Center For Conscious Living


Life moves in me, around me, through me.

This Life is the Center of my Being.

This Life is all around me, everywhere.

It is all there is. There is no other.

This Life breathes through me now.

READING: Wildfire by Chelan Harkin

This Sunday January 19th at 10am

Sunday Service 

with Special Guest Corinne Zupko

and musical inspiration by Ginger Coyle

In Person and Zoom

(see more on Corinne below)

Join Via Zoom Here

Meeting ID: 842 3319 9242

Password: 123456

Upcoming Events

Special Guest Speaker Corinne Zupko is at CCL Sunday , January 19, 10 am

Corinne is a master teacher in A Course in Miracles and the author of From Anxiety To Love: A Radical New Approach for Letting Go of Fear and Finding Lasting Peace

Learn more about Corrine on her website below and add this special service with her inspiring talk to your calendar now!

"I’m dedicated to your inner peace. If I found freedom from anxiety, so can you."

From Anxiety To Love >

Mini-Monday with Ahaji Schreffler

“Love Is My Superpower”

February 3rd, 7pm Zoom Only

Our February Mini-Monday, “Love Is My Superpower,” will be led by Ahaji Schreffler, a long-time member of the Center for Conscious Living.  

This workshop is designed to amplify your greatest superpower, LOVE! Travel with Ahaji on a journey of Love in Action, as she weaves together themes from activist bell hooks’ book, All About Love, along with inspired lessons from her 12 years of charitable work in Haiti. During the workshop, you will be guided, through meditation and reflective activities, to help tap into your superpower in a bold new way! 

As always, love donations are welcome and appreciated! Both CCL and Soul Sanctuary are Love Orphanage Community Partners & Sponsors, participating in various ways over the years. 

We look forward to seeing you when we gather for this Zoom-only event on February 3, 2025, 7:00-8:30pm. Just click the link below at that time.

“Love O” is in the Air! ❤️ 

Click here to join the Mini-Monday 

Community Happenings

A Note of Gratitude for a Beautiful

Celebration of the Life of Mia Kelly

on Sunday January 5

Hosted by Holly Myers, Supriya Jost and Keith Guenther at Moorestown Community House.

NOTE: A special thanks to Marty Levin for recording a high quality video on our CCL video camera, editing and sending to Wayne Marshall to upload to YouTube. And to Holly Myers for providing for the following list of thanks.

Special thanks to Deb Chamberlin for anticipating and coordinating sound equipment requirements and to Media Team Marty Levin, Keith Guenther, Adriane Hoyt, Wayne Marshall and Roz King.

Thank you Musicians: Deb Chamberlin; The trio of Marcy Francis, Jan Jeffries & Will Kates; and Jackie Greggs.

Thank you to Supriya's son, Ivan Dean Denissov and daughter, Anjali Denissov for music and poetry.

Thank you Rev Christina Marie Layer, Center for Conscious Living, Moorestown, NJ for your warm welcome, Invocation and Benediction.

Altar by Janine Blunt; Morning Refreshments: Julia Fulmer

Floral creations, Memorial Card and Photo Displays by Supriya Jost

Program and Photo Show by Supriya Jost, Holly Myers and Sandy Schussel

Mia Biography by her Cousin Maggie / Madeline Bustamante Oelshlegel

Catered Luncheon by Cathy's Catering, Riverton and Moorestown, NJ

Watch The Mia Kelly Service Here

Stay Connected

Stay Connected and Inspired on Social Media

If you have not yet, please join our free Facebook community or join us on Instagram if you prefer.

And if you are already with us there, be sure to visit often and like and/or comment on our posts when you see them.

This sort of engagement encourages the social systems to show our content more often so we have yet another chance to stay connected.

New All CCL Master Link

Below is a new ALL CCL link that includes everything CCL, including the Facebook and Instagram pages, our YouTube Channel, the Zoom link for Sunday Services and a web version of our most recent newsletter. Save this link in your bookmarks to never miss a thing!

Above is an example of a recent post with a lovely meme graphic including an inspiring quote from a recent talk by Rev Christina Marie Layer.

On our social media channels, you will also see video reels, community event invitations from our members, links to the most recent services and more!

Master CCL Page with All the Links

CCL Calendar

1/19 10 am In-Person and Zoom Celebration Service with Corrinne Zupko, A Course In Miracles master teacher; Rev. Christina Marie Layer and Rev. Paul Hoyt; Revs. Katherine (on Zoom). Music with Ginger Coyle

1/20 7 pm Men’s Group

1/26 10 am In-Person and Zoom Celebration Service with Rev. Christina Marie Layer and Rev Paul Hoyt; Rev. Ken (on Zoom). Music with Daille Kettrell

2/2 10 am In-Person and Zoom Meditation Service with Kathy Milano and Rev. Paul; Rev Ken (on Zoom). Music with Ginger Coyle

2/3 7 pm Mini-Monday with Ahaji Schreffler, Love Orphanage (Zoom Only)

Daily Prayer with Reverend Christina Marie Layer (via Zoom)


We come gather together LIVE: to say hello, connect, pray and meditate and simply be together ~ to touch each other in a deep way to remind each other who we are all, to spend this time together and then get back to our earthly lives… from Heaven within.

Bring your prayer(s) to share, or just come to silently participate, there are no requirements or expectations.


Click Here for Noon Prayer Via Zoom


Miss last Sunday's wonderful Service with Rev Christina Marie Layer and Ginger Coyle? Watch it below.

Watch The Service on YouTube

Notes From The CCL Stewardship Council

Thank You For Your Generous Giving and Tithes

Please use the button below.

Thank you CCL!

Donate Via PayPal or Credit Card

Or send your checks to:

Check: PO Box 44, Moorestown, NJ,08057

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch past services, shorts and other special videos

Join our Center for Conscious Living (CCL) Facebook group where you can stay in touch and share your happenings with the CCL community.


16 E. Main St. Moorestown, NJ

(our mailing address is shown below)

Phone: (856) 722-5683

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