First United Monday Spotlight

February 3, 2025

Did You Get Your Tickets Yet?

Our 4th annual Evening in the Highlands event is set for Friday (2/28) at the Green Bay Distillery (835 Mike McCarthy Way). Entertainment will include the Irish Heritage Dancers, a Piper, trivia, games, haggis, raffles, and much more! Dinner served at 6:30pm will include family-style broasted chicken and baked cod with stuffing/ dressing, potatoes (baby red, garlic, and mashed), California-style vegetables, coleslaw, rolls, coffee and tea. Dress is business casual with a Scottish theme. Click HERE to order your tickets by February 20!

A related event called "Mixology 101" will be held earlier that evening beginning at 5pm. It's also referred to as "What's an 'Old Fashioned Presbyterian,' and Why Do They Call It That?" This session will include a discussion of mixology basics plus instructions on how to make 3 super cocktails. Click HERE to order your tickets (adults only) to this added event by February 20.

Special Next Sunday

We hear there's some special football game going on next Sunday (2/9), but the real news is that we'll be having special chicken noodle soup available after worship! You'll be able to get a quart of soup with a baguette for only $10. The proceeds will be used to buy items from the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing "Wish List." Enjoy some great soup and help your neighbors in need.

Annual Meeting in 2 Weeks

Our next Annual Congregational Meeting is scheduled for Sunday (2/16) following our worship service (*note: no Sunday School classes that day). We'll get reports on everything that's been going on with our Ministries and committees, plus the congregation will vote on approving the 2025 Church Budget. We hope you'll join our conversation.

Our Vision Statement:

We are a welcoming community FIRST UNITED in proclaiming FAITH in Jesus Christ, sharing HOPE for the future, and inspiring LOVE of our neighbors.

Watch for our "Weekly Newsletter" on Thursdays for the latest updates on everything. If you ever have questions, information to add, or want to be added to our regular email list, please contact the Church office or our Communications Team (see links below).

> Connecting Ministry Meeting (Koinonia Lounge) - Tonight (2/3) 6:30pm

> P.W. Coordinating Team (Gathering Area) - Tuesday (2/4) 9am

> Handbell Group Rehearsal (Music Room) - Tuesday (2/4) 6:30pm

> Dead Reformers Society (Badger State Brewing Co.) - Tuesday (2/4) 7pm


> Agape Drive-Thru Meal - Wednesday (2/5) 5:45pm

Chancel Choir Rehearsal (Music Room) - Wednesday (2/5) 6:30pm

> "Joyful Noise" Band Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Wednesday (2/5) 7:30pm


> P.W. Mission Sewing (Koinonia Lounge) - Thursday (2/6) 9am


> Pastors in the Gathering Area - Thursday (2/6) 10am


> Church Volleyball League (Calvary Lutheran Church) - Friday (2/7) 6:30pm

> "Joyful Noise" Rehearsal (Sanctuary) - Sunday (2/9) 8am

> Worship Service (Sanctuary) Sunday (2/9) 9am

> “Souper Bowl” Soup Sale (Gathering Area) - Sunday (2/9) after church

> Coffee Fellowship Time (Family Life Center) Sunday (2/9) after church

> Sunday School for all ages (various rooms) Sunday (2/9) 10:30am

> Weekly "Bible Recap" Meeting #1 (Koinonia Lounge) - Sunday (2/9) 5:30pm OR next Monday (2/10) 9am

> Youth Group Meeting (Youth Media Room) - Sunday (2/9) 6pm

> Evening in the Highlands” (Green Bay Distillery) - Friday (2/28) *Order tickets SOON on our website (*see link below) or during office hours

> Jubilee Cookbooks, Jubilee Coasters, & Fruitcakes Available - in Church Office during regular office hours & on website (*see link below)

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“Christ First” Global Methodist Church Events ("nesting" congregation)

> Various Group Meetings (Room 7 - downstairs) - Tonight (5:30-7pm), Tuesday (6-8pm), Thursday (6-8pm), & Sunday (5:30-7pm)

> Worship & Fellowship (Sanctuary & Gathering Area) - Sunday (2/9) 4pm

*Please contact the church office to schedule a meeting or to make changes

so we can keep everyone up to date. Thanks!

"Changing Lives Through God's Love in Christ"

Contact us with your questions and needs...

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