CSO Members,
It was great to see many of you last week at the CSO member meeting. This newsletter contains a lot of what was shared at the meeting - including links to slides, informational websites, and resources (notes from the breakout sessions will be added in a couple of weeks). If you attended the meeting, this may help reinforce some of what you learned and thought about; if you couldn’t attend, this should give you a little insight into what we covered. Hope you find it helpful.
We look forward to seeing you in Washington DC, March 25-28, 2024!
Derek Brockbank
Executive Director
Coastal States Organization
This email is for CSO Delegates, Alternates, and Staff only. Please do not forward.
Having trouble opening links? View this on our website (login required):
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Please provide feedback on the meeting in our survey: https://forms.gle/pVAK5XMDTZ2quRdC8
Voting results:
Regional Reps: Lisa Engler (MA), Nick Angarone (NJ), Marlon Hibbert (USVI), David Green (TX), Jenny Orsburn (IN), Ashley Reineman (CA), Justine Nihipali (HI) (soon to be replaced by Rich Salas [CNMI])
2024 CSO budget – approved (as presented).
2025 Dues increase – approved (as presented).
Coastal Erosion Policy – vote postponed to keep working on it.
Beach & Inlet Management Policy – re-approved (as presented).
FY2024 Federal approps requests – approved (as presented).
The slides from the meeting have been posted in the meeting materials page of the Members portion of the CSO website.
CSO Business & Update Slides
Inter-program coordination between Louisiana and California at
Nagaajiwanaang / Chamber's Grove State Park
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Continued Learning and Additional Resources | |
For those of you that were not able to join us, or if you would like to revisit the week:
Learn more about the traditional, ancestral and contemporary lands of indigenous peoples in the St. Louis River Estuary:
Shoreline Change in the Great Lakes:
Partnership with Association of State Floodplain Management:
Indigenous sovereignty and cultural lifeways:
Justice in Coastal Public Access:
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The shore of the St. Louis River in Jay Cooke State Park | |
CZM Program Updates
We’d love to hear what you’re working on and share it with members and/or the public as appropriate, via newsletter, social media, etc. Please take a couple minutes to let us know something cool you’re doing, staff updates, project work, etc. Fill in the short form here: CZM State Program Updates.
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Member-to-Member Requests | |
Congratulations to all the programs invited to submit a full proposal to CZM BIL year 2 (and IRA funds) Competitive Funding! Applications are due January 10, 2024. NOAA OCM received about 65 LOIs, totalinCongratulations to all the programs invited to submit a full proposal to CZM BIL Year 2 Competitive Funding! Applications are due January 10, 2024. NOAA OCM received about 65 LOIs, totaling ~$175 Million (both similar to last year). Just under $60 million will be awarded this year; and the final application is still significantly competitive with ~$100 million in projects invited to apply for that $60mil. g ~$175 Million (both similar to last year). Just under $60 million will be awarded this year; and the final application is still significantly competitive with ~$100 million in project vying for that $60mil.
NOAA is still on track to invite back full applications for the Climate Resilience Regional Challenge (CRRC) next week, with applications then due Feb 13, 2024. The number of LoIs was, according to NOAA, “overwhelming!” CSO has heard unofficial tallies of nearly 900 proposals totaling almost $15 billion! This is nearly 30 times the $575 million available. Good luck to everyone who applied, but don’t be too disappointed if you are not invited back, many good projects will not be selected.
On-going opportunities:
All information available at https://www.coastalstates.org/members-only/cso-work-groups/2023-funding-work-group/
NOAA Fisheries announced the BIL/IRA funded fish passage NOFO. $175 million to support projects that reopen migratory pathways and restore access to healthy habitat for fish around the country. Applications are due Thursday October 16, 2023.
NOAA National Ocean Service announced the BIL funded Marine Debris Removal & Interception Technology NOFOs. $24 million to support removing and preventing marine debris from getting in coastal waters. LOIs are due Friday October 27, 2023 (Removal); and Wednesday November 15, 2023 (Interception Technology).
The application for CZM (and NERRS) non-competitive funds from IRA was just published. $20 million is available to state CZM programs, with amounts based on formula. The application deadline of Wednesday November 1, 2023. (See here for NERRS)
NOAA’s Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience NOFO is now available for a $240 million fund from NOAA Fisheries transformational projects that restore coastal habitat and strengthen community resilience. NOAA will accept proposals between $1 million and $25 million total over the award period. Applications are due by Tuesday November 17, 2023. For more information, view the Transformational Habitat Restoration and Coastal Resilience Grants funding opportunity.
