Sept. 23, 2021
ARPA Stabilization Grant Applications
Available Now in PD Registry 
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grant application is now available to eligible child care providers in the Professional Development (PD) Registry.
Learn how to apply by viewing the tutorial video or the tip sheet.
Additional information, including instructions, FAQs and previous announcements can be found on the ARPA Stabilization Grants Page on Pennsylvania Key website. Eligible providers are encouraged to review these materials thoroughly BEFORE submitting an application. In addition, your ELRC is prepared to help you think about the best use of the funds in your program.

PLEASE NOTE: If at any time during the application process you disagree with information that is listed for your location, you should STOP and contact your regional ELRC. Stop the application process and contact your ELRC immediately if you disagree with any of the following information entered by the system in each provider’s application:
  •  The licensed capacity listed in the application under the “Licensing & Affiliations” section as “capacity.” This should be the same number as your CER issued by Certification.
  • The Keystone STAR designation in the application listed under the “STARS Add-on" section.
  • The CCW enrollment counts for March 13, 2020, and/or March 11, 2021, listed under the “Child Care Works Add-on" section. 

The application will be available in the PD Registry until Jan. 31, 2022. There is a robust amount of funding, but as with all things, grants are based on the availability of funds.
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