Special Interest Group Meetings at the SIRS 2020 Annual Congress in Florence, Italy on 4-8 April 2020
Multicenter collaborations are essential for designing studies with large enough participant numbers to address key unanswered questions in schizophrenia research. Therefore, we would like to offer the space and time at our congress to boost new consortia to develop and meet in person to be open to all SIRS members.

If you have such a consortia or new interest group forming or would like to develop one please submit a topic and description to [email protected] by Friday, 1 November 2019

These gatherings will need to be available to all interested investigators who might wish to join. Once we have the information on each interest group, we will circulate the details to all attendees to give them the opportunity to participate. The Program Chairs and SIRS Officers will be charged with deciding the allocation. 

SIRS is offering space and time for these meetings but cannot be associated with any of its outputs, including manuscripts or grant applications.

Please contact Tricia Sullivan at [email protected] with questions.
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