Friday, June 19, 2020
A Special Message from the Economic Development Manager:
COVID-19 Updates
*NOTE: This message is being distributed to all Thousand Oaks business license holders. This message does not confirm your eligibility to reopen. Please review the State and County updated directives. More information is provided below.
Greetings Thousand Oaks business community, 

Yesterday (June 18th), the County of Ventura issued new guidance for conditional reopening additional business sectors and activities. These sectors include:

  • Personal services: nail salons, massage, skin care and cosmetology services, electrolysis, body art, tattoo parlors and piercing shops.
  • Eligible to reopen June 19th
  • Facial massages, waxing, tattoos, makeup, piercings or electrolysis services may be performed so long as they can be done without the removal of the client’s mask.
  • 30-minute limitation on procedures and massages conducted in confined spaces.
  • Required to follow Personal Care Services state guidance

  • Wedding ceremonies.
  • Outdoor wedding ceremonies may be performed with up to 100 persons present who can be safely physically distanced or a lesser number up to what the venue can safely support.
  • Indoor wedding ceremonies with 25% capacity or up to 100 people, whichever is less.
  • No reception or party permitted.

These sectors may be open only while adhering to social distancing protocols provided by the Governor and the Health Officer and after completing the County’s attestation process at .

Every business is strongly encouraged to read the most recent County Public Health Officer Order (June 11, 2020) . If you have any questions, please direct them to their COVID-19 Business Compliance Hotline: (805) 202-1805 or .   


New Financial Assistance Opportunities for Businesses

County of Ventura Grant program

The County of Ventura is preparing to laun ch the Ventura County Rapid Response COVID-19 Business Assistance Grant Program . The first phase of this program will offer grants of $5,000 to 1,000 eligible local small businesses and nonprofit organizations in Ventura County impacted by COVID-19. Funds may be used for payroll support, rent and lease payments, costs for personal protective equipment, purchases related to the operation of their businesses, and extraordinary business expenses for adhering to compliance protocols for reopening (e.g., cleaning services, signage, customer interface capabilities, additional security, etc.). The application period will be open June 24th through July 8th. More information is available at .

City of Thousand Oaks Small Business Grant Under Consideration

The City of Thousand Oaks City Council will be considering an agenda item on Tuesday, June 23rd to amend the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Annual Action Plan to reflect an additional $340,016 appropriation the City has received through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. The amended Action Plan contains a proposal to use these additional funds for a one-time
one-time Small Business Assistance Grant program for businesses impacted by COVID-19. See the Council Agenda and Item information here .

State Issues Face Covering Requirement

Also yesterday (June 18th), the State of California announced face coverings are required in indoor public spaces, unless exempted by state guidelines for specific public settings (e.g., schools or childcare centers). Cloth face coverings or masks help reduce the spread of coronavirus especially when combined with physical distancing and frequent hand washing. Beginning June 18th, all people in California, including those in Ventura County must wear face coverings in public indoor spaces and outdoors when six-foot distancing is not possible. Learn more about the state issued guidance and limited exceptions here .


Haider Alawami, Economic Development Manager 
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