Sea Grant is administering the Climate Ready Workforce opportunity to establish programs aimed at at placing people across the country into good jobs that advance climate resilience. LOIs are due Thursday November 30, 2023.
NOAA Habitat (Fisheries) announced the BIL/IRA funded Habitat Restoration and Resilience Grants for Tribes and Underserved Communities. $45 million to support capacity building, science and restoration projects. Applications are due December 19, 2023.
Closed – awaiting invitations:
The Climate Resilience Regional Challenge had, according to NOAA, “overwhelming” response. NOAA is still on Track to invite back some LOI submissions for a full proposal by October 11.
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Over the weekend, last minute action by Congress to pass a continuing resolution averted a federal government shutdown with just hours to spare. The bipartisan agreement continues funding the federal government at FY 2023 levels with no changes in policy through Nov. 17th. The bill also included $16 billion in supplemental funding for disasters and extended the National Flood Insurance Program.
Over the next several weeks we anticipate seeing both the House and Senate work to pass appropriations on the floor of their respective chambers. Efforts to pass individual appropriations bills in the House, which have included severe cuts to federal programs across government and controversial policy provisions, have been met with veto threats from the White House. On the Senate side, no bills have yet been brought to the floor.
Of course, the latest complication to moving forward spending bills and other legislation is the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Immediately following the vote to remove McCarthy, a recess was called and members headed home to their districts for the next week. At this point, it is unclear who will be his replacement and how quickly that process will happen. It seems unlikely that there will be action on appropriations until a new speaker is in place.
Other Legislation:
CSO continues to work with members to finalize language a number of bills that members hope to introduce in the coming weeks, including the bill to reauthorize CELCP and NERRS.
As always, the full list of bills followed by CSO can be found on the legislative tracker.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to Rebecca Dennis (rdennis@coastalstates.org), if you have any question or concerns regarding congressional activities.
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See here for the 2023 Fall regulatory summary. More information on rulemaking developments is available on the Regulatory Resources page.
[NEW] BOEM Rulemaking – Offshore Wind in the Territories
On Oct. 4, BOEM issued a direct final rule amending its Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act renewable energy regulations to incorporate submerged lands within the exclusive economic zone adjacent to all U.S. territories. Implementing amendments made in the Inflation Reduction Act, the rulemaking extends OCSLA section 8(p) leasing and planning authorities for offshore renewable energy projects to waters of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands. Barring adverse feedback, the direct final rule will become effective on Dec. 4, 2023. BOEM intends to issue an initial call for information and nominations for wind development off the territories no later than Sep. 30, 2025.
[NEW] NEPA Phase 2 Rule Comment Submitted
On Sep. 29, CSO submitted comments on the Council on Environmental Quality’s National Environmental Policy Act “Phase 2” rulemaking. The rule makes significant changes to the NEPA process to incorporate greater consideration of long-term, cumulative, environmental justice-related, and climate change-related impacts in federal decision-making. A staff summary of key provisions is available here; a CEQ redline is available here. The CSO comment is narrowly focused on CZMA federal consistency issues.
[NEW] FEMA Federal Flood Risk Management Standard Rulemaking – deadline Dec. 1, 2023
On Monday October 2, 2023, FEMA released a proposed rule, draft policy, and draft programmatic/general authorizations to implement the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard in its funding programs. The new rule replaces FEMA’s interim implementation procedures and will apply to federally funded actions involving new construction, substantial improvement, or repairs to substantial damage, as well as to hazard mitigation projects involving structure elevation, dry floodproofing, and mitigation reconstruction. The rule establishes the “Climate-Informed Science Approach” (CISA) as the preferred standard for projects funded under Public Assistance (PA), Individual Assistance (IA), and Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs, and would require the use, where possible, of natural systems, ecosystem processes, and nature-based approaches in the development of alternatives for all actions proposed in a floodplain. (The National Climate Task Force recently released a CISA State of the Science report setting out guidelines for meeting the CISA standard.) Comments may be submitted via Regulations.gov. Comments on the proposed rule and draft policy are due Friday December 1, 2023. Comments on the programmatic procedures (akin to a general permit) are due Friday November 3, 2023.
