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September 2023

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Spartan Project SEARCH 2023

Spartan Project SEARCH is a one-year, school-to-work transition program that provides training and education through internships within departments throughout Michigan State University. Collaboratively, the program prepares young adults with disabilities to enter the workforce with marketable and transferable skills. Spartan Project SEARCH is sponsored by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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Spartan Project SEARCH 2023-24 Cohort

We have officially kicked off the school year and welcomed our class of eight interns to the campus at Michigan State University. During the summer, interns joined staff on campus to get to know each other, work on team building and communication skills and start learning how to travel safely.

The first few weeks of class, or orientation week, were focused on learning about internship opportunities, getting uniforms and ID badges, getting to know each other, writing resumes and practicing interview skills. In mid-September, interns will interview with at least three of the internship sites and start working on September 18. While doing all of these things, interns are practicing their navigation and safety skills daily to help them get around campus and increase their independence.

Save the Date!

Spartan Project SEARCH Rotation 1 internships start September 18.

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Rotation 1 Job Sites & Supervisors

Coming Soon!

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Community Collaboration

Spartan Project SEARCH received an award at the National Conference this summer in Milwaukee. The program was honored with the Excellent Employment Outcome Award for having 70-89% employability outcomes for the 2021-22 cohort. So proud of all our team and graduates!

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Upcoming Dates of Interest

  • September 12: Rotation 1 Interview Week Starts
  • September 18: First Day of Work for Rotation 1
  • September 22: Half Day of School
  • September 29: Project SEARCH Statewide Meeting
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Check Out Our New Intern Impact Video
Check out our New Spartan Project SEARCH Video

Apply for Project SEARCH

If you are interested in applying for Spartan Project SEARCH, you can find more information on our website at Spartan Project SEARCH.


On the banks of the Red Cedar

Interns spent the first weeks of school learning how to walk and cross the street safely. They also experienced the public bus, CATA, for the first time and are already improving their skills with using Google Maps.

While learning to navigate, interns also visited many campus landmarks and internship sites such as Beaumont Tower, Breslin Center, Spartan football stadium, Brody Hall, MSU Main Library, International Center, Case Hall, Linen Services, IPF Shops and Vet Med.

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The Project SEARCH monthly newsletter was created to share stories with our community. Please forward this newsletter to your colleagues, family and community members. If they are interested in subscribing to future issues, click "Subscribe Now."


If you are interested in Spartan Project SEARCH and/or would like to host an intern, please contact Brooke Locher, Instructor. 

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