Join the CIRTL@UCLA Anti-Racism Discussion Group
Wednesdays 12:00 - 1:30 pm

In an effort to take action to dismantle structural racism, CIRTL@UCLA will be holding a summer Anti-Racist Discussion Group specifically for grad students, postdocs, and young professionals . Our primary goal is to provide a brave space for participants to self-educate and be in a community where we can talk about race and learn about becoming an antiracist. Our discussion will be guided by resources primarily from training: Academics for Black Survival and Wellness , organized by Black counseling psychologists and their colleagues across the country. We acknowledge that the CEILS discussion group is organized by white women, in an effort to be black allies, and although we are not experts, we are committed to learning. We welcome all identities and anyone interested in educating themselves on race to join in this conversation.

Come as often or as rarely as you like. Each time we meet we decide what the next topic will be. See below for the schedule as of July 16th, 2020.

We are excited to learn more from the experts and from each other by engaging in meaningful dialogue aimed to create equitable learning environments.

* Please note: this group is for graduate students, postdocs, and young professionals only. If you are a faculty member or senior staff , please consider joining the CEILS discussion group that meets Fridays from 3:30-5 pm instead.
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The Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) is a national network providing graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with online training on evidence based teaching and professional development. UCLA is a member of CIRTL giving you access to all CIRTL online programing across the network.

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