In This Issue:
  • Advocacy Day Registration
  • Legislative Committee is back to work
  • Annual Appeal continuing
  • Portland uses public transportation
  • Community opportunities
Annual Appeal
Our Annual Appeal is continued. Please consider partnering with us in the coming year.
You can give now by donating on our Donation Page or if you would prefer you can mail a check to us at:

Speaking Up For Us
PO Box 4139
Presque Isle, ME 04769
Advocacy Day
Registration is open for Advocacy Day. Advocacy Day is April 2, 2020. We are looking forward to going back to the Statehouse to meet our legislatures, share our concerns and more. You will receive a packet of information to use to contact your legislature. It is very important to follow through on this so that your legislator knows you are coming in advance. If you would like to attend Advocacy Day please register with Laurie Coldwell by calling 207-730-0474. Registration closes March 20th, and space is limited.
Legislative Committe is back to work.
Speaking Up For Us has a Legislative Committee that meets once a week during the legislative season to discuss what is happening at the statehouse. They will review upcoming bills, and hearings that would effect self-advocates. Just this week 10 people from SUFU submitted testimony on LD 1874, An Act To Ammend the Laws Governing the Subminimum Wage.

Christopher Heywood of the Springvale Chapter shared his thoughts on submitting written testimony "Writing testimony went well. I would encourage others to write testimony"

Rose Belanger would definitely encourage people to go to Augusta and testify. Rose reflected on her first trip this week. "I was nervous at first, but it went well. This definitely gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard."

There is an opportunity to submit written testimony regarding LD 1984 , "An Act To Eliminate Waiting Lists for Home and Community-based Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities, Autism, Brain Injury and Other Related Conditions" If you would like to submit written testimony please contact Laurie Coldwell at 207-730-0474 on Friday the 24th.
Portland Chapter learns about using Public Transportation
The Portland Chapter spent one of their meetings using public transportation to get around. This was a learning for experience for all of them. Abbott Philson shared their experience.

"Portland SUFU chapter wanted to learn how to use the bus. On January 14th, the whole chapter met at the Metro Pulse and got a bus schedule. We looked at the bus schedule and picked a coffee shop that the bus could drop us off at. We had a short meeting as we all had to catch the bus back. While waiting one of our members said to check the time because on the way back we have to look at the inbound schedule."
Opportunities to be in the community
The following opportunities are available for you to participate in some fun outdoor activities.
The Hirundo Wildlife Preserve is offering a Winter Fun Day on February 1st from 10-2. There will be dog sledding, snow shoeing and more. Tickets for this event can be purchased on their website.

The Aroostook State Park will be holding a family fun day on Saturday Feb 22nd from 10-3. There will be free snowshoe and cross-country ski rentals. Also offered is sliding and tote sled rides. For More information you can contact them at 207-768-8341

On March 15th from 1:30-3:30 At the Curtis Library at 23 Pleasant Street in Brunswick they will be doing a workshop on Small Space Gardening.
The Blog!
The SUFU blog has had many contributions this year and we invite other self advocates to submit their writing for publication. If you would like to contribute to the SUFU blog please email Laurie Coldwell at . She will be happy to publish your piece.

We invite you to check out our website . Read our most recent blog post from Marco Orlando. You can also download the latest calendar of when our chapters are meeting, or follow us on Facebook. If you are a SUFU member we want you to join our members only Facebook Group. To do that please email Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern We don't want you to miss anything.
Have an Idea for Something to be in The Connector?
Contact: Laurie Coldwell
Administrative Assistant (207) 956-1004 / Ext. 4
Speaking Up For Us of Maine