Serving Working Families Everyday
June 16, 2023
Speaker Welch Announces New Leadership Positions for Reps. Manley, Lilly
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch announced Tuesday that Rep. Natalie Manley and Rep. Camille Y. Lilly will begin new roles in House leadership.

“I’m thrilled to announce Rep. Natalie Manley as my newest Deputy Majority Leader and Rep. Camille Lilly as Assistant Majority Leader for the House Democratic Caucus,” Welch said. “Both women are dynamic leaders who have already made a lasting impact on the Illinois House of Representatives, and our entire state. I look forward to working alongside them and continuing to lift up all of Illinois.” 
Lilly, who was appointed to the leadership position Tuesday, has served in the General Assembly since 2010. She has been instrumental in efforts to create fiscally and socially responsible budgets as chair of the House Appropriations–Health and Human Services Committee.

Manley was appointed to the position of deputy majority leader earlier this month, moving into one of the top positions in House Democratic leadership. She previously served as an assistant majority leader. With decades of experience in the private sector as a CPA, Manley has prioritized commonsense decision making and consensus building. Recently, Manley served as a member of the House Public Safety Working Group, leading an effort to strengthen and refine the SAFE-T Act, and implement police-backed reforms aimed at recruiting and retaining officers.

“It is a privilege to have the opportunity to serve in a leadership role in the General Assembly,” Lilly said. “I appreciate the support from Speaker Welch, the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus and all of the colleagues in our House Democratic Caucus who work hard every day to build a stronger Illinois for every single individual in our state. There’s a lot of challenges ahead of us, and I look forward to getting to work right away in this new capacity.”

“It is the honor of a lifetime to represent the 98th District, and in my new role, I look forward to continuing the work to better our communities and strengthen our state alongside my colleagues,” Manley said. “Thank you to Speaker Welch, and to everyone who has supported me along the way.”
Read more news below:
Illinois Speaker on what the legislature finished this spring, what didn’t get done and the new budget
Last Wednesday, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a $50.4 billion budget for the coming fiscal year after lawmakers missed a self-imposed deadline and were forced to return to the statehouse after Memorial Day.
For more information, or to submit your idea, contact Welch's district office at 708-450-1000 or [email protected]. You may also visit our website.
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Back to School Health Fair
Saturday, July 29, 2023 10 AM - 2 PM
Proviso West High School - 4701 Harrison St., Hillside

Get a head start on the new school year with a variety of local service providers offering important health and wellness resources for children and families.
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Follow Speaker Welch on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat: @SpeakerWelchIL.
What Can Speaker Welch do for you?
Speaker Welch's office can assist you in navigating a wide variety of state services and offers several events year round.

Call Speaker Welch's Full-Time Constituent Service Office at 708-450-1000 to learn more.
Congratulations, Speaker Welch!
Speaker Welch was designated a Lifetime Environmental Champion by the Illinois Environmental Council! He stands with IEC in making it a priority to safeguard the environment for generations to come.
Speaker Welch was named Legislator of the Year by The Illinois Association of Park Districts.
Speaker Welch was awarded the prestigious Friend of Education Award from the Illinois Education Association, Illinois' largest teachers union.
Emanuel "Chris" Welch, Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives
708-450-1000 | 708-450-1104 fax