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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Special Edition of The View - Information about Senior Minister candidate Rev. Joe Zarro

Special Congregational Meeting on April 21 after Worship

With great pleasure, the RUCC Board announces a special congregational meeting on April 21 to vote on calling Reverend Joe Zarro as the next settled pastor of Redlands United Church of Christ. Rev. Joe will lead our worship that day and give his candidate sermon. 

Immediately following the service, we will meet to vote on the call. Per our bylaws, we need at least two-thirds of covenanting members, or 87 votes, to vote in the affirmative. We hope everyone will be there in person, but if you are not able to be there, please use the information in this special edition of The View to learn more about Rev. Joe, then cast an absentee ballot. The ballot form is online at and is also available below. 

My thanks to the Search Committee for their careful, diligent work; to the Profile Committee for the creation of the compelling profile that drew Rev. Joe to us; and to the Spirit that has brought us together. I look forward with great anticipation to this next chapter in the long, rich history of Redlands UCC.

Dan Abushanab

Board President

More about Rev. Joe from the Search Committee

Rev Joe and the Search Committee

On behalf of the Settled Pastor Search Committee, we are thrilled to announce that our task is nearly complete. After six months of dedicated work and prayerful discernment, we arrived at a unanimous decision to recommend calling our top candidate to become our next settled pastor. A Letter of Call was negotiated, and our candidate joyfully accepted. 

We are pleased to announce that we are recommending a call to Reverend Joe Zarro as our next settled pastor. Rev. Joe will be coming to us from Plymouth Congregational Church in Belmont, MA, where he has served as senior minister for the past 10+ years. In that time, he helped to increase attendance, grow the Sunday School program, renovate the church building, and raise the church’s profile in the community.  

"...a unanimous decision to recommend a call to...Rev. Joe Zarro"

The search committee was impressed by many aspects of Pastor Joe’s background and experience. Here are a few examples: 

  • He has a bachelor’s degree from San Diego State University in English and Philosophy, and a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School. 

  • He participated in the Next Generation Leadership Initiative, a selective nation-wide leadership program for young clergy in the UCC which focuses on the principles and practices that can bring vibrancy to the church. 

  • At his first church, he participated in two summer trips to Nicaragua, helped with a free afterschool program for homework help, and was involved in a weekly adult ESL class. He also co-chaired the Interfaith Council and won an award for his support of the Muslim community.  

  • Pastor Joe brings a collaborative, bottoms-up approach to his ministry, inspired by a God that “does not coerce people to follow with fear of hell and punishment, but inspires and persuades with love, and equips us for our journey.” 

  • Pastor Joe has a passion for creativity and writing that led him to write what he calls a “terrible screenplay” before college, work his way up to be editor-in-chief of his college newspaper, and then write a “considerably less terrible” screenplay for his senior thesis at Harvard Divinity School. Now Rev. Joe channels his creative passions toward crafting, writing, and delivering the best sermons possible.  


In our video-conference interview and our in-person interview, many of these qualities were on full display. One member loved the “nitty-gritty theology talk” they had with him. Another appreciated his clear, logical, and analytical mind, and how organized and responsive he is. We all found Rev. Joe to be accessible and easy to talk to. We appreciated how he leads with his faith and can stand his ground. We liked his strong history with and connections to the UCC. 

"...strong history with and connections to the UCC."

We also got a wonderful insight into Rev. Joe as a worship leader. For the in-person visit, he prepared and delivered a powerful sermon to our committee entitled “A Message to RUCC: Thoughts on Transition and Change.” Then, he played guitar and led us in a mash-up of “Amazing Grace” and the Eagles’ “Peaceful Easy Feeling,” that he learned when he was a counselor just up the road at Pilgrim Pines camp. We loved it. 

The Pilgrim Pines reference brings us to another reason Rev. Joe is excited to be joining us. He was born and raised in Southern California. His first church was in Temecula, and his parents and siblings are in the area. So, coming to Redlands is a homecoming of sorts. Lots to be excited about. 

The search committee knows we could not have done our work without lots of help. We would like to sincerely thank Kris Bergstrom, our Conference Minister, whose wisdom, experience and love for RUCC was available at every step of our journey. We want to thank those who worked so hard on the Church Profile. The profile guided all our work and provided candidates with a clear and comprehensive picture of RUCC. We thank members of the Church Board who took time to meet with Rev. Joe and share their insights and questions. We thank Dan Abushanab, Board President, for helping with everything from setting up our Teams site to deftly developing, with Rev. Joe, the terms of the Letter of Call. We want to extend our deepest thanks and appreciation to all of you in our beloved RUCC community who have helped to make RUCC such a special place. Your commitment and support inspired our work. Rev. Joe could see how amazing RUCC is, and this made it even easier for him to accept our call. 

"...deepest thanks and appreciation to all of you"

Finally, I’d like to acknowledge the members of the search committee. This is an amazing group of people, wholly committed to RUCC and dedicated to the process, who rose up in the face of a weighty responsibility. It was an honor and privilege to be part of this group. 

At the beginning of this journey, we said that this search for a “settled” pastor was vital to RUCC because we have been “unsettled” for a long time. There is still healing and transition before us, but we are excited to be so close to having a faithful and accomplished pastor in Rev. Joe to help guide us. Please mark your calendars for April 21st and plan to be here to start this new chapter in our church’s life. 

Sophia Beardemphl 

Loring Fiske-Phillips 

Keith Osajima (Chair) 

Samantha Sanchez-French 

DeeDee Seek 

Diana Steele-Jones 

Minori Tsukimoto 

John Walsh 

Janet Wilson 

Joe Zarro in the pulpit

A message from Rev. Joe

Dear RUCC, 

I’m so excited to be recommended by the Search Committee and considered for the Senior Minister position at Redlands UCC. This is a dynamic, faith-filled congregation and it will be the ideal place for my next chapter in ministry. It is a place I can serve authentically, that shares my values, and welcomes the passions not only of its pastor, but its lay leadership as well. Like so many others, I thrive in a collaborative, creative environment and want to “Be the Church” with each of you. 

These past few years have been challenging for RUCC, but that is not a reservation of mine: it is something that has drawn me to service here. I want to be part of the healing and thriving that is ahead. If voted in, I will be the first male senior minister in about 25 years, and will be the first settled minister since Rev. Dr. Jill Kirchner-Rose’s tragic death. I will come into this space with sensitivity and humility. I also hope my enthusiasm, experience in the ministry, and love of the church will be a balm for a healing church. 

I’m so glad my Candidate Sunday falls near Earth Day, as the environment, and the way God’s Creation should inform our theology, is a big passion of mine. I’m looking forward to worshipping with you and getting to know the church better. A minister skilled in church revitalization once told me: “You have to honor what is, in order to get what’s next.” I’m very excited about “what’s next” for RUCC, and the ways in which we can grow together. But I also promise to honor what “is” and love the church in the present moment. I also fervently hope that in due time, “the present moment” at RUCC will include me on the ministry team. 

I hope to meet you during our candidate weekend activities and look forward to April 21. 

Yours in Christ, 

Rev. Joe 

Absentee Ballot

The congregation will vote on April 21, 2024, immediately after worship on the call of Rev. Joe Zarro to Redlands UCC as our Senior Minister.

Vote to approve the call of Rev. Joe Zarro as Senior Minister:

_____ YES _____ NO


Signature and Date

To cast an absentee ballot please print this page, mark and sign/date, and submit to the church office or an officer in person or electronically before the meeting.

RUCC Staff

Interim Pastor: Rev. Elaine Schoepf

Honorary Minister of Arts and Worship:  Rev. Erin Beardemphl

Music Director: David Wells

Associate Music Director: Sophia Ohanian

Children's Education Director: Susi Jacobsen

Director of Youth Ministries: Vacant

Office and Property Manager: Veronica Bermudez

Child Care: Caitlin Walsh



Phone: 909-793-3520


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