GSEMG 20th Anniversary Special Edition
October 14, 2022 | Volume 18
Celebrating Our Heritage, Growing for the Future
Pamela H. Smith
Green Spring Gardens Extension Master Gardener (GSEMG) Unit Coordinator

TWENTY YEARS! Congratulations on the occasion of our 20th anniversary of service to Fairfax County as Green Spring Extension Master Gardeners! I am honored and humbled to celebrate this huge milestone with you all as the fourth GSEMG Unit Coordinator.
Let’s take a moment to reflect on the last two decades. Our United States have experienced amazing human achievements, extreme climate disasters and a horrific pandemic. We’ve elected four Presidents, hosted the Winter Olympics, landed an unmanned rover on Mars, recovered from historic hurricanes, fought deadly wildfires, became a signatory to the Paris Climate Accords, battled the COVID pandemic, pushed an asteroid off course and launched the first all-civilian manned spaceflight.
During these same 20 years, another major event occurred which altered the character of horticultural education across Fairfax County. In early 2002, Chris Strand, director of Green Spring Gardens, Sandra Flowers, the newly-hired Community Horticulture Coordinator for Green Spring Gardens and the new Fairfax County Cooperative Extension Agent, a relatively unknown plant pathologist named Adria Bordas, prepared the soil and planted the seeds which grew into the flourishing cadre of “gardener-educators” known as the Green Spring Extension Master Gardener program. Today’s GSEMG program is a vibrant community of ~190 dedicated Extension Master Gardeners committed to providing sound horticultural and environmental advice to the growing Fairfax County community....

And be sure to check out the GSEMG Timeline and a fun Photo Collage highlighting the work of GSEMGs over the years!
Congratulations from ...
Kathleen Reed
Kathleen Reed
State Coordinator
Extension Master Gardener Program
Virginia Cooperative Extension

On behalf of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program, congratulations to all Green Spring Extension Master Gardeners on this 20th anniversary milestone. Congratulations to those who have served Fairfax County so faithfully for these first 20 years, and to all future Green Spring Extension Master Gardeners who will continue to encourage and promote environmentally sound horticulture practices through sustainable landscape management education and training for the next 20 and beyond! Thank you for your dedication and service to this program. Your time and talents have made such a positive impact on your community. Well done!
Adria Bordas
Adria C. Bordas
Unit Coordinator
Senior Extension Agent - Horticulture
Virginia Cooperative Extension, Fairfax County Office

Congratulations on completing 20 years of remarkable, committed service as extension master gardeners to our ever-changing Fairfax County community. I have had the unique privilege to be a part of the Green Spring Extension Master Gardener Program since its inception in 2002. Since then, I have seen firsthand the significant contributions you all have made through programs, such as EcoSavvy Symposiums, Demonstration Gardens, Children's Gardening programs, the Speaker's Bureau and many others. All the very best wishes as you celebrate your rich history and look forward to an unlimited future.
GSEMG Honor Roll
Honor Roll
Our 20th Anniversary Honor Roll features our three Emeritus colleagues -- Sunny Greene, Joan Richards, and Susan Voss -- and those GSEMGs with active years of service of 5 years or more. We also recognize the program Unit Coordinators who have served with us since 2002.

Do You Know? ...
GB Covers old and new
Our Groundbreakers team members collected some "fun facts" to know about our GSEMG accomplishments, changes and history.

Congratulations from Ribbit!
Ribbit Congrats
Ribbit, the adorable mascot of the Friends of Green Spring Gardens (FROGS), made an a special appearance for an exclusive interview with Groundbreakers on the occasion of the GSEMG 20th anniversary.

Through the Years in Photos!
Our Groundbreakers team perused the archives to find some photos from over the years, of the gardens and GSEMG volunteer teams in action. Take a look to see who you recognize!

Reminder! Note the time change:
GSEMG All Hands Fall Meeting
Nov. 5 in Person at Green Spring Gardens
All Hands Icon
Saturday, Nov. 5 | 8:30 am - 12 Noon

Program with Peggy Riccio, Edible Flowers We Grow in Our Garden

This annual meeting is required for all Master Gardeners and interns. Reminder that all 2022 volunteer hours must be submitted by this meeting. The Continuing Education speaker is horticulturist Peggy Riccio of Her free gardening newsletter is a great resource, so check it out! (This meeting will be offered in person only. A recording will be made for those who are unable to attend, to view at a later date.)
is a publication of the VCE Master Gardeners, Green Spring Unit.

Green Spring Gardens is administered by the Fairfax County Park Authority’s Resource Management Division.
Groundbreakers Co-Managing Editors: Stephen Cooper and Diane Hill. Thank you to all our GSEMG Newsletter team authors and editors. Email the team at