Dear Families,

This coming Sunday we are offering a special opportunity to connect with the worldwide grace condition. This is a chance to make new resolutions as you jounrey in spiritual maturity.

Sometimes in order to move forward we need to leave things behind. Take an opportunity to lay down the past and move forwad into a new future.

You are invited to participate in these 40 days of renewal. This is a process of inner searching and a resolve for our future. (If you have already participated in the Cheon Bo Holy wine ceremony you don't need to participate at this time.)

In pursuit of renewal please prepare your heart for a new start with the following offerings:

  • Bowing condition (You set the amount)

  • Donation of any amount connected with the number 13 ($13, $26, $130 etc.)

Donate Online

  • Fill out the attached Statement of Resolve, turn in to pastor in a sealed envelope this Sunday. These letters will be sent to Korea. (Do not attach a name, this is for you and God)

  • Participate in the Holy wine ceremony, we will host an opportunity to participate on Sunday April 16th at noon.

  • There will also be opportunities to participate if needed on Friday April 14th at 8 PM and Monday April 24th at 9 PM. Please contact Jario if you need to arrange another time. (All times are CST)

  • Participate in a special prayer given by True Mother on May 6th, time to be determined.

Please read the attached memos for more information.

May this be a blessing upon you and your family.

God Bless,

Pastors Jario and Leena

BFM Letter
Guidance on Special Grace
Statement of Resolve