Speak With Angels Today - 5 Easy Steps
Discover A Shortcut To Developing Communication With Angels
Dear Friends.
Often, when I lay down and close my eyes at night, or when I become absorbed in creating an energy painting, I hear the voices of angels softly guiding me, encouraging me and telling me that I am fulfilling the beautiful destiny spirit chose for me.

And each time I realize that if we really listen, everyone can hear these divine voices. I can also say with absolute certainty that you are surrounded by caring angels who can help you.  Their voices will fill your heart if you only learn the right way to listen. 

Like many of us, I once also could not hear angels. But I learned a way, and you can too.   

Star Angel Personal Comfort Pendant.   Star Angel brings to you one of the main messages of angels ... that your life has purpose, is of great importance and that there is a reason you have gone through what you have. You are exactly where you are supposed to be, here and now.  Click here to learn more.
How I Contacted The Angels - 5 Steps
My connection with the angels used to be closed. But following years of meditation, journeying and channeling I was able to open it. 
And along the way I created 5 angelic energy paintings and jewelry pieces which facilitate the steps to communicating with angels -- each new beginning they permit, each new level of understanding they facilitate, and each spiritual doorway they open. 
Thanks to their guidance, the 5 doorways are now open to you through these images.

A Shortcut To Speaking With Angels   
If you really focus on these 5 angelic energy images, you can essentially shortcut what I went through to quickly open constant communication with angels.  Many say it happens immediately!
You can look at them here, or you can get available prints and jewelry so you have them helping you all the time. I've arranged them below in order of the steps to angelic communication they represent. 
Blessing Angel Energy Pendant.  The blessing angel facilitates more than you simply receiving an angelic blessing. She allows you to channel her energies and project them to others ... the final step in your journey of angel communication.  Click here to learn about the Blessing Angel. 
Step 1 - Path To The Light -Awakening. 
This channeled image represents my first awakening as an adult to a truly divine presence, starting down the path toward angelic transformation. The path appeared after I awoke from a nap in a golden fall forest. But you don't have to wait for fall or take a trip to the forest to experience this. If you simply mediate on the image right now and envision yourself awakening to divine beings, you will see the path unfold before you and realize that your angelic journey has begun. Click here to learn more.
Path To The Light Energy Print.  Placing this in your home and staring into the image helps you awaken to the angelic power and see your path of understanding unfold before you. It represents your journey toward enlightenment. Click here to learn more.
Path To The Light Energy Ring.  Wearing this beautiful ring helps guide you to divine and angelic insights, representing your path to communicating with higher beings. It signifies you awakening to a journey of spiritual development that lasts a life time.  Click here to learn more.
Step 2 - The Singing Angel Tree - Sanctuary & Clearing. 

This image appeared along my path, providing sanctuary from trouble, allowing me to rest and heal. The path is sometimes difficult and you can easily become worn down. But if you focus on this tree before you sleep, angels will sing to you all night long. All the things that trouble you and are therefore blocking you from communicating with angels will dissipate by morning, making you ready to receive angelic light.  Click here to learn more.
The Singing Angel Tree Print.  Placing it in your home provides sanctuary from emotional worries and helps solve your problems for you as you sleep. It opens subconscious communication with angels who will sing to you through the night.  Click here to learn more.
Singing Angel Pendant
Step 3 - Angels' Light. - Illumination & Transformation. 

This image represents my first powerful angelic illumination along the path, coming in the form of a willow tree shimmering with golden light and opening my mind to new possibilities and visions of angels around me. If you focus on it now, the power of vision and transformation will take you on a walk through a world in beauty and light -- where angels whisper with your every step that their chosen one's mind is now open. When you focus on Angel's Light, you become far more aware of your guardian angels and begin to really receive their help.  Click here to learn more.
Angels' Light Guardian Angel Print.  When placed in your home it opens you to the help of your guardian angels, allowing your angelic transformation to accelerate with their guidance. It warms your heart with the energy of spiritual illumination.  Click here to learn more. 
Angels' Light Guardian Angel Ring Of Illumination.  By placing the image on something you will look at all the time (a ring), it helps you receive constant communication from your guardian angels. With time those messages become easier to hear, and your heart begins to warm in the presence of divine light.  Click here to learn more.
Step 4 - Star Angel - Divine Purpose. 

Along the path, Star Angel helped me, and will help you better understand the reasons for your past sufferings and troubles so you can live with a sense of purpose and destiny. Even after illumination, it is easy to fall back into despair when things become difficult. But Star Angel speaks to you in your dreams, bringing you feelings of comfort and a message of hope, telling you that you are exactly where you are supposed to be, here and now. In times of uncertainty, Star Angel infuses you with absolute faith in the future, so you can live your life without worry. Click here to learn more.
Star Angel Personal Comfort Print.  When placed in your home, this print facilitates visits to you and your family from Star Angel. She travels across an ocean of starts to tell you that there is a plan for you, that your life has purpose, and you will soon understand why you have had to go through so much.  Click here to learn more about Star Angel. 
  Star Angel Personal Comfort Ring.  When you wear it, this ring constantly connects you with the divine angelic message that your life has purpose and meaning ... that there is a plan for you and that you are important. It eases worries that maybe things are not right or never will be. And you realize that the path, with all of its troubles, is there for your growth.  Click here to learn more.  
Step 5 - The Blessing Angel - Channeling The Angelic.

The Blessing Angel raised me to a much higher level where the divine was now speaking through me without interruption. When you focus on the Blessing Angel, you do more than receive angelic blessing. You become a conduit for others to also receive angelic insights and you fulfill your divine purpose. This really is the last step in your becoming completely in tune with angelic messages and communicating with them freely.  Click here to learn more.
The Blessing Angel Divine Energy Print.  Placing this image in your home fills your space with divine light and helps create an angelic sanctuary where you can actually channel these energies to others.  Click here to learn more.
The Blessing Angel Divine Energy Pendant.  Wearing this pendant not only fills you with angelic blessings, it helps you as an angel communicator convey them to others.  Click here to learn more.
That’s all it takes - In 5 Easy Steps Using 5 Powerful Energy Images. Focus on each image or jewelry piece every day and see how much your angelic communication improves.
Guaranteed You Will Speak With Angels - Or Your Money Back
We actually guarantee that if you get one of these angelic prints or jewelry pieces and focus on it every day for two weeks, your communication with angels will improve … you will begin to experience more peace, understanding, a sense of purpose and find the answers you need. If not, return it within 30 days for a refund.
Use discount code S20 today to receive 20% off any of these angelic energy items which facilitate your communication with angels.  Simply click here then use the code at checkout.

Coupon Code: S20
*These items are intended for healing of the spirit and spiritual transformation only. They are not a substitute for professional physical protection, medical advice, financial or any other type of advice or practice. Our obligation under this guarantee is for the price paid to us for the item only. No other representations or warranties are implied, and no liabilities are assumed.

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