As the weather warms up and the flowers bloom, we welcome May and celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month. Spring is a great reminder of the importance of new beginnings: we can use this opportunity to raise awareness, promote education, and reduce stigma surrounding mental health - not just in May, but every day.

Our theme is “Spring into Mental Health.” Spring’s messages of renewal and rejuvenation encourages all of us to prioritize our own mental health and the mental health of our friends, colleagues, and loved ones.

Many special resources are available right here in Orange County (OC). We have prepared an exciting newsletter to help you easily incorporate the themes, messages, activities, and resources for your school, organization, community – and yourself!

Mental Health Awareness Month Trainings 

Parent/Caregiver Training: Preparing for Critical Moments in Students’ Lives

When a child experiences a crisis or a death, it can be difficult to know how to help your child cope. Some children appear to cope well independently or with their own support networks; others experience more struggles, but all need support. The Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) is hosting a training specifically for parents and caregivers – Preparing for Critical Moments in Students’ Lives – on May 22, 2023, from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Through this presentation, OCDE will highlight the importance of teaching children resilience and how to return to their functional well-being or new “normal” after a crisis. Register here

General Adult Suicide Prevention Training Hosted by Didi Hirsch 

This community training is intended for adults in Orange County and provides an overview of suicide prevention, including the nature of suicide, suicide-related statistics, suicide risk factors, and warning signs. Register here for the May 22, 2023 training from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 

For additional information, please contact Joanna Constanza at JConstanza@didihirsch.org.

Clinical Suicide Prevention Training Hosted by Didi Hirsch

This clinical training is recommended for individuals who work in any professional clinical capacity, such as in the mental health and medical fields or in educational settings. Participants will learn about warning signs, risk assessments, suicide intervention models, safety planning, and transfer of care. Register here for the May 25, 2023 training from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. 

For additional information, please contact Lauren Delfin at LDelfin@didihirsch.org.

Spread the Word: Social Media and Email Messages 

Inspire Your Followers on Social Media – and Let These Experts Help!

Social media is a powerful tool to reduce mental health stigma, and posting social media messages has never been easier with these ready-made posts and images! Mental Health America (MHA) launched its annual Mental Health Month Digital Toolkit, which is filled with images and captions for all social media platforms. Download and access the toolkit and social media posts here.  

Easy-to-Customize Email Proclamation 

Each May, Mental Health Month provides the opportunity for everyone to come together to illuminate mental health awareness in an effort to end the stigma. Developing this awareness is crucial to helping people reach out for assistance. 

A proclamation is a great way to educate the public about a specific issue or bring attention to a cause, which is why we are sharing this pre-written proclamation from the Take Action for Mental Health Digital Toolkit. It is super easy to customize with your logo and local information – download it here

Readily Available Resources for the Whole School Community 

The incredible Take Action for Mental Health Digital Toolkit is chock-full of resources for you – check them out!

What Might Work for You? Mental Health Support Options 

When you decide you need some support for your mental health and well-being,

it’s important to remember that there’s not one ideal path for everyone. Mental health support can mean many different things, and what works well for someone else may not be the right choice for you. By exploring different options to see what is most helpful, you can create the right support plan for your needs. Check out this guide to learn the many ways to get the help you need based on what feels comfortable for you, what makes sense for your situation, and the level of support you are looking for. 

Your Mental Wellness Plan 

Creating a Mental Wellness Plan is an important part of supporting your well-being. It is a written plan of action for how you can best take care of yourself. Use your plan to support and protect your mental health needs and keep track of the types of self-care and support that work best for you. When you’re having a hard day, the plan will remind you of helpful steps to take to restore your mental wellness. Get started on creating your personalized plan here!

Recipes for Wellness and Self-Care

Self-care is a big buzzword, but what it means is finding things you can do regularly that help you to feel more mentally, emotionally, and physically well. Self-care isn’t about spending money or doing something out of the ordinary. It can be simple, small things that reduce your stress or allow you to reconnect with yourself. Still not sure what to do or need some fresh ideas? We have some suggestions to help you jump-start the process. 

These “recipe cards” include the necessary ingredients for reducing stress, receiving social support, practicing mindfulness, and more! Dive into the recipe cards here

Curated Playlist to Boost Your Mood 

Music isn’t just enjoyable – it can boost your mood and well-being. Take a listen to these songs that touch on various mental health topics and can help uplift you or provide you with a song to relate to – a specially curated Spotify playlist can be found here.

Talk to Someone: Safe Spaces

Sometimes, we all just need to talk – here are three great options to help:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 988 - provides free and confidential emotional support to people in a suicidal crisis or in emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support.

TEEN LINE – Teens Helping Teens 

TEEN LINE is a nonprofit, community-based organization that provides emotional support to youth. TEEN LINE is answered exclusively by California teenagers, who can relate to what callers are going through. Call 800-852-8336 from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. for support or text “TEEN” to 839863 from 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

OC Links: 24/7 Support 

OC Links - 855-625-4657 - offers amazing support to Orange County residents. OC Links is the 24/7 Behavioral Health Line, which provides information and linkage to OC Health Care Agency’s Mental Health and Recovery Services. Trained navigators can link you and the people you care about to a wide array of County programs in the Behavioral Health Continuum of Care - from prevention to crisis identification and response.

Upcoming: Mark Your May Calendars

May 22: Parent/Caregiver Training: Preparing for Critical Moments in Students' Lives

May 22: Didi Hirsch General Adult Suicide Prevention Training

May 22: Didi Hirsch Clinical Suicide Prevention Training

May 25: Didi Hirsch Clinical Suicide Prevention Training

Did this newsletter increase your knowledge of community mental health resources?

The HUB is developed by the Community Networking Project team: Gabriela Rodriguez, Salena LeDonne, Colleen Reilly, and Angela Castellanos. The HUB is specially designed to serve our community and connect you to the rich array of K-12 school-based mental health events, activities, services, resources, webinars, trainings, policy and funding opportunities, and more, happening here in Orange County and beyond. We look forward to serving you!

We Want to Hear From You! Want to share an event that advances student mental health? Let The HUB help. Whether an event, training, webinar, or grant, we can help spread the word! We encourage you to submit items for future issues.

Share The HUB! Please forward it on to educators, staff, administrators, parents, families, students, and community organizations serving youth and families. 

 Contact the Community Networking Project at gabriela@reillygroupinc.com.

Funded by OC Health Care Agency (HCA), Mental Health and Recovery Services, Mental Health Services Act/Prop. 63