[NEW] BOEM Issues Draft Outer Continental Shelf Oil & Gas Plan
On Friday September 29, 2023, the Interior Department issued the Proposed Final 2024–2029 National Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Leasing Program and programmatic EIS. The proposed plan calls for a maximum of three offshore oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico in 2025, 2027, and 2029, with no lease sales scheduled for the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans or off Alaska. DOI stated that the proposed plan included the minimum number of offshore oil and gas lease sale needed to enable BOEM "to continue to expand its offshore wind leasing program through 2030." The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) requires the Interior Department to hold at least one offshore oil and gas sale within a year of any offshore wind lease sale. The proposed plan is not open for public comment or subject to federal consistency review. It is scheduled to go into effect after a 60-day congressional review period.
[NEW] EPA Proposes VIDA Consent Decree Requiring Final Action by Sep. 23, 2024
On Sep. 8, 2023, EPA issued notice of a proposed consent decree in Center for Biological Diversity, et al., v. Regan, et al., No. 3:23–cv–535 (N.D. Cal. 2023), litigation seeking to compel EPA to issue final national standards under the Vessel Incidental Discharge Act (VIDA). VIDA directs EPA to integrate Clean Water Act water pollutant discharge requirements from most commercial vessels. EPA issued draft national standards and a national consistency determination in late 2020 and has been revising those standards with additional state engagement. EPA has previously announced that it intends to issue a supplemental notice regarding VIDA national standards in fall 2023. Under the consent decree, EPA would be obligated to sign a decision taking final action by Thursday September 23, 2024. Staff is considering submitting a letter to EPA calling for a revised national consistency determination, based on CSO’s comment on the 2020 proposed rule, by the consent decree notice deadline of Tuesday October 10, 2023.
EPA Releases Text of § 401 Water Quality Certification Final Rule
In Sep. 2023, EPA issued a prepublication edition for a final rule modifying Clean Water Act § 401 state water quality certification regulations. The final rule repeals certain 2020 regulatory changes, defines the scope of review as the water quality-related impacts from the entire activity subject to the federal permit, including construction and operation, and set a default six-month review time limit. An EPA summary fact sheet is available. The final rule is largely consistent with the feedback CSO (and allies) provided on the June 2022 proposed rule; a crosswalk of CSO’s comment and the final rule is available here.
EPA Clean Water Act 404 Assumption Rule Proposed – Comment deadline Oct. 13, 2023
On Aug. 14, 2023, EPA formally issued a proposed rule to revise the process for states and Tribes to administer Clean Water Act Section 404 dredge and fill permitting programs, after releasing a July prepublication copy. Elements of the proposed rule include clarification of retained waters, compensatory mitigation requirements (allowing banks and permittee mitigation but not in-lieu fees), and five-year permit limits. Public comment may be submitted via Regulations.gov through Friday October 13, 2023.
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[NEW] NOAA Releases FY2024 Federal Opportunity for Effects of Sea Level Rise Program
For this opportunity, the ESLR Program is soliciting proposals to improve adaptation and planning in response to regional and local effects of sea level rise (SLR) and coastal inundation (storm surge, nuisance flooding, and/or wave actions) through targeted research on nature-based solutions (NBS), modeling of physical and biological processes, and testing mitigation strategies for implementation. The overall goal of the ESLR Program is to facilitate informed adaptation planning and coastal management decisions through funding multidisciplinary research that results in integrated models capable of evaluating vulnerability and resilience under multiple SLR, inundation, and management scenarios. The opportunity has two focal areas; General Coastal Resilience and Alaska Regional Coastal Resilience. A more detailed summary of the two focal areas can be found below. A letter of intent is required to submit a full proposal. The letter of intent (LOI) is due by Monday November 13, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET, while full proposals will be due by Wednesday January 24, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. The LOI is for guidance purposes only, and all teams that submit a LOI may submit a full proposal. Please see the funding announcement for information on the requirements and process for submitting a LOI and full proposal. There will be an informational webinar at 3:00 PM Eastern Time on Friday, October 6. See registration link below. If you are not able to make the webinar, a recording will be available on the ESLR website after the event.
[NEW] NOAA Calls for Nominations to the Integrated Ocean Observing System Advisory Committee
NOAA is soliciting applications for membership on the United States Integrated Ocean Observing System Advisory Committee. The Committee provides advice on the planning, integrated design, operation, maintenance, enhancement, and expansion of the United States Integrated Ocean Observing System (U.S. IOOS). U.S. IOOS promotes research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies and modeling systems, addresses regional and national needs for ocean information, gathers data on key coastal, ocean, and Great Lakes variables and ensures timely and sustained dissemination and availability of these data for societal benefits. Nominations should be submitted by Tuesday January 2, 2024 via email. Read the full call for nominations here.
[NEW] NOAA Announces $12.7 Million in Funding to Advance Climate Smart Communities
The Department of Commerce and NOAA announced $12.7 million in funding to advance the Climate-Smart Communities Initiative. This funding, which is available as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda under the Inflation Reduction Act — the largest climate investment in history — will bring climate adaptation expertise to communities across the U.S. over the next four years. Read more here.
POSTPONED Registration Now Open for FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Partners Workshop
The Hazard Mitigation Partners Virtual Workshop has been postponed to 2024. Once FEMA has finalized the new Workshop dates, they will reopen registrations and promote through various communications channels, including their HMA Mitigation Minute newsletter. You can subscribe to receive the latest updates; you may also unregister previous workshop registrations.
NOAA Brennan Ocean Mapping Matching Fund
NOAA invites non-Federal entities to partner with NOAA National Ocean Service’s ocean and coastal mapping programs on jointly funded projects of mutual interest. NOAA would receive and match partner funds and rely on its existing contract arrangements to conduct the surveying and mapping activities in FY2025. Cost share is 70% federal / 30% non-federal up to $1M total. Proposals must be submitted via email to iwgocm.staff@noaa.gov. Proposals, including any optional GIS files of the proposed project areas, must be received via email by 5 p.m. ET on Tuesday October 10, 2023. If an entity is unable to apply but has an interest in participating in similar future opportunities, NOAA requests a one-page statement of interest, also by October 10, 2023. Virtual office hours will be held Sep. 14, 2023; register by email.
Request for Proposals on Including Indigenous Ways of Knowing in Decision-Making for Ocean and Coastal Management
The Lenfest Ocean Program has released an RFP for projects that elevate Indigenous Peoples in sharing their traditions, culture, knowledge, and wisdom to improve evidence-based decision-making for the management, conservation, and restoration of coastal marine species, habitats, and ecosystems. The RFP is intended to support identification, analysis, and/or communication of Indigenous Knowledge and wisdom (where it is culturally appropriate); and engagement approaches that facilitate the inclusion of this knowledge into ocean and coastal management decisions. The deadline to apply is Monday October 16, 2023.
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Coastal Hazards Planning and Adaptation Work Group
The next call is Tuesday October 10, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. CT, 12:00 p.m. PT, 10:00 a.m. HT). Previous call notes, slides, and materials are on the work group page (log-in required). If you are interested in participating in this work group or have questions or feedback please contact Ana Dulskiy.
Coastal Erosion Policy Work Group
The next call for the 12-month Coastal Erosion Policy Work Group will be Wednesday October 18, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. CT, 12:00 p.m. PT, 10:00 a.m. HT). Previous call notes, slides, and other meeting materials are available on the work group page (log-in required). If you are interested in participating in this work group or have questions or feedback please contact John Ryan-Henry.
Funding / Summer of Money Work Group
The next call is Friday October 27, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. CT, 12:00 p.m. PT, 10:00 a.m. HT). We will be discussing the CZM IRA non-competitive application (Due Nov. 1), and talking about moving from LoIs to full applications for those invited to submit for a)CZM BIL Year 2 Competitive, and b) the Climate Resilience Regional Challenge. If you are interested in participating in this work group or have questions or feedback please contact Derek Brockbank.
Coastal Nonpoint Source Work Group
We will meet again in Tuesday November 21, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. ET (2:00 p.m. CT, 12:00 p.m. PT, 10:00 a.m. HT) as we transition into a slower winter. We'll announce our meeting topic shortly, check this newsletter for updates or email Vidya Balasubramanyam.
Offshore Energy & Infrastructure Work Group
The next call is TBD. Call notes, slides, and materials are available on the work group site (log-in required). If you would like to be included on the mailing list for the work group, please reach out to John Ryan-Henry.
Communications Work Group
The Communication Work Group is finalizing a questionnaire for states to collect information necessary to update CSO state fact sheets. Be on the lookout for the questionnaire to be circulated in the next week or two. Our next call is TBD. If you are interested in participating in this work group or have questions or feedback please contact Rebecca Dennis.
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Upcoming Webinars, Calls, and Meetings | |
- Tuesday, October 10th – CHPA Work Group Call
- Wednesday, October 11th – Executive Committee
- Wednesday, October 18th – Erosion Work Group Call
- Thursday, October 19th – Government Affairs Call
- Friday, October 27th – Funding / Summer of Money Work Group Call
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Coastal States Organization | 50 F St. NW, Suite 570, Washington, DC 20001 | 202-800-0580 | cso@coastalstates.org | www.coastalstates.org | | | | |