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October 2023

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Spartan Project SEARCH 2023

Spartan Project SEARCH is a one-year, school-to-work, transition program that provides training and education through internships within departments throughout Michigan State University. Collaboratively, the program prepares young adults with disabilities to enter the workforce with marketable and transferable skills. Spartan Project SEARCH is sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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Spartan Project SEARCH 2023-24 Cohort

The month of September was a whirlwind and interns showed up for the challenge. The first challenge interns faced was learning to safely navigate campus and how to get to their jobsites. At the beginning of the month, interns each participated in interviews at hosting departments and practiced their communication skills. After completing interviews, interns received their placements and have now been at jobs for three weeks. During these first three weeks, interns have been working on time management, learning new job tasks, communication skills, self- advocacy and following department regulations. Even though each intern has returned to the classroom tired each day, they have also come back with smiles on their faces from being proud of all they are accomplishing.

In the classroom, interns have participated in mindfulness lessons, soft skill and employability lessons, and speech sessions. Interns have also completed interest inventories to evaluate careers of interest and learning style assessments to learn more about themselves. Next up is the first employment planning meetings to celebrate all the hard work and skills learned and set goals for continued growth.

Save the Date!

Spartan Project SEARCH Employment Planning Meetings are October 17, 2023.

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Rotation 1 Job Sites & Supervisors

Vivarium - Kim Williamson

Case/Holden Dining Hall - Susie Burke & Sharon Hint

Biomedical Facilities - Judy Ramirez

MSU Linen Services - Donna Svendsen

1855 Place Facilities - Kyle Ghastin

Sparty's at the MSU Union- Edalea Gillespi

MSU Main Library- Heidi Schroeder

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Department Spotlight:

MSU Main Library

Supervisor: Heidi Schroeder

"The MSU Libraries are honored to host Project SEARCH interns for the second year. We really appreciate the interns’ help with resetting furniture, scanning books, collecting books from book bins, checking-in books and shelving books. It’s been wonderful to get to know the interns and see their knowledge, skills and confidence develop." - Heidi Schroeder, Supervisor

The Libraries are at the center of academic life at Michigan State University, providing expertise, collections and infrastructure for discovery and creation. We facilitate connections that support research, teaching and learning in our local and global communities.


The Libraries promote equal access to information and spaces for all. We lead meaningful initiatives in accessibility, diversity, equity and inclusion. We work in a culture of transparency, experimentation and growth.

We provide welcoming spaces where everyone can work, discover and create. We advance accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workplace and in the services and resources we provide.

Fun Facts

  • MSU Libraries have over seven million unique print and electronic titles.
  • The MSU Libraires are more than books. We have 3D printing, virtual reality, streaming videos, video games, maps, music and more.
  • Last year, the library website was visited more than 1.2 million times, and users retrieved almost four million full-text articles from the library's databases.
  • The main library has two, five-floor wings and is approximately 460,000 square feet.
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Upcoming Dates of Interest

  • October 17: Employment Planning Meetings
  • October 19: Half Day of School
  • October 20: No School
  • October 25: Project SEARCH Tour
  • October 31: Halloween
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Check Out Our New Intern Impact Video
Check out our New Spartan Project SEARCH Video

Apply for Project SEARCH

If you are interested in applying for Spartan Project SEARCH, you can find more information on our website at Spartan Project SEARCH.


On the banks of the Red Cedar

MSU hosted the Project SEARCH statewide meeting at the end of September. Instructors, business liaisons, skills trainers and community partners from Project SEARCH sites across Michigan all gathered at the Demmer Center to do some collaborative learning.

Spartan Project SEARCH was able to provide a tour at two locations, Sparty's and Linens. Interns were able to share some of their job tasks.

Our very own Mr. Z did a mental health and mindfulness lesson, and it was a great opportunity to share ideas, brainstorm and collaborate ideas for the school year.

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Click To Learn More
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The Project SEARCH monthly newsletter was created to share stories with our community. Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues, family and community members. If they are interested in subscribing to future issues, click "Subscribe Now."


If you are interested in Spartan Project SEARCH and/or would like to host an intern, please contact Brooke Locher, Instructor. 

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