Sept. 16, 2021
ARPA Stabilization Grant Update - Calculation
The Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL) is making American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Stabilization Grants available to eligible child care providers. This email will help eligible certified child care providers (child care center, group child care homes, family child care homes) understand how much ARPA Stabilization Grant funding they can anticipate receiving when they submit an application.
OCDEL partnered with Penn State Harrisburg’s Institute of State and Regional Affairs (ISRA) to develop an evidence-based methodology to distribute ARPA Stabilization Grants to eligible certified child care providers throughout the commonwealth. The American Rescue Plan Act Stabilization Subgrants for Child Care Providers Summary Report will provide information on how stabilization grants will be calculated for eligible certified providers.
OCDEL and ISRA also collaborated to create a certified provider Stabilization Grant Estimator. This tool allows certified providers to input information specific to their program and better understand how much their stabilization grant could be when they apply. The dollar amount the tool provides is only an estimate. The actual grant amount may differ when the application is submitted for approval. 
See past and upcoming Announcements regarding OCDEL ARPA Stabilization Grants here:
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