OCTOBER 30, 2018
Special Edition Newsletter
Dear ChaiVillageLA Members,

In this time of sadness, anger, confusion and dismay over the senseless shootings at the Tree of Life Synagogue, we wanted to reach out to all of our Village members to share some thoughts. Please know that you can contact our ChaiVillageLA office or either of the temples' clergy offices during this especially difficult and painful time.

Devorah Servi
Executive Director
Terry Pullan
Tree of Life Synagogue
May Their Memories
Be a Blessing

Our hearts go out to the victims, families and congregants of Tree of Life Synagogue, Pittsburgh.
Rabbi Laura Geller, Rabbi Emerita Temple Emanuel
My husband Richard grew up in Squirrel Hill, about a ten-minute walk from the Tree of Life Synagogue. His first cousins still belong; it is the shul where they raised their kids and celebrated their b’nai mitzvah. This tragedy hit very close to home. 

Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles,
Temple Isaiah
Rabbi Zoë Klein Miles spoke eloquently at the Los Angeles Vigil for Tree of Life Synagogue on October 28. She has also created this tribute, entitled "Eleven are the Stars" in the hope that it will provide a measure of solace.

Los Angeles Times
On Saturday, October 27, the Los Angeles Times wrote about the tragedy in Pittsburgh and the response of Jewish leaders in Los Angeles. Rabbi Sarah Bassin, who led Temple Emanuel's Saturday Shabbat service was quoted as saying, "It's an innate cycle of these mass shootings--they are devastating and then they fade from memory," she said after Saturday's service.

Village Movement California
On behalf of Village Movement California, I am sending our deep sympathy for the loss of life experienced by the members, families and friends of Tree of Life Synagogue. I am also sending loving kindness to the members, families and friends of ChaiVillageLA who are deeply impacted by this act of violence, and by the Anti-Semitism which is infecting our country. I noticed that most of those murdered were of an age where they could be members of a village. I can only imagine how traumatizing this is to ChaiVillageLA members. Please know that we hold you in our embrace and dedicate ourselves to creating a movement that celebrates the identities of all older Californians.  Please let us know how we may support your village.

Charlotte Dickson, Executive Director
ChaiVillageLA is a member of Village Movement California which partners with stakeholders interested in transforming the experience of aging across the state to strengthen impact, accelerate growth, and ensure sustainability of the Village Movement.
AJC (formerly American Jewish Committee) is calling on Jewish communities across the country--along with elected officials, religious and civic leaders, and other communal allies--to flock to synagogues this coming Shabbat in a nationwide campaign, #ShowUpForShabbat. The initiative is being launched in response to the horrific attack at Tree of Life Synagogue.
To see Shabbat times and locations, please click here for Temple Emanuel and for Temple Isaiah.
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