Tacoma Specialists
news & updates
September 2020 Vol. 12 View previous issues 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Protocol for Reporting Unsafe Practices

1.   In the moment, make note of any unsafe practices (student behavior, room arrangements, etc.)

2.   At the end of every day, email your principal a list of what unsafe things occurred in your classroom; cc your TEA Building Rep(s)

3.   At the end of every week, your Building Rep(s) will send a compilation of all unsafe practices to Thu Ament, the district COVID Safety Supervisor.

Click below for contact information.
If you would like more information on how you can help advocate for our students and Music, PE and Library educators, please click to add yourself to our advocacy group.
A council representing PE, Music, and Library have been meeting to gather information, rally support and determine next steps for solving district-wide Safety, Quality and Equity issues for specialist programs, students, and staff.

Click below to join our mailing list and be kept in the loop as the situation evolves.
Your information will not be shared without your permission.
Please include your:
Name, Building (any you have connections with), and Role (Staff Position, Parent, Citizen, Student)