SHFP Newsletter, April 2022
Sowing Hope for the Planet
Newsletter, April 2022
Dear Participants,
I hope that you are all healthy and peaceful in this special time before Easter. There have been many changes to the Sowing Hope for the Planet website. We have added videos from our webinars on biodiversity, migrants and other aspects of the Laudato Si' goals our members have been tirelessly working on. Additionally, we are adding information on a resource map of advocacy and campaigns provided by our members. The Laudato Si' Action Platform is going strong and we have a new LSAP page devoted to useful materials and videos of webinars. I hope you enjoy them!
Please pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia who are facing conflict, as well as those who have fled and become refugees. We must also remember all refugees and migrants all over the world - from Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar or any other areas of conflict or disaster. The ramifications of the current Ukrainian situation are also affecting economies worldwide and many are now facing inflation and scarcity. Please keep everyone in your prayers.
Many blessings on your Lenten journey!
Sr. Sheila Kinsey, FCJM
Campaign Coordinator Sowing Hope for the Planet.
In the preparing for Easter, Pope Francis reminds us on Palm Sunday. “Nothing is impossible for God. We entrust this to Him through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.” We pray that during this spiritually enriching triduum time, we seek the guidance of our Virgin Mary to see what is ours to do to make this world a better place.
Laudato Si' Action Platform Updates -
Materials to help you
Congregations Journeying Together was a webinar presented on March 18. Encouragement and support of the LSAP were offered by Fr. Jostrum Kurethadam, SDB (DPIHD) and the two Executive Secretaries of UISG and USG, Sr. Patricia Murray, IBVM, and Br. Emili Turú, FSM. The webinar featured illuminating material from Br. Alberto Parise and others on the LSAP process and Goals and gave insights on reflection, planning and implementation, evaluation and celebration. Other subjects discussed were Congregational involvement with LSAP and guidance on meeting essential requirements. The videos are available on our YouTube Channel and on the LSAP page on our website in English, French, Spanish, and Italian as are the materials along with Portuguese.
A two part series of webinars was offered on March 10 and 11 entitled Engaging Laudato Si in the World. In this series, Sr. Anne McCabe, SM, began with a moving prayer to respect the Earth and to embrace love and forgiveness. JPIC Promoter's Plans were presented and members shared their efforts dealing with COVID19, organic gardening, land reclamation, housing immigrants, teaching and political advocacy. On the second day, Fr. Joseph Blay, OFM Conv., began with a prayer for the natural world by St. Francis. The members' presentations that day involved work with goats, community involvement, justice advocacy, sustainable lifestyles, water conservation, recycling and many other ways they have embraced the Laudato Si' Goals. The plans are available for download if you would like to read them for guidance. The videos are available in English, French, and Spanish.
In January, the webinar Engaging the Laudato Si' Platform focused on aspects of the LSAP. Sr. Noelle Corscadden, IBVM and Fr. Budi Kleden, SVD Co-Presidents of JPIC Commission UISG-USG offered their insights on the LSAP and their way of implementing it. Participants discussed the plan's development and how to deepen understanding of the LSAP. Information on the enrollment process was offered. Neil Thorns from CAFOD spoke about the importance of advocacy networking and examples were shared regarding responses to mining. The video is available in English, French, Spanish and Italian.
There is a new page devoted to Deepening our Understanding of the LSAP materials. On this page, you will find commitments for Religious communities, prayers based on Laudato Si' Goals, a summary or Leaders of Religious orders, a guide of suggested actions and one for a transition towards the LSAP program for those in religious life and a report of the survey among the Claretian family. We hope that these materials help to illuminate your path in realizing your Laudato Si' Goals. We will be posting new materials as they become available.
More Resources to Help
We have updated the global map on our Resources page to include new webinars on advocacy and activism work of our member we recorded with our survey tool last year. Member congregations are listed who are involved in projects on biodiversity (green icons), mining (purple icons), climate change (red icons), and ecological economics (yellow icons) and migrants and refugees (blue icons). We have hosted webinars for members to share their work on these vital subjects and to create new networks of advocacy. It is through communication and sharing that we grow stronger. The webinars of these meetings are available on the SHFP website.
UN International Days
22 April—International Mother Earth Day recognizes a collective responsibility to promote harmony with nature and the Earth, to achieve a just balance among the economic, social and environmental needs of present and future generations of humanity.
Ponte Sant’Angelo Methodist Church, Rome, Avoiding Single-Use Plastics
Sisters of Saint Joseph, 23rd Publication, Author Sr. Mary Elizabeth Clark, booklet for teaching children how to care for God’s creation
Wheaton Franciscan’s in the USA, Praise for the four elements
Sisters of the Holy Cross, carbon footprint reduction fund, climate change statement, and slideshow
The Precious Blood Convent Mariannhill, South Africa, Garlic Pest Control
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