How Can We Help?
We have all been left speechless at the destruction of life and property from the tornadoes that ravaged Kentucky this weekend.
Each of us has been overwhelmed by a desire to help. A hope that by doing something we can bring healing.

CBFKY is preparing to respond in a meaningful way in Western Kentucky. We have been in conversation with CBF Global, Disaster Response and the state government’s Office of Disaster Volunteer Management. We want you to be fully informed about what we know right now.

First, FEMA is asking that physical donations not be sent to the area unless there is a local contact to ensure that they are properly used. Tragedies like these often create trailers full of supplies that may or may not be needed that have no clear means of distribution and no place to be stored. Later, it will become clear what items will be most helpful and systems will be in place to receive and distribute them.

For now, the best way to help is to make a contribution to CBFKY Disaster Response. These funds will give us flexibility in our response. You may do this on our website, tornado disaster response or send a check to our office with Disaster Response on the memo line. The address is CBF Kentucky, P. O. Box 7098, Louisville, KY 40257.

Next week, Brian Varble (our CBFKY Disaster Response Leader) and I will go to Western Kentucky to make an initial assessment. We are going to try to identify one or two under-served communities where CBFKY can make a meaningful difference. We will determine from community leaders there what we can do to help them. Once the place and scope of our work is established, we will be requesting volunteers and assistance.

We are putting together an email list of those who are interested in being a part of our volunteer effort. If you or your church would like to be informed and possibly participate, please let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

All of us wish that we had more clarity, but in the immediate aftermath of an event like this our desire to assist is strong but the opportunities are limited. Be prepared for opportunities this spring and summer to be involved in a hands-on way. For now, we can pray and give.
Bob Fox

Our Contact Information
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Kentucky
P. O. Box 7098
Louisville, KY 40257