Dear Osprey Students and Families,
The next three weeks are chock full of end-of-year events and special schedules and we want to be sure everyone has the information needed to help us wrap up the 2022/23 school year gracefully. Please read carefully, and reach out with any questions.
As a reminder, professional dress is required for All School Exhibition, Senior Project TED Talks and Transitional Presentations of Learning (TPOLs), which means students must wear a button-down shirt and tie, shirt with finished neck, sweater or blouse; a nice pair of slacks (no jeans), skirt or dress; dark socks to match trousers and dress shoes (no sneakers, no excessively high heels). Please communicate with an adult at school if finding professional dress clothing is cost-prohibitive; we will find a way to help.
This Week: All School Exhibition, Special Schedule on Friday, TED Talks Begin
This Friday, May 12 we will have a NEST Meeting first thing in the morning with Denver-based modern soul band Ghost Tapes and a special schedule:
8:20-9:15 NEST Meeting
9:20-10:05 1st period
10:10-10:55 2nd period
11:00-11:45 3rd period
11:50-12:35 4th period
12:35-1:10 lunch
1:10-1:55 5th period
2:00-2:45 6th period
2:50-3:35 7th period
May 15-19: Final Week of Regular Classes, Advisory Olympics and Graduation
8:20-9:00 1st period
9:05-9:45 2nd period
9:50-10:30 3rd period
10:35-11:15 4th period
11:20-12:00 5th period
12:25-1:00 lunch
1:00-1:40 6th period
1:45-2:25 7th period
2:30-3:35 NEST Meeting
Senior Supper is Thursday evening at 5:30 at AHS; seniors will receive graduation tickets and caps & gowns at this event, which is just for students and staff; junior families please view the Senior Supper Sign Up and help us create a special event for the class of 2023!
May 22-30: Transitional Presentations of Learning (TPOLs)
All 9th through 11th grade students will complete Transitional Presentations of Learnings, pivotal Animas end-of-year assessments designed to help students reflect on their learning and growth in a polished, professional fashion in front of an authentic audience. Successful completion of TPOL is required to transition to the next grade level; it is not unusual to be asked to refine and redo a TPOL and students need to be prepared to return another day if they do not pass the first time.
Ninth graders will individually present to a panel of faculty and peers; parents are welcome to attend with an invitation from their student. Ninth grade students will complete their TPOLs on Wednesday, May 24, Thursday, May 25 or Friday, May 26. Any student not reaching presentation expectations will be asked to refine and make up the presentation on Friday, May 26 or Tuesday, May 30. View the 9th Grade TPOL Schedule to see when individual students are paneling and presenting and reach out to with scheduling conflicts. Families should plan to stay in town through Tuesday May 30.
Sophomores will complete a seminar style TPOL in small groups, reflecting on the intellectual mission of their class and the role of peers in fostering intellectual curiosity and providing support to one another. The schedule will be sent out to sophomores and families next Tuesday, May 16; all sophomores will be scheduled to present on Wednesday, May 24, Thursday, May 25 or Friday, May 26. Students who do not meet the standard of performance on their first time through their TPOL will be rescheduled for a re-do on Friday, May 26 or Tuesday, May 30. Parents are welcome to attend with an invitation from their student.
Juniors will do individual presentations about their LINK Internships, considering next steps in their career and college paths in front of a panel of their peers and teachers; parents and LINK mentors are encouraged to attend. Students will be scheduled to present on Wednesday, May 24, Thursday, May 25 or Friday, May 26, with re-dos on Friday, May 26 or Tuesday, May 30. View the Junior TPOL Schedule and please reach out to with any scheduling conflicts.
- Monday, May 22 and Tuesday, May 23 all 9th through 11th grade students will work with their core teachers, 8:20-3:35 to prepare for TPOLs; staff will help students complete 2023/24 Course Requests in Infinite Campus; attendance is mandatory all day both days.
- Student schedules will vary May 24 through 30 depending upon when they are presenting and paneling.
- There is no school on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29 and no TPOLs will be scheduled for that date.
The last day of school is Tuesday, May 30, though some students will finish before then if they successfully complete their TPOL and paneling responsibilities earlier in the week.
The Hub Bus between DHS and AHS WILL run May 22 through 25, but NOT Friday, May 26 or Tuesday, May 30. We WILL offer catered lunch May 22-23, but will NOT offer it Wednesday, May 24 through Friday, May 26 or Tuesday, May 30.
We recognize that the end of the school year can be a bit of a whirlwind and there are many details to track. As always, we invite you to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you for all you do at home to support your student as we all work toward finishing the year gracefully!