I thank my God for every remembrance of you, always in every one of my prayers for all of you, praying with joy for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete[a] it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Cada vez que me acuerdo de ustedes doy gracias a mi Dios; 4 y cuando oro, siempre pido con alegría por todos ustedes; 5 pues ustedes se han hecho solidarios con la causa del evangelio, desde el primer día hasta hoy. 6 Estoy seguro de que Dios, que comenzó a hacer su buena obra en ustedes, la irá llevando a buen fin hasta el día en que Jesucristo regrese. - Philippians 1:3-6
As we draw close to Thanksgiving, I find myself giving thanks for you, the people of God in the Southwestern Texas Synod. I am so grateful for our partnership in the gospel; we have been and continue to make God’s love real in this territory in a myriad of ways – as we love and care for our neighbors near and far, as we feed hungry people and welcome strangers, as we form young people in the faith, as we choose to have difficult conversations with each other across political and other divides and more! In some mysterious, imperfect way, God uses us to announce God’s inbreaking kingdom of justice, peace, mercy, love and forgiveness! May God continue to knit us together for the sake of the world that God loves. We are so much better together. Blessed Thanksgiving to all of you.
In Christ’s love,
Bishop Sue
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Gather: Austin Featured in Leadership Circle
Gather:Austin was recently featured in the ELCA Leadership Circle Newsletter. Click here to read it!
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Thanksgiving for the Everyday
Celebrating a day of thanksgiving is a gift from wise ancestors. They knew, as we do, the benefits of anticipating and recognizing the good in our lives. It pulls us out of “another day in the ditch,” as good-natured boat staff in the Grand Canyon call their work, to feel awestruck again by the miracles of the everyday.
This year’s Thanksgiving I’ll see my grand nephew, who at 10 is the age where he no longer and not yet again devours life. He mostly savors it. He’s focused and attentive and engages each person with interest, from his youngest cousins to the eldest grandparent. I’ll be grateful for the slow discoveries we make together maybe with his intricate Lego space station or his bruising new sport of skeet shooting.
His 8-year-old cousin is much the same. Maybe I’ll again collect snacks for the old horse outside, and she’ll again ask to go with me, and tell me about her life with him. She believes that old horse believes she’s important. I agree with both of them, and I appreciate their opinions of each other and our time together.
We’ll eat well that day. The cooking assignments are already distributed among the 20 or so of us. And although my sister and I will never win prizes for our dishes, we’ll say a Methodist/Lutheran/Baptist prayer of thanks and appreciate a good meal together.
Those are three things I plan to be grateful for next Thursday, a practice I try to remember daily.
It turns out science confirms that feeling thankful conveys health benefits that lengthen the best parts of our lives. Naming three sources of gratitude for the day produces kindness, warmth, and other forms of generosity, which connect us to God and each other.
Science simply caught up with what we knew instinctively and what the church has long supported: healthy habits include a daily dose of gratitude.
Prayer, physical exercise, kindness, and savoring happy moments round out the daily prescription for good health.
Let us pray:
Creator, Friend, Spirit of Love,
May we see the slices of life worth savoring with You and each other this Thanksgiving and every day.
Future issues of this e-newsletter will curate stories about churches' effective efforts to study and address neighborhood needs through "holy curiosity." Send your ideas to info@swtsynod.org.
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Congregations In Transition:
In Transition:
Gethsemane, Austin
Abiding Love, Austin
Holy Cross, Austin
St. Paul, Nordheim
St. Paul, Mason
Christ the Victor, Victoria
Faith, Beeville
St. John, Marion - Pastor
First English, Austin - Pastor
Galilean, Corpus Christi - Pastor
Primary Candidates Named:
Zion, San Antonio - Associate Pastor
Christ, Elm Creek - Pastor
Newly Called:
Shepherd of the Hills, Austin - Pastor Ryan Dockery (from Gulf Coast Synod)
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Of Thanksgiving
Prayers of thanksgiving for a successful ingathering for Lutheran World Relief by the SWT Synod Women of the ELCA!
- Quilts-7,541
- School kits -4,350
- Personal Care kits-2,616
- Baby care kits-773
- Fabric kits-233
2,303 boxes were loaded!
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Of Celebration
Congratulations to St. John in San Juan Texas on the occasion of their 100th anniversity of mission in the Rio Grande Valley.
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Of Celebration
Congratulations to the 2024 Grant Recipients (Tiemann Leadership & Transformational) totaling $26,480.
- Renewal & Leadership Development (Retreat for Rostered Leaders)
- Hill Country Conference (Piloting new ways to meet as a Conference)
- Bluebonnet Conference (Small Town & Rural Ministries)
- Parenting in Faith Together (St. Peter, Marble Falls)
- Preaching/Teaching Academy (Cross Trails Ministry/Hill Country Conference)
- Gather, Austin
- Water Stewardship Gratitude Garden (Immanuel, Comfort)
- Southwestern Texas Synod Community Connection Project
- Training for Lay Preachers in the Hill Country Conference
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Advent 2024 Pilgrimage in Palestine
This advent season, join ELCA Sumud and ELCA Young Adults to explore and engage with our responsibility to examine power, empire, and occupation in the fourth annual Advent Pilgrimage in Palestine. Throughout December, young adults from the ELCA & the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) will offer reflection and education about the story of Christmas and the Holy Land. Resources drop on November 22nd!
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ELCA Coaching: Supportive Spaces
Supportive Spaces is a cohort-based program designed to enhance the holistic well-being and effectiveness of church leaders. Participants will engage in a transformative journey, meeting for one hour each week for six (6) weeks. Registration is required, but there is no financial cost to participants. Click here to learn more.
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ELCA Coaching: 3 Free Coaching Sessions
We see you. You are not alone. We are ready to listen. These coaching sessions are for rostered and congregational leaders navigating troubled times and difficult spaces. Click here to learn more.
What to expect:
- Reflect on what happened
- Break through feelings of isolation and helplessness
- Process your grief
- Develop a plan for moving forward
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College of Pastoral Leaders Grant Opportunities
Designed to reinvigorate your vocation, the College of Pastoral Leaders makes two-year, $10,000 grants to small groups of pastors to pursue a self-designed program for renewal, vitality, and pastoral excellence. Gather a small group of clergy colleagues and apply for a grant to fund a self-designed program of renewal. Learn more here.
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Becas Para Renovacion De Lideres Cristianos Latinos / Latinx Clergy Renewal Grants
Como parte del programa CPL, el departamento de Lifelong Learning está ofreciendo tres becas por un monto de $3,500 cada una, para renovación de pastores y lideres de las Iglesias Latinas. Para mayor información, porfavor visite nuestra página aquí.
We offer three one-year grants of $3,500 for the renewal and refreshment of leaders of Latinx churches, particularly for the education, retreat and development of a ministry team. Applications and instructions are available in English and Spanish. Click here for more information.
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School for Lay Ministry
Beginning January 18, 2025. From preaching and teaching to providing pastoral care or designing worship, faith leaders, like you, serve their congregations in various roles. Often, you do so without the theological background or seminary degrees your colleagues may have. With the School for Lay Ministry, you'll embark on a transformative year-long journey empowering you to lead faithfully, recognizing the vital role you play in a lay-led, clergy-support ministry model. Learn more and register here.
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You are invited to apply for the pilot cohort of the TLGC Leadership Community!
Coming in February 2025: The Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod, in partnership with LEAD, is launching The TLGC Leadership Community for curious adults (like you!) who want to: grow as disciples, use their gifts to further serve their neighbors, & learn together in community. Learn more and register here.
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4-Day Mindful Advent Challenge
Before the rush begins, let’s pause together, creating space to breathe, reflect, and draw near to the heart of God. The 4-Day Mindful Advent Challenge offers you a retreat to a sacred space for contemplation through a daily delivery of devotionals straight to your inbox. Starting Monday, December 2nd, you’ll receive a daily email with an art-filled video devotional. Learn more and sign up here.
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Job Opportunities
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in San Antonio is hiring a Minister of Music. Contact Pastor Steve Cox.
Palm Valley Lutheran Church in Round Rock is hiring a Director of Children and Young Family Ministries. Click here to learn more.
Bethany Lutheran Church in Fredericksburg is hiring a Director of Christian Education. Click here to learn more.
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Advent Reflections on Peace
Monday Evenings - December 2, 9, 16, 23
As we light the candles on our Advent Wreaths, we focus on four core values of our Christian faith: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love. Over the years we have assigned slightly different significance to each of these candles, but they have become pillars of our faith in God through his word that became flesh and dwelt among us 2000 plus years ago now. This year, we invite you to spend extra time focused on the second candle, the Peace candle. Through reflection, prayer and discussion we will dive deeply into what it means for Jesus to be called the Prince of Peace—in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities and in the world. Join us online via Zoom here.
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Equipping the Saints: Flipping the Script
Febuary 1, 2025
United Dr. Martin Luther Lutheran Church and Zoom
Our living Triune God keeps pulling God’s people towards God’s preferred and promised future through many challenges and into the opportunities of our time. This year’s Equipping the Saints event will have two keynote speakers, Rev. Dr. Craig Nessen from Wartburg Seminary and Pastor Jon Anderson from Luther Seminary, who will engage the way we are being invited, encouraged, and sometimes driven by God’s Spirit to shift our ways of doing Church towards a more lay-led and clergy supported approach to mission and ministry in the coming years. This shift will take reimagining, patient listening, many experiments, and open sharing about what we learn to serve better our communities of faith and the communities where God has placed us. Learn more and register here.
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Save the Date for 2025 Synod Assembly
Saturday, May 3, 2025
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church San Antonio
Hybrid option available
Assembly Offering: Cross Trails Ministry in Honor of their 75th Anniversary. More details to come soon!
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