Jan. 25, 2021
COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts
The Department of Health (DOH) is coordinating the statewide COVID-19 vaccination efforts and communications. For current information please utilize the DOH’s COVID-19 Vaccine page. Please refer to this page frequently for updates to the vaccination efforts. 

OCDEL encourages staff to receive the vaccine when eligible (take the vaccine eligibility quiz) unless otherwise recommended by a doctor. Staff are encouraged to continue mitigation efforts such as wearing face coverings, washing hands, and social distancing.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is not yet approved for children under the age of 16. The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine is not yet approved for children under the age of 18. More research is needed to make sure any COVID-19 vaccine will be safe and effective for infants, children and teens.  

Please see below the answers to frequently asked questions OCDEL has received. Also view DOH’s Vaccine FAQs.
  • When will I know if I am eligible to receive the vaccine? 
ECE professionals are included in Phase 1b and not eligible statewide for vaccinations now unless they are 65 years of age or older or have an underlying medical condition that qualifies them for Phase 1A. View the “Getting the Vaccine” page on the DOH website.
  • Will OCDEL register staff/coordinate locations for staff to receive the vaccine? 
No. Please visit DOH’s webpage on vaccines, linked to above, where you will find a statewide map showing vaccine provider locations. Use the map to identify a provider and coordinate with them directly. 
  • Will OCDEL make the vaccine mandatory for either staff or children
  • Can I make it mandatory for my staff to get the vaccine? 
Deciding to require staff to be vaccinated should be discussed with your Human Resources and legal team. 
  • Can I make it mandatory for the children in my care or their families get the vaccine? 
Children were not included in the clinical trials for any of the current vaccines and therefore these vaccines are not available to anyone under the age of 16 at this time. Only the Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine is approved for individuals ages 16 and 17. 
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