Connections: February 7, 2022
Dear Beloved Community at CCSM, 

Blessings as we begin this new week. I was so delighted to see so many of you in the sanctuary yesterday and also to read through the comments on Facebook and YouTube when I got home to know that so many were with us online as well. 

I was truly so moved by yesterday's service. Dr. Mahjabeen Dhala's powerful message of the responsibility we all have for our choices and actions really convicted me to deepen my commitment to justice and service in my own life. If you missed the service, I really encourage you to go back and watch it! There is also gorgeous and moving vocal, organ, and bells music I know you will love and will feed your soul. 

This coming Sunday we continue with our Faith Beyond Boundaries and Borders series with another guest — who is another friend and colleague of mine. Rev. Reverend Keyona Saquile Lazenby is a PhD student and Graduate Theological Union and the founder of Divine She: an interfaith women's ministry. She is spiritually grounded in the Indigenous African Spiritual Teachings of Ifa Isese. Her presence with us will also help us to celebrate Black History Month as a community. 

I hope that this series has already enlarged and enlivened your own faith and spiritual journey as I know it has mine. I look forward to seeing you this coming Sunday either in-person in the sanctuary or having you connect online via Facebook or YouTube. 

Please know we are praying for you and with you and are always delighted to connect!

Be well, 
Join us this Sunday, February 13,
in person and online!

Rev. Keyona Saquile Lazenby

Rev. Keyona Saquile Lazenby is the founder of Divine She: an interfaith women’s ministry that provides services and offerings to help women achieve self-actualization. Currently, she serves in leadership at an agency for women involved in the criminal justice system. As an avid traveler, she believes that cultural exploration is the world’s greatest teacher. She is an ordained Interfaith Minister and a graduate of One Spirit Interfaith Seminary.
Faith Beyond
Barriers, Boundaries, Borders
Feb 13 - Rev. Keyona Saquile Lazenby
Feb 20 - Pastor Álvaro Duran
Feb 27 - Rev. David Vasquez-Levy
Climate Connection #2
by Gary H. White

Aside from carbon dioxide, there is another greenhouse gas which significantly contributes to global warming. That would be methane and it is up to 80 times more heat-trapping than CO2. The IPCC estimates that methane, the atmospheric levels of which have tripled since 1750, is in fact, now responsible for 30% of all global warming worldwide.

Methane comes from multiple sources. It is generated by animal agriculture via manure and livestock emissions. It emanates from landfills by the breakdown of garbage. It comes from leaks in municipal gas lines and gas escaping from oil wells. And it also comes from the use of gas appliances in our homes. According to the EPA, air pollution inside the average gas-based home is up to 5 times higher than outdoor levels.

Methane, marketed as natural gas, that is released in the home does damage other than worsening climate change. It is a cause of numerous health problems for adults and children living in the home. Exposure can result in slurred speech, vision issues, memory loss and even respiratory problems. One study found that children in homes with gas stoves were 42% more likely to have developed asthma.

So, what can be done to address this little-known health hazard in the home? In a word, ELECTRIFY.

  • For one, you can purchase an electric induction stove. The newest models have gotten rave reviews from chefs.

  • You can also, in time, convert the rest of your gas appliances to electric ones. This could include an electric air heater and an electric water heater.

This conversion will not only clean-up the air at home but thanks to mostly renewable electricity now coming into Northern California homes, will lower greenhouse gas emissions as well.

Do you have friends or family looking for a church? One way to introduce them to CCSM could be to share the video above. You could forward them this email, or copy and share this video link:

Also, do you know that if you share a CCSM Sunday service video on Facebook, it makes good use of that network to expand our community? If you have been especially touched by a CCSM Sunday service, please share that video with your Facebook friends!
225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694