A New Four Year Seed Cycle Has Begun - Part 2

As Promised in the Special Edition sent a few weeks ago, I'm following up with additional insights on the new four year Seed Cycle that began on March 1, 2016.
While drawing out the 20 rotating Trinities of Kin that appear together in this 4 year Cycle, a very interesting pattern emerged and new colors have shown themselves.  Further below is a very rough :-) hand-drawn image of the 20 rotating "Trinities of Kin" and the related colors.
There's so much to share that I plan on doing this in parts - just small parts at a time.
first, a different broad-brush overview of some energetic possibilities of this 4 year Cycle that seem to be revealed in and through the diagram. 
  • An infusion of light via the Yellow that promotes self-understanding and clarity by  shining light into the shadows and opening the way for greater Joy and Love
  • A recognition of still existing patterns and the opportunity and desire to transform what needs to be. The Joy and Freedom that result.
  • The embracing of the "Complimentary Colors" and experiences of life - seen as opposing colors on the color wheel (Blue and Orange, Red and Green, Yellow and Violet)...
  • An overall lightening of our being through a willingness to work on refining the Light within ourselves and accepting "shadow" , dependent upon the light. New treasure to discover
  • A Ripening and Flowering of our True Divinely Human Nature
  • A growing ability to put our insides outside - Heart Centeredness 
  • An appreciation for and honoring of our own individual Cycles within the Greater Cycle as we bring the very best of ourselves to the Greater Cycle
  • Deep Healing on a cellular level
  • Vitality. Passion and unimpeded energy Flow
  • Raising our vibration and honoring our bodies as great Temples on Earth; realizing our oneness with Earth -
  • taking excellent care of ourselves - Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually -
  • Connecting equally with Mother Earth and Father Sky, the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, with the Being and Doing of our lives - the Unity and Wholeness that births the Divine Child
  • Inspired Creativity that arises from expansive Inner Sight
  • Openness to Change
  • The Three T's - Transmutation, Transformation, Transfiguration
Note the snake-like movement and DNA type patterning of the Yellow Solar Tribes as they wind through the 20 different passage possibilities. This patterning is based upon considering 
 1. the Dreamspell Placement,
2. what has been known as the traditional longcount (referred to at Loominosity as NER or New Earth Resonance)
3. the Heart Center-piece that they create together and that unites the two fields of experience as the Trinity of Kin.
This pattern is very different than the one that was created in the last 4 year Cycle.
If you are interested in knowing more about the Trinity of Kin or the Four Year Seed Cycles. you can find more information at Loominosity.net by clicking on the highlighted text. The last Four Year Seed Cycle is explained there and an article about this Seed Cycle will follow soon
Questions and Concepts to reflect on
What do the Colors Blue and Orange (each and together) mean to you? How about Red and Green? Violet and Yellow? Pale Yellow?
(Pale Yellow is created every other day this cycle when 2 white and one yellow solar tribe rotate together. Pale yellow is also the color created when the double  Solar Tribes (this year White Worldbridger and White Wizard pictured on the diagram above underneath the little bottles) rotate with Ahau, the Sun and 20th Solar Tribe)
The every other day pale yellow rotation seems to shine the light within, without, at center; upon the nature of our alignment
What tangible significance might the symbolic pairings of Complimentary colors (polarities on the color wheel) have in your life?
What colors are you personally drawn to now and how might these connect to, enhance, mix with, these collective colors in play?
Do you recognize any energetic theme/s further above as significant in your life now? How and Why are they significant? Where are you in the cycle unfolding?
If you are feeling extremely internal at this time you are not alone - this won't last forever! Go with your natural flow whatever that may be...could it be that your natural flow is changing?
and Setting Sail
Creating a Meaningful Practice 
As we move through these next 4 years our transitions and transformations may be happening even faster. Its not the easiest or most comfortable of times for many of us although many of us can feel the opportunities for growth change and overall upliftment - an expansion of our Joy and Love
Some of us are feeling this quite tangibly. And, the Potential is AMAZING!
It has been important to me to create a practice in my life that helps to keep me attuned to synchronicities and that brings Joy, Magic. Connection and New Insight .
It doesn't matter what the practice is, only that it is one that you can commit to, and that has deep meaning for you. Also that you can have fun with and experience Joy while doing. And your practice can evolve and change as you do when it is time.
Be it Yoga, Painting, Tai Chi, Collage, Meditation, Ceremony, Movement and Dance, Playing and or Listening to Music, Toning, Walking, Swimming, Participating in Like Minded Groups, Sharing with special Friends,  Cooking, Photography. Journaling, Caring for Animals - any combination of what brings you meaning and Joy - just do it with all of your Heart.
I'm so grateful to have and to have had opportunities to explore the Mystery (what I love to do) more deeply in ways that bring me great Joy. (Collage, Color, Sound, Mayan Cosmology etc and weaving these). And joyful too are the opportunities to share discoveries.
I am also grateful for my two legs that carry me on walks that soothe my spirit, and shift and balance energy. Often while walking new insights come through - I love walking outside in nature to experience the many messages there from animals, flowers, trees and to feel the sun and the wind. When the weather is harsh I can take to the mall only minutes away. Walking for me is Empowering and Freeing...
Mid 2014 I began swimming again after many years of not doing something that I loved so much as a child - and am soooo happy that I did! Are there things that you once loved that have not been a part of your life that perhaps would enrich it once again?
Something brand new (this lifetime) in late 2014 was joining in with an archetypal dance group - also a joyful as well as stepping out of my comfort zone experience! Is there something that you've always wanted to do and/or would like to have the opportunity to try?
 Not to say there's never a difficult day or times - yet through attuning in the ways that feel important and significant, a magical playground is created that is grounding, illuminating, centering and expansive, filled with synchronicities  - and increasingly bigger picture oriented too, so that when more difficult days come they are easier and always meaningful to navigate as larger truths and patterns appear...an opportunity
It feels more important than ever during this four year cycle - What brings you joy and meaning? What magical meaningful practice have you created or can you create?
I'd love to hear your thoughts and what you have created for yourself and publish them in the next edition. If you have anything that you'd like to share about your practice please send to me at [email protected].
I'd like to share as well some words that are so super inspiring from Isha Lerner's last newsletter on the Full Moon in Sagittarius, and that feel to ripple out way beyond the Full Moon time...
"Oh the summertime is coming, and the leaves are sweetly blooming..." So begins a beautiful ballad about promise and renewal. This is your time, too. Do not let the world's politics get you down. We are bigger than that. Remember that you are brighter and more intelligent than all the media hype put together. We can love our lives and take charge of our destinies in spite of transitory current events.
So, join me in paying attention. Pray, love large, honor what you adore, care for the earth and your families, and let's all shine like the bright lights of hope we were born to be. This is our destiny!"

Reformulating Energy
Coming In the Next Edition, Part 3:
                                            The Three T's
Transmutation - Transformation - Transfiguration
An Alchemical and Magical Dance:
Life Cycle of Dragonfly and Butterfly
What does this mean for You, Me, Humanity?
More specific insights about color
and the significance of Worldbridger and Wizard rotating with the Sun
an excerpt from the article Seed Cycles of Yellow Hueman
As it turns out there is another pattern within each 4 year cycle as well. Each rotation of archetypes in a four year seed pod includes a set of Double Archetypes that rotate with Ahau, aka Yellow Sun also known as the Enlightened One. In one threesome Combination, Yellow Sun is in the Dreamspell position. In the other, it is the New Earth Resonance traditionally known as Longcount. This is such beautiful Symmetry and occurs within every 4 year cycle! What changes, lessons, integrations and rewards  are the accompanying archetypes or Solar Tribes that appear with Yellow Sun (Ahau) Portending?
There is also an instance (one I have found so far in the 100 years or so I have chronicled and believe I will uncover more) when Yellow Sun becomes the Center and Heart Bridge of the grouping.
Yellow Sun's number is 20 and also 0. It is Wholeness at the culmination as well as original condition/intent.  It is our Journey From and Back to Source. Although each of us has a unique and different journey here on earth, these particular four year patterns seem to reflect cycles within the Collective journey that we as Humanity are making and co-creating...and qualities as well that in some way will be reflected in our personal inward and outward journeys  

Oh, Joy!
The AMAZING movie documentary
Flight of the Butterflies
is due for release on DVD in July 2016
find the trailer here:
Have you seen it? I saw it at an IMAX theatre with a friend - a special and unforgettable experience - and have wondered ever since just when it would be available on DVD...
In the Spirit of Continuity, Access Special Edition Part 1
 Magic Butterfly Dreams
 Archangel Sandalphon, Gentle Guardian
of our Kingdom on Earth, assist us in actualizing our best gifts to share 
with Joy and Gratitude.
Envelop us in your Love
In loving and creative connection
and with gratitude for the journey,
Sarah Gallant



Freedom, Wonder, and De-Light
Butterflies are preparing for Re-Emergence
in Flowery Fields Blooming Anew

"We can draw great comfort from the fact that deep within the
 DNA of each and every one of us lives the constant reminder of the infinite possibilities of a life lived in the name of love"
~Richard Rudd
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