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, in partnership with LEAD, is launching The TLGC Leadership Community for curious adults (like you!) who want to: grow as disciples, use their gifts to further serve their neighbors, & learn together in community. Learn more and register here.
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Job Opportunities
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in San Antonio is hiring a Minister of Music. Contact Pastor Steve Cox.
Palm Valley Lutheran Church in Round Rock is hiring a Director of Children and Young Family Ministries. Click here to learn more.
Bethany Lutheran Church in Fredericksburg is hiring a Director of Christian Education. Click here to learn more.
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2025 Synod Assembly
More than Enough / Mas que Suficiente
Saturday, May 3, 2025
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church San Antonio
Hybrid option available
Assembly Offering: Camp Chrysalis in Honor of their 75th Anniversary. Click here to learn more.
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