Help for Election Stress

We've had a very consequential election. Some of you are celebrating. I hope it works out well for you. This particular post isn't for you.

On the other hand, if you are one of the 30-45 million people in the United States freaking out right now and looking for help, I'll do what I can. I don't have lots of words of wisdom besides look for the helpers Mr. Rogers said to look for when scary things happen. Breathe, breathe, breathe. And don't make plans in haste. We all probably need to take a beat before figuring out what we need to do.

Here are the three main formulas I've been using this week:

Healing for Political Stress

Back in 2016 or not long after, I made this flower essence formula that I call "Healing for Political Stress" A few years ago I decided I didn't need to carry this one in my shop anymore and deleted it. Ha ha, joke's on me—I was absolutely desperate for this one last week. So it's back in my shop. It contains:

  • Glassy Hyacinth (for coping with deep trauma, grief and horror)
  • Willow (for moving beyond misery)
  • Sweet Chestnut (for hope and strength in the midst of hopelessness and despair or deep disappointment)
  • Beech (for the ability to cope with what feels intolerable)
  • Impatiens (for patience with process and the time needed to make change)

And it's infused with the healing power of Reiki, of course.

Buy now!

Support for Troubled Times

My oldest product. It's for those times when the need for comfort is so deep it feels like it would have to come from the Great Mother herself. I think of it as being for trauma or grief. It's perfect for any time when you feel rocked to your core and devastated.

It contains Splendid Mariposa Lily (for when you need a hug and it feels like only Mama will do), Green-Cross Gentian (for the ability to persist when things feel so hard you don't know if you can manage it), Star of Bethlehem (for soothing emotional shock or upset), and Self-Heal (for bringing forward a deep sense of wholeness from the inside out).

Buy now!

Releasing Worry and Fear

My second oldest product and the most popular. This one addresses the root of why we feel anxious. For me, it's always because I lack the self-confidence to face the future with trust and, instead of using my mind to relaxedly examine possible solutions, I run fearful thoughts instead. What if? What if? Aaagh!

Positive thoughts emanate from a peaceful mind. And that's exactly what this formula can do for you.

It contains Larch, Rock Rose, and White Chestnut for increased courage and self-confidence, inner strength in the face of great challenge, and relaxation for a worried mind.

Buy now!

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Remember my everyday discount specials. And if you sign up for my email newsletter you'll get a coupon code for 10% off more. Sign up now!

Mama Love products contain flower essences made by Flower Essence Services—

Mama Love Products • Mama Love Organics | 2770 Eaton Rd. #76, Chico, CA 95973 |

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