March 12, 2020

Dear CNG Community:

On behalf of the Board of Directors and our Leadership Team, I would like to provide you with the latest update on our work to continue the ongoing advancement of our top two priorities at CNG:
  1. Ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of our students and school community members; and
  2. Continuing to move forward with high-quality learning and teaching, which maximizes the individual potential of all students.
Related to these central goals, you will find two important sections within this communiqué: a ) our comprehensive preparations and plans for distance learning, and b) CNG's risk-assessment matrix and protocols for school management of infectious diseases.  

The entire staff benefited from a very productive all-day work session on Tuesday. Our teachers, counselors, and academic support staff worked in building-level teams to prepare for our upcoming final trial run to test our latest distance-learning platforms and protocols this Friday with students at school .
In preparation for this on-campus final trial run, all faculty members received additional training to deliver complete online instruction to students, to facilitate video conferencing between students and their teachers and peers, and to collaborate on leveraging the distance-learning format for all subjects and academic disciplines.

For any type of temporary or extended school closure for political/social or health and safety reasons, you will find below CNG's comprehensive range of distance-learning preparations developed over the past several months and centrally located at this one special link:   The CNG Distance Learning Hub.
This Distance Learning Hub provides you with daily, automatically updated information in four distinct areas:
  1. CNG Distance Learning Plans, Protocols, Policies;
  2. Key Communications and School Presentations; 
  3. Health & Safety Campaigns and Initiatives at CNG; and
  4. Helpful Resources from Local, National, and International Health and Safety Organizations (including daily Covid-19 updates).
We hope that the above information provides you with full assurance that our learning programs at CNG will continue moving forward for the benefit of all students regardless of external factors and contingencies. 

CNG Special Bulletin #1 (Covid-19): March 12, 2020

As the second major part of this communiqué, I would like to highlight our Matrix for School Management of Infectious Diseases and outline the key components of our risk-assessment process and aligned protocols. Given the fluid nature of our current situation with Covid-19, all further communications on this matter will be numbered and dated.
We believe at CNG in our responsibility and moral obligation not only to protect members of our community but also to serve as leaders in Bogota and our region in mitigating risks to others by taking decisive actions to manage infectious diseases.
Level 2 Risk Status: Moderate Risk   ( CNG Matrix for School Management )

The Colombian Ministry of Health has confirmed several more new coronavirus cases in Bogota. After our school's ongoing review of information from a variety of sources along with recent announcements of preventative steps taken by other educational institutions this week,  the Board of Directors and Leadership Team have made the determination to upgrade our school to a Level 2 Status for today and tomorrow. On Monday, March 16, the school will shift to Level 4 status through Easter Break or until further notice. Level 4 status signifies that our campus will be completely closed with distance learning at home for all students and teleworking at home for all staff. In the event that distance learning extends until that time, before the break ends, we will provide you with an update on our status level and learning plan. 

The key protocols for Level 2 compared with normal school operations are as follows:
  1. Our campus will only be open only to CNG students, parents, and staff.
  2. Access for visitors during the next two days must be made by appointment only with a required pre-screening process (Screening Form in English/Spanish).
  3. Today will be the final day for sports practices and after-school activities. We are canceling our participation in other sports and activities off-campus or previously scheduled with other schools (UNCOLI, ACCAS, etc.) until further notice.
  4. All off-campus field trips and activities, including CWW events, are also postponed until further notice.
Health Screening and Travel - Advisories for Self-Quarantine
  • We ask all members of the school community to be vigilant about their health condition. In case of flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, breathing difficulties), your child or affected family member should stay at home, and you should consider contacting a medical professional.
  • If you have travelled to a currently quarantined area or to countries considered at higher risk, you should potentially seek medical advice in consideration of self-quarantine for a period of 14 days.
  • Those having close contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 are strongly recommended to seek medical advice for self-quarantine. Close contact can be defined as being at a distance of less than one meter for more than 15 minutes.
Please inform your respective Building Principal and the Health Zone nurses if you are currently in self-quarantine due to the above.

Keeping Safe

The Ministry of Health provides you with the latest information for Bogota and Colombia on matters of health and well-being. For global information, the  World Health Organization also issues daily updates on how to protect oneself and those around you from contracting the disease. 
CNG will continue to provide you with ongoing updates related to Covid-19 and our plans for keeping your children healthy, safe, and continuing with their learning.  You can expect to receive additional details from your building principals this week as well as another special all-school bulletin next week with more information.

Dr. Eric H. Habegger
CNG Director