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November 2023

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Spartan Project SEARCH 2023

Spartan Project SEARCH is a one-year, school-to-work, transition program that provides training and education through internships within departments throughout Michigan State University. Collaboratively, the program prepares young adults with disabilities to enter the workforce with marketable and transferable skills. Spartan Project SEARCH is sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues, family and community members. If they are interested in subscribing to future issues, simply click Subscribe Now!

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Spartan Project SEARCH 2023-24 Cohort

The month of October marks our half way point of Rotation 1. This month, interns have pushed themselves and are all traveling independently to jobsites. This travel can look like a 5-20 minute walk or learning and using the bus route. They are also all showing up on time to work, working with different people, learning to be flexible and multitask, and are continuing to learn new job skills.

Interns also participated in their first employment planning meetings of the year where they practiced their professional communication by describing job tasks, their needs and work goals to their supervisors, staff and families. They also worked on handling constructive criticism and being able to take advice on how to improve for the second half of Rotation 1. At the conclusion of each meeting each intern made a goal on a new job skill or soft skill they would like to improve.

Interns were given the opportunity to take a class trip to visit another Project SEARCH site in Flint. Here, they were able to see other job opportunities, interact with fellow Project SEARCH interns and practice their interactions in the community. Additionally, a group of administrators from around Michigan came to campus and interns were also able to experience a networking opportunity and work on their soft skills by presenting on Spartan Project SEARCH.

*Three Spartan Project SEARCH Graduates from the 2022-23 school year started working in October.**

Save the Date!

Spartan Project SEARCH Parent Information Night Nov. 16, 2023.

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Rotation 1 Job Sites & Supervisors

Vivarium - Kim Williamson

Case/Holden Dining Hall - Susie Burke & Sharon Hint

Biomedical Facilities - Judy Ramirez

MSU Linen Services - Donna Svendsen

1855 Place Facilities - Kyle Ghastin

Sparty's at the MSU Union- Edalea Gillespi

MSU Main Library- Heidi Schroeder

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Project SEARCH Collaboration:

Our Visit to the Crossroads Village Project SEARCH Site

At the end of October, the Project SEARCH site, Crossroads Village in Flint, hosted Spartan Project SEARCH. This was a great community outing where students practiced using Google maps, interacting with others, practicing their communication skills, learning about other job opportunities and practicing how to act professional.

While at Crossroads Village, interns were able to learn about the maintenance and outdoor jobs at the Village, and animal care and lessons interns help with at For-Mar Parks. We can't wait to host this class on campus in the Spring.

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Upcoming Dates of Interest

  • Nov. 3: Half Day of School
  • Nov. 10: Half Day of School
  • Nov. 14: Employment Planning Meetings
  • Nov. 16: Project SEARCH Information Night
  • Nov. 22-24: No School
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Check Out Our New Intern Impact Video
Check out our New Spartan Project SEARCH Video

Apply for Project SEARCH

If you are interested in applying for Spartan Project SEARCH, you can find more information on our website at Spartan Project SEARCH.


On the banks of the Red Cedar

MSU hosted the Project SEARCH statewide meeting at the end of October. Instructors, business liaisons, skills trainers and community partners from Project SEARCH sites across Michigan all gathered at the Demmer Center to do some collaborative learning.

Our Spartan Project SEARCH interns and instructor were able to present about the program and what it means to be an intern. This was a great experience to practice communication skills, professionalism and learning how to network.

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The Project SEARCH monthly newsletter was created to share stories with our community. Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues, family and community members. If they are interested in subscribing to future issues, click "Subscribe Now."


If you are interested in Spartan Project SEARCH and/or would like to host an intern, please contact Brooke Locher, Instructor. 

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