e-Newsletter - August 2016
Advancing the Prevention, Early Diagnosis, and
Treatment of Life-Threatening Blood Clots
New Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ Campaign Initiative Launches   

This month, the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA) announced the kick-off of the second phase of its Stop the Clot, Spread the Word public education campaign, in cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

This important new phase of the campaign focuses on the increased risk of blood clots for people who are hospitalized or recently discharged from the hospital. It is important to know that being in the hospital places you at increased risk for the development of dangerous blood clots that can from in the legs or arms (deep vein thrombosis or DVT) and can turn deadly if they break free and travel to the lung (pulmonary embolism or PE). 
By using the latest digital communications tools -- including an online educational portal, infographic, and short video -- to reach millions of people nationwide, NBCA is encouraging people who are planning a hospital stay, admitted to the hospital, or just returning home from the hospital to assess their blood clot risks and also work with their healthcare providers to develop a blood clot prevention plan. Spending time in the hospital is always a challenge and requires that you seek the best care. The last thing you need is another health problem or setback on your road to recovery.  

This new public education campaign, made possible through funding provided to the National Blood Clot Alliance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under Cooperative Agreement 1U27DD001153-02, includes a spectrum of integrated digital health education tools, including a checklist for blood clot risk factors and blood clot prevention plan.  
Please join us as we work to distribute this important information widely. Please take a moment and visit our new campaign site, and share this information with your family and friends so that we can Stop the Clot and Spread the Word™ together.

Expanding on Past Success

The next phase of NBCA's  Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™  campaign builds on the successful foundation built last year when the program was first unveiled. 

Similar to the work NBCA did last year, this year's program  uses several digital communications tools to get the word out about blood clot risk factors - particularly involving a hospital stay - and the signs and symptoms of blood clots.  

Our new Web banner (shown below) will appear on the Internet and will guide people directly to our dedicated online  Stop the Clot, Spread the Word   campaign portal.  

Also, don't miss our new Infographic, which is perfect for sharing across your social media networks.

You can also view and share our new video, which highlights hospitalization and blood clot risks. 

Last year, NBCA reached more than 70 million people during its three-month Stop the Clot, Spread the Word ™ campaign. This year, we intend to exceed that accomplishment, reaching millions more people by adding several traditional media tools, including a radio spot, to our efforts too.

                                  by Randy Fenninger
Among the many positives about my job is the pleasure of seeing the launch of a new project or the posting of new materials on our website and social media outlets. So I am very excited about the information on blood clot safety and hospitalization we have just added to our Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ public awareness campaign. It is an unfortunate truth that being admitted to the hospital can increase your risk for blood clots, but as this material demonstrates, there are a lot of things we can do to minimize the risks. I encourage everyone to read the information carefully and pass it along to family and friends, especially if an inpatient hospital stay is just around the corner for them.

This new phase of our public awareness campaign is part of our ongoing work with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC is the pre-eminent public health agency in the world and NBCA is honored to be one of their partners. CDC understands the importance of public awareness and education on any important health issue and blood clots are no exception. NBCA greatly values its partnership with the agency, so a "tip of the hat" goes to our friends in CDC's Division of Blood Disorders with whom we work very closely. Thanks also go to CDC staff in other divisions at their Atlanta headquarters who have played an important role in the success of our cooperative work with the agency. 


The Impact of Hospitalization and Blood Clots: Are You in Danger? 

Each year, up to 900,000 people in the United States are affected by blood clots and about half of all blood clots occur during or within three months of a hospital stay. Sadly, about 1 out of 10 hospital deaths are related to a blood clot in the lung (pulmonary embolism or PE). Many of these blood clots can be prevented simply by having a plan. 

The goal of NBCA's Stop the Clot, Spread the Word™ health education initiative focused on hospitalization is three-fold: 1) Raise public awareness about the specific blood clot risks associated with hospitalization, 2) provide patients with a blood clot prevention plan that they can discuss with their medical team prior to hospitalization and/or discharge and 3) engage the public in a way that will motivate them to share what they learn with others, such as family and friends who may be admitted to the hospital unaware of their blood clot risks.
Before you or someone you know is hospitalized, visit the newest information added to our Stop the Clot, Spread the Word Web portal to learn more about blood clot risks, including steps you can take to decrease your risk of a deadly blood clot.

Also, visit these patient stories to read about other people who have experienced a blood clot as a result of hospitalization or major surgery.  

Samara McAuliffe
Manu Williams


Community Connection
Stago Support of NBCA 
Special thanks to Stago for hosting a Casino Night for attendees of the recent conference of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Proceeds from this event benefited the National Blood Clot Alliance. Pictured left to right are Stephane Zamia, CEO of Stago North America, Randy Fenninger, NBCA CEO, Randy Lionel Viret, President of Stago Group, and Tom Lawlor, COO of Stago North America.

Superiorman Triathlon in Memory of Anna Frutiger
Support Summer Wood as she jumps off the side of a cruise ship to swim, bike, and run in the Superiorman Triathlon in memory of her friend Anna Frutiger. Anna was only 23 years old when she passed away from a blood clot in her lung in 2010. If you are participating in an athletic event and would like to raise funds to help support NBCA's mission while doing so, please contact Caitlin Augustine at [email protected].

Save the Date
The Second Annual Jimmy's Jam to Stop The Clot® will take place on Saturday, November 5.  This is an event you don't want to miss. Join us in Marshfield, MA for incredible live music, endless raffle baskets, and a great time celebrating the life of Jimmy Sperguiro, and raising funds to help support NBCA's mission to raise awareness about the risk factors, and signs and symptoms of blood clots.   

Get Engaged in Your Community Today

J o i n the  National Blood Clot Alliance Online Support Group and Discussion  Community, a safe and supportive place where you can inspire and be inspir ed. 

Sign up for free here:  Let's connect

ICYMI: All the News That's Fit to Link
We hope you enjoy receiving news from NBCA. 

Please join us on  Twitter and Facebook for timely news and medical posts, 

as well as the latest information about lifestyle trends for people and 

their friends and families affected by blood clots and blood clotting disorders.  


Your continued support ensures that together we can Stop the Clot® and save lives through improved education and awareness about the risk factors and signs and symptoms of blood clots. 

Every contribution adds value to the work we do, which means that every 
contribution --  large or small -- is valuable to our mission.



National Blood Clot Alliance 

8321 Old Courthouse Road | Suite 255 | Vienna | VA | 22182



(877) 466-2568


NBCA Corporate Roundtable