The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning (OCDEL), Bureau of Early Learning Policy and Professional Development has released the ELRC Policy Communication #24-03, 2024-25 Child Care Start Up and Expansion Grants. This release announces the 2024-25 Child Care Start Up and Expansion Grants, a one-time opportunity for eligible child care providers and other eligible early learning programs that intend to expand their current operation, establish a new program, or become a certified child care provider within specific regions of the Commonwealth.
The selected ELRCs will accept applications from December 5, 2024, through January 31, 2025, and will score the applications as they are received. Applications received after January 31,
2025, will be considered ineligible.
For full details, including Provider Eligibility Requirements, Intent of the Child Care Start Up and Expansion Grant, Grant Types and Amounts, Eligible Expenses, Ineligible Expenses, Application Support and Submission Information, Application Review, Approved Applications and Grant Agreements, Revised Budgets and Grant Agreement Amendments, Final Expenditure Report, Grant Application Denials, and Timeline and Important Dates, please see the ELRC Policy Communication #24-03, 2024-25 Child Care Start Up and Expansion Grants.