Special Bulletin:

RWU Calls for Solidarity with Auto Workers

Their Strike is Our Strike:

Railroaders Support the Auto Workers!

Just as 120,000 of us rail workers were set to strike nationwide last December, now 150,000 auto workers are now poised to do the same from coast-to-coast at 11:59 PM tonight! (Thursday 9/14/23). The issues are very similar in both our cases: long hours, wages not keeping pace with inflation, an industry making record profits and investing in once-illegal stock buybacks, and a refusal by the Big Three automakers to share the wealth with those who created it - the workers. Railroad Workers United urges our members, all rail workers and union officials to lend these brothers and sisters our full support in every way possible. Remember, we will be needing their support in the future, when national rail contract negotiations begin next year!

Read/Print the RWU Resolution
UAW President: 'We Are Preparing to Strike These Companies in a Way They've Never Seen'
Automakers Hand Billions To Shareholders While Stiffing Workers
Auto Workers Have Big Demands for the Big 3
Tell Congress: Support the Autoworkers!

Railroad Workers United
Solidarity -- Unity -- Democracy